商学导论 英文版【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- (美)杰弗·马杜拉(Jeff Madura)著 著
- 出版社: 沈阳:东北财经大学出版社
- ISBN:7810442317
- 出版时间:1998
- 标注页数:702页
- 文件大小:246MB
- 文件页数:735页
- 主题词:
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PART I Organization of a Business1
PART I Organization of a Business1
Chapter 1 Planning a Business2
CHAPTER 1 Planning a Business2
Key Participants in a Business4
Summary of Key Participants7
Interaction among Business Functions8
Key Functions of Business8
How Some Business Functions Enhance Decision Making9
Creating a Business Idea10
Examples of Successful Business Ideas10
SMALL BUSINESS SURVEY: Charactarittics of Business Entrsperenears12
Steps for Creating a Business Iden12
Developing the Business Plan13
Management Plan13
Marketing Plan14
Financial Plan15
Summary of a Business Plan16
SPOTLIGHT ON TECHNOLOGY: Business Planning Suftrars16
Assessing a Business Plan17
BUSINESS DILEMMA: Dentaping a New Wa?lth Ch? Business18
Kcy Terms21
Review Questions21
Investing in the Stock of a Business22
Discussion Questins22
Running Your Own Business22
Case 1: Starting a New Business23
Case 2: Organizing a Business23
Video Case: Creating a Successful Business24
The Coca-Cola Company Annual Report Project24
In-Text Study, Guide25
APPENDIX 1 Business Addresses28
CHAPTER 2 Selecting a Form of Business Ownership36
Chapter 2 Selecting a Form of Business Ownership36
Possible Forms of Business Ownership38
Scle Proprietorship38
Comparing Forms of Business Ownership46
SMALL BUSINESS SURVEY: Key Concerns about Business Owership47
Methods of Owning Existing Businesses47
Purchasing an Existing Business47
Assuming Ownership of a Family Business47
SPOTLIGHT ON TECHNOLOGY: Organizing Your Bosiness by Dsing the Intarnet50
Receiving Assistance as a New Business51
How Owners Measure Business Performance51
Return on Investment51
SELF-SCORING EXERCISE: Do You N?ve the M?c?ssary Skills to Swccead in Business?54
CROSS-FUNCTIONAL TEAMWORK: Sources of Risk Aeross Businass Functions55
GLOBAL BUSINESS: O?narship of Forsign Businessat56
BUSINESS DILEMMA: Owdership Decision at College Nsalth Clwb56
Discussion Questions58
Key Terms58
Review Questions58
Running Your Own Business59
Investing in the Stock of a Business59
Case 1: Decidmg the Type of Business Ownership59
Case 2: The Franchising Decision60
Video Case: A Business Ownership Dilemma60
The Coca-Cola Company Annual Report Project61
In-Text Study Guide61
Surfing the Net: What Is the World Wide Web?63
CHAPTER 3 Business Ethics and Social Responsibility66
Chapter 3 Business Ethics and Soeial Responsibility66
Responsibility to Customers68
Responsible Production Practices68
How Firms Ensure Responsibility toward Customers68
Responsible Sales Practices68
How Consumerism Ensures Responsibility toward Custoniers69
How the Government Ensures Responsibility toward Customers69
Responsibility to Emplovees71
Employee Safety71
Proper Treatment by Other Employees71
Equal Oppornmty73
Conflict with Employee Layoffs74
GLOBAL BUSINESS: Global Ethics74
How Firms Ensure Responsibility75
How Stockholders Ensure Responsibility75
Responsibility to Stockholders75
Conther with Excessive Exeeutive Campensation76
Responsibility to Creditors77
Responsibility to the Environment78
Air Pollution78
Land Pollution79
Contlict with Fnvironmerital Responsilhility80
Responsibility to the Community81
Couflict with Vaxinnizing Social Responsibility81
SPOTLIGHT ON TECHNOLOGY: When Does Tough Competitlon Become Unethieal?82
Summary of Business Responsibilities83
SELF-SCORING EXERCISE: Assessing The Ethical Standards of the Firm Where You Work83
SELF-SCORING EXERCISE: Assessing Whether Specific Situations Are Ethieal84
CROSS-FUNCTIONAL TEAMWORK: Ethical Responsibilities Across Businass Functions85
The Cost of Ensuring Social Responsibilities85
Cost of Lawsuits86
BUSINESS DILEMMA: Social Responsibility at College Health Club87
Review Questions89
Key Terms89
Discussion Questions90
Running Your Own Business90
Investing in the Stock of a Business90
Case 1: E-mail and Ethics90
Case 2: Social Responsibilities to Employees91
Video Case: Payback for Social Responsibility91
The Coca-Cola Company Annual Report Project92
In-Text Study Guide92
Surfing the Net: Finding Information About Firms on the Internet94
Summary of Part I99
PART II Business Environment101
PART II Business Environment101
Chapter 4 Economic Environment102
CHAPTER 4 Economic Environment102
Macroeconomic Factors that Affect Business Performance104
Economic Growth104
Interest Rates108
Summary of Macroeconomic Factors that Affect a Firm s Performance109
GLOBAL BUSINESS: Capitalizing on Global Economic Conditions110
How Market Prices Are Determined111
Demand Schedule for the Product111
Supply Schedule for a Product112
Interaction of Demand and Supply112
Effect of a Change in the Demand Schedule113
Effect of a Change in the Supply Schedule114
Effect of Demand and Supply on the General Price Level116
Factors that Influence Market Prices116
Consumer Income116
Consumer Preferences116
Production Expenses117
Government Influence on Economic Conditions117
Monetary Policy117
Fiscal Policy118
SPOTLIGHT ON TECHNOLOGY: Manitoring the Economic Emvirsnmest119
Summary of Government Influence on Economic Factors119
Dilemma of the Federal Government120
CROSS-FUNCTIONAL TEAMWORK: Econ??mic Effects Aerass Busimess Fumctions121
BUSINESS DILEMMA: Ec?nomic Effects on College Nealth Club122
Key Terms124
Review Questions124
Discussion Questions124
Running Your Own Business124
Investing in the Stock of a Business125
Case 1: How Economic Conditions Influence Business Decisions125
Case 2: Supply and Demand for GM Automobiles125
Video Case: Exposure to Weak Economic Conditions126
The Coca-Cola Company Annual Report Project126
In-Text Study Guide126
Surfing the Net: Access to Economic Information on the World Wide Web129
Combining Demand and Supply130
Effect of a Change in the Supply Schedule130
Effect of a Change in the Demand Schedule130
APPENDIX 4 How Interest Rates Are Determined130
How Interest Rates Change130
Demand for Loanable Funds130
Supply for Loanable Funds130
Factors that Can Affect Interest Rates133
Monetary Policy133
Economic Grawth133
Expected Inflation134
Summary of Factors that Affect Intcrest Rates135
Savings Behavior135
CHAPTER 5 Industry Environment136
Chapter 5 Industry Environment136
Industry Characteristics that Influence Business Performance138
Industry Demand138
Industry Competition139
Labor Environment140
Regulatory Environment140
SMALL BUSINESS SURVEY: Are Flms Affectod by Ind?slry Ragulations?141
Summary of Industry Characteristics141
Industry Sources142
Exposure to Industry Conditions143
Firm s Market Share143
Firm s Focus on Its Main Industry144
Competing Within an Industry146
Identify the Competitors147
SPOTLIGHT ON TECHNOLOGY: How Information Techmology Can Cr?ate A Compotitive Mhcantage149
Develop a Competitive Advantage149
CROSS-FUNCTIONAL TEAMWORK: Indnstry Effacts Aeress Buslness Funetions150
GLOBAL BUSINESS: Assessing the Indestry Envirsa??at from a Glohal Parspctim151
BUSINESS DILEMMA: Iadustry Effacts on College Mealth Club151
Key Terms154
Review Questions154
Discussion Questions154
Running Your Own Business154
Investing in the Stock of a Business154
Case 1: Exposure of Software Firms to Industry Conditions155
Case 2: Impact of Industry Conditions on Pharmaceutical Firms155
The Coca-Cola Company Annual Report Project156
Video Case: Exposure to Weak Industry Conditions156
In-Text Study Guide157
Surfing the Net: Access to Industry Information on the World Wide Web159
CHAPTER 6 Global Environment160
Chapter 6 Global Environment160
Why Firms Engage in International Business162
Attract Foreign Demand162
Capitalize on Technology164
Use Inexpensive Resources164
Diversify Internationally164
Combination of Motives164
Foreign Expansion in the U.S.167
Foreign Competition167
How Firms Engage in International Business168
Direct Foreign Investment (DFI)169
Strategic Alliances170
GLOBAL BUSINESS: Nerverbal Comm??ication in Diffarent Cult?res171
Economic System172
How Foreign Characterisics Influence International Business172
Economic Conditions175
SMALL BUSINESS SURVEY: De Small Firms Conduet International Busiuess?177
Exchange Rates177
CROSS-FUNCTIONAL TEAMWORK: Managing Inturnational Busimess Aeress Business Functions178
How Exchange Rate Movements Can Affect Performance179
Impact of a Weak Dollar on U.S. Importers179
SPOTLIGHT ON TECHNOLOGY: Mering Taeh??l?gy Aeress Bardars180
Impact of a Strong Dollar on U.S. Importers180
Actual Effects of Exchange Rate Movements on U.S. Importers181
Impact of a Weak Dollar on U.S. Exporters181
Impact of a Strong Dollar on U.S. Exporters183
Hedging Against Exchange Rate Movements183
How Exchange Rates Affect Foreign Competition184
BUSINESS DILEMMA: Exchange Rate Effects at Callgea Mealth Clab185
Key Terms187
Review Questions187
Discussion Questions188
Running Your Own Business188
Investing in the Stock of a Business188
Case 1: Global Expansion by ABC Records188
Case 2: Exposure to Foreign Competition189
Video Case: Exposure to Global Conditions189
In-Text Study Guide190
The Coca-Cola Company Annual Report Project190
Surfing the Net: International Business on the World Wide Web193
APPENDIX 6 The Forign Exchange Market194
Exchange Rate Quotations194
Factors that Affect Exchange Rate Movements194
Differential Inflation Rates194
Differential Interest Rates196
Covernment Intervention196
Summary of Part II197
PART III Management199
PART III Management199
CHAPTER 7 Fundamentals of Effective Management200
Chapter 7 Fundamentals of Effective Management200
Levels of Management202
Functions of Managers203
CROSS-FUNCTIONAL TEAMWORK: Interaction of functions to Achi?v? the Stratagie Plan208
Integration of Management Functions212
GLOBAL BUSINESS: Leadaership Styles for Global Business214
Managerial Skills215
Conceptual Skills215
Interpersonal Skills215
Technical Skills216
Decision-Making Skills216
How Managers Manage Time217
Summary of Management Skills217
SPOTLIGHT ON TECHNOLOGY: Software to Improve Management218
Set Proper Priorities218
Schedule Long Time intervals for Large Tasks219
Minimize Interruptions219
Set Short-Term Goals219
SMALL BUSINESS SURVEY: Now Managers Run Msslings Effieiently220
Delegate Some Tasks to Employees220
BUSINESS DILEMMA: Planning at Coll?ge Health Club221
Key Terms222
Review Questions223
Discussion Questions223
Running Your Own Busmess223
Investing in the Stock of a Business223
Case 1: Applying Management Skills224
Case 2: Developing a Plan for the Official All-Star Cafe224
The Coca-Cola Company Annual Report Project225
Video Case: How Effective Management Can Be the Key to Success225
In-Text Study Guide226
Surfing the Net: Management Training on the World Wide Web228
CHAPTER 8 Organizational Structure230
Chapter 8 Organizational Structure230
How a Firm s Organizational Structure Achieves its Strategic Plan232
Chain of Command232
Authority of the Board of Directors233
SMALL BUSINESS SURVEY: Who Are the Board Members of Small Firms?234
Monitoring by Institutional Investors235
Span of Control235
Organizational Height235
SELF-SCORING EXERCISE: How Decentralized Is Your Company?237
Line Versus Staff Positions239
Creating a Stri?cture that Allows More Employee Input241
SPOTLIGHT ON TECHNOLOGY: Now Information Systoems Enhance Organizational Stroctures243
Informal Organizational Structure243
Methods of Departmentalizing Tasks244
Departmentalize by Product245
Departmentalize by Function245
Departmentalize by Location246
Departmentalize by Customer246
Departmentalize by Various Characteristics246
CROSS-FUNCTIONAL TEAMWORK: Interaetion Among Departments247
GLOBAL BUSINESS: Drganizational Structure of a Mnltinational Carperation247
BUSINESS DILEMMA: Drganizational Structure of College Nealth Club248
Key Terms250
Review Questions250
Discussion Questions250
Running Your Own Business250
Case 1: Creating An Organizational Structure251
Investing in the Stock of a Business251
Case 2: Restructuring at Apple Computer251
The Coca-Cola Company Annual Report Project252
In-Text Study Guide252
Video Case: Reorganizing to Achieve Business Success252
Surfing the Net: Managing by Telecommuting255
Chapter 9 Production Management256
CHAPTER 9 Production Management256
Resources Used for the Production Process258
Human Resources258
Other Resources259
Combining the Resources for Production259
Factors Affecting the Site Decision260
Selecting a Site260
Evaluating Possible Sites262
GLOBAL BUSINESS: Seleeting a Fereign Pr?duction Site263
Selecting the Design and Layout264
Factors Affecting Design and Layout264
Reducing the Layout Space265
Production Control266
Purchasing Materials267
Inventory Control268
SMALL BUSINESS SURVEY: Why De Frms Outsa?rea Rather Thea Pr??ea Than Produca Seme Pr??ets Thems?hes?268
SPOTLIGHT ON TECHNOLOGY: Agila Mannfact?ring273
Quality Control274
BUSINESS DILEMMA: Production at Cotlage Mealth Club274
Review Questions276
Key Terms276
Running Your Own Business277
Investing in the Stock of a Business277
Case 1: Selecting the Best Plant Site277
Discussion Questions277
Case 2: Improving the Production Process278
Video Case: How Production Can Be a Key to Success278
The Coca-Cola Company Annual Report Project279
In-Text Study Guide279
Surfing the Net: Manufacturing Information on the World Wide Web282
CHAPTER 10 Improving Production Quality and Efficiency284
Chapter 10 lmproving Production Quality and Efficiency284
Improving Production Quality with TQM286
Specify the Desired Quality Level288
Control the Quality Level289
Achieve the Desired Quality Level289
SELF-SCORING EXERCISE: Are You Mighly Satlsfied As a Castemer?291
GLOBAL BUSINESS: Global Quality Standards292
Methods to lmprove Production Efficiency293
Economies of Scale295
SPOTLIGHT ON TECHNOLOGY: Using Intermation Tnchmslegy to ?mprom Prodmet ?ualty299
CROSS-FUNCTIONAL TEAMWORK: Interaetion of Fmmetions Levelrad in Tetal ??alty Menagement301
SMALL BUSINESS DILEMMA: T?tal Quality Management at Collega Neslth Club302
Key Terms304
Review Questions304
Discussion Questions304
Running Your Own Business305
Investing in the Stock of a Business305
Case 1: Using TQM to Assess Employee Quality305
Case 2: Applying TQM to Education305
Video Case: How the Focus on Quality Can Lead to Success306
The Coca-Cola Company Annual Report Project307
In-Text Study Cuide307
Surfing the Net: Quality Information on the World Wide Web308
Summary of Part III310
PART IV Managing Employees311
PART IV Managing Employees311
CHAPTER 11 Motivating Employees312
Chapter 11 Motivating Employees312
Hawthorne Studies314
Maslow s Hierarchy of Needs314
Theories on Motivation314
Herzberg s Job Satisfaction Study316
McGregor s Theory X and Theory Y317
Theory Z318
Expectancy Theory318
Equity Theory319
Reinforcement Theory320
Motivational Guidelines Offered by Theories321
How Firms Can Enhance Job Satisfaction and Motivation322
Adequate Compensation Program322
Job Security324
CROSS-FUNCTIONAL TEAMWORK: Sproading Motivation Aerass Besiness Fanctions325
Elexible Work Schedule325
SPOTLIGHT ON TECHNOLOGY: Using Competars to Motivate Emplayess326
Employee Involvement Programs326
SELF-SCORING EXERCISE: Are You an Empowared Emplayse?327
SMALL BUSINESS SURVEY: Do Emplayess Want Mera Inflnenea in Busimess ??328
Comparison of Methods Used to Enhance Job Satisfaction330
GLOBAL BUSINESS: Metivaling Empleyess Aerass Co?ntries331
BUSINESS DILEMMA: Mativation at College Nealth Club331
Key Terms333
Review Questions333
Discussion Questions334
Running Your Own Business334
Investing in the Stock of a Business334
Case 1: Using Motivation to Enhance Performance334
Case 2: Notivating Young Employees335
Video Case: Motivating Emplovees as a Means of Survival335
The Coca-Cola Company Annual Report Project336
In-Text Study Guide336
Surfing the Net: Employee Ownership Information on the World Wide Web339
CHAPTER 12 Hiring, Training, and Evaluating Employees340
Chapter 12 Hiring、 Training、 and Evaluating Employees340
Human Resource Planning342
Forecasting Employee Needs342
Job Analysis342
Compensation Packages That Firms Offer347
SMALL BUSINESS SURVEY: Do Firms Reward Employees far Customer Satisfaction?348
Profit Sharing349
Emplovee Benefits349
Comparison Across Jobs349
GLOBAL BUSINESS: Compensating Employees Aerass Countries350
Developing Skills of Employees350
Technical Skills350
SMALL BUSINESS SURVEY: How Do CEOs Allocate Their Time Whan Managing Empleyess?351
Decision-Making Skills351
Customer Service Skills351
Safety Skills352
Human Relations Skills352
Evaluation of Employee Performance352
Segmenting the Evahnation into Different Criteria352
SPOTLIGHT ON TECHNOLOGY: Using Computers to Manage and Train Empleyees353
Using a Performance Evaluation Form354
Assigning Weights to the Criteria354
Steps for Proper Performance Evaluation356
Dealing With Lawsuits by Fired Employees357
Action Due to Performance Evaluations357
BUSINESS DILEMMA: Performance Evalmation at Cellage Nealth Club359
Employee Evaluation of Supervisors359
CROSS-FUNCTIONAL TEAMWORK: How Job Responsibilities Acress Businesa Functions Can Complieats Parformance Evaluations359
Discussion Questions361
Review Questions361
Key Terms361
Case 1: Filling Job Positions362
Investing in the Stock of a Business362
Running Your Own Business362
Case 2: Training on the Job362
Video Case: Managing Employees in a Volatile Business363
In-Text Study Guide364
The Coca-Cola Company Annual Report Project364
APPENDIX 12 Labor Unions367
Background on Unions367
History of Union Activities367
Surfing the Net: Information on Human Resource Management368
Trends in Union Popularity368
Negotiations between Unions and Management368
SELF-SCORING EXERCISE: The Frazzle Facter369
Job Security369
Management Rights370
Grievance Procedures370
Conflicts between Unions and Management370
Management s Criticism of Unions372
How Firms Reduce the Employee s Desire for a Union372
Summary of Part IV374
PART V Marketing375
PART V Marketing375
Chapter 13 Product and Pricing Strategies376
CHAPTER 13 Product and Pricing Strategies376
Background on Products378
Product Line379
Product Mix380
Identifying a Target Market380
Factors That Affect the Size of a Target Market381
GLOBAL BUSINESS: Targating Farelgn Ca?tries383
Creating New Products383
Use of Marketing Research to Greate New Products384
Use of Research and Development to Create Products384
SMALL BUSINESS SURVEY: What Are the Kays to Crazting Successful Preducta?385
Steps Necessary to Create a New Product386
CROSS-FUNCTIONAL TEAMWORK: Interaction Among Prodaet Dacisines and ?388
Product Differentiation389
Unique Design389
Unique Packaging390
Unique Branding390
Summary of Methods to Differentiate Products392
Produet Life Cycle392
Pricing Strategies393
Pricing According to the Cost of Production394
Pricing According to the Supply of Inventory394
Pricing According to Competitors Prices394
SPOTLIGHT ON TECHNOLOGY: Prieing Laformation-Based Preducts395
Example of Setting A Product s Price396
Break-Even Point397
Additional Pricing Decisions398
Sales Prices399
Gredit Terms399
BUSINESS DILEMMA: Product Differantiation at Collage Nealth Club400
Key Terms402
Review Questions403
Disussion Questions403
Running Your Own Business403
Investing in the Stock of a Business404
Case 1: Marketing T-Shirts404
Case 2: Marketing for“Big Bertha” Golf Clubs404
Video Case: Developing a New Product405
The Coca-Cola Company Annual Report Project405
In-Text Study Guide406
Surfing the Net: Price Information on the World Wide Web408
Chapter 14 Distribution Strategies410
CHAPTER 14 Distribution Strategies410
Channels of Distribution412
Direct Channel412
One-Level Channel413
Two-Level Channel414
Summary of Distribution Systems414
Factors That Determine the Optimal Channel of Distribution415
Seiecting the Degree of Market Coverage415
Selective Distribution416
Exclusive Distribution416
Intensive Distribution416
SMALL BUSINESS SURVEY: Are Catalegs Using International Distribntion?417
Selecting the Optimal Type of Market Coverage417
Selecting the Transportation Used to Distribute Products418
Additional Transportation Decisions419
How to Accelerate the Distribution Process420
Streamline the Channels of Distribution420
Integrate the Production and Distribution Processes421
Background on Retailers422
Number of Outlets422
CROSS-FUNCTIONAL TEAMWORK: Interaction betwoon Distribution Decisions and Other Business Decisions423
Quality of Service423
Variety of Products Offered423
Store versus Nonstore424
Background on Wholesalers425
How Wholesalers Serve Manufacturers425
How Wholesalers Serve Retailers425
Vertical Channel Integration426
Vertical Channel Integration by Manufacturers426
Vertical Channel Integration by Retailers427
GLOBAL BUSINESS: Global Distribotion428
SPOTLIGHT ON TECHNOLOGY: Using Techm?logy to lmpreve Distribation428
BUSINESS DILEMMA: Ratailing Decision at College Health Club429
Key Terms431
Review Questions431
Discussion Questions431
Running Your Own Business432
Investing in the Stock of a Business432
Case 1: Distribution of Comic Books432
Case 2: Distribution Decisions by Transtar433
Video Case: Using Distribution to Achieve Success433
The Coca-Cola Company Annual Report Project434
In-Text Study Guide434
Surfing the Net: Distribution Information on the World Wide Web436
Ghapter 15 Promotion Strategies438
CHAPTER 15 Promotion Strategies438
Background on Promotion440
Promotion Mix440
Reasons for Advertising443
Forms of Advertising443
SPOTLIGHT ON TECHNOLOGY: Electromic Shopping Offered by Firms444
Summary of Forms of Advertising447
Personal Selling447
Identify the Target Market448
Contact Potential Customers448
Make Sales Presentation448
Answer Questions449
Close the Sale449
Follow Up449
SMALL BUSINESS SURVEY: What Skills Are N?oded to Ba Successful in Salas?450
Sales Promotion450
Summary of Sales Promotion Strategies452
GLOBAL BUSINESS: Promoting Products Across Comntries452
Public Relations453
Special Events454
News Releases454
Press Conferences454
Determining the Optimal Promotion Mix455
Target Market455
Promotion Budget456
Managing Salespeople458
Evaluating the Effects of Promotion458
CROSS-FUNCTIONAL TEAMWORK: Interaction betw??n Pronotion Decisiems and Other Business Decisions459
BUSINESS DILEMMA: Promotlon Strategy at Collage Nealth Club459
Key Terms461
Review Questions461
Discussion Questions461
Running Your Own Business462
Investing in the Stock of a Business462
Case 1: Miller Beer s New Promotion Strategy462
Case 2: Using Michael Jordan to Promote Nike Shoes462
Video Case: How Promotion Saved a Business463
The Coca-Cola Company Annual Report Project463
In-Text Study Guide464
Surfing the Net: Promotions on the World Wide Web466
Summary of Part V467
PART VI Financial Management469
PART VI Financial Management469
Chapter 16 Accounting and Financial Management470
CHAPTER 16 Accounting and Financial Analysis470
How Firms Use Accounting472
Decision Support473
Interpreting Financial Statements473
Income Statement474
Balance Sheet475
Ratio Analysis476
Measures of Liquidity477
Measures of Efficiency478
Measures of Financial Leverage479
Measures of Profitability480
SPOTLIGHT ON TECHNOLOGY: Databsse Acceunting Systems481
Comparison of Ratios with Those of Other Firms482
Limitations of Ratio Analysis485
Sources of Information for Ratio Analysis485
GLOBAL BUSINESS: Effect of Exehange hate Mersments of Earmings485
BUSINESS DILEMMA: Financial Analysis of College Health Club486
Review Questions488
Discussion Questions488
Key Terms488
Running Your Own Business489
Investing in the Stock of a Business489
Case 1: Using an Accounting System489
Case 2: Achieving Internal Control489
Video Case: Responding to Problems Detected by Financial Analysis490
The Coca-Cola Company Annual Report Project490
In-Text Study Guide491
Surfing the Net: Accounting Information on the Internet493
Chapter 17 Financing494
CHAPTER 17 Financing494
Methods of Debt Financing496
Borrowing from Financial Institutions496
Issumg Bonds499
Issuing Commerical Paper501
Impact of the Debt Financing Level on Interest Expenses501
Common Greditors that Provide Debt Financing501
Methods of Equity Financing502
Retaining Earnings502
Issuing Stock502
SPOTLIGHT ON TECHNOLOGY: Using the Internet for Stock Offerings504
Comparison of Equity Financing with Debt Financing505
How Firms Issue Securities506
Other Methods of Obtaining Funds507
Financing from Suppliers507
Deciding the Capital Structure508
Revising the Capital Structure509
How the Capital Structure Affects the Return on Equity510
SMALL BUSINESS SURVEY: Finaneing Cboiees of Small Firms511
GLOBAL BUSINESS: Global Financing512
Dividend Policy513
Factors that Affect a Firm s Dividend Policy513
CROSS-FUNCTIONAL TEAMWORK: Interaction between Finaneing Deci?ons and Other Business Decisions514
BUSINESS DILEMMA: Finaneing at Cellage Health Club514
Key Terms516
Review Questions516
Discussion Questions517
Running Your Own Business517
Investing in the Stock of a Business517
Case 1: Financing a New Business517
Case 2: The IPO Decision518
Video Case: Determining the Proper Amount of Equity518
The Coca-Cola Company Annual Report Project519
In-Text Study Guide519
Surfing the Net: Financing Information on the Internet521
Chapter 18 Business Investment522
CHAPTER 18 Business Investment522
Investment Decisions524
How Interest Rates Affect Investment Decisions526
Capital Budget526
Classification of Capital Expenditures527
Summary of Capital Budgeting Tasks528
Capital Budgeting Tasks528
Capital Budgeting Analysis530
Background on Present Value530
SPOTLIGHT ON TECHNOLOGY: Texas Instrumonts Assessment of Prepesed Capital Erpondit?res534
GLOBAL BUSINESS: Global Investing534
CROSS-FUNCTIONAL TEAMWORK: Cross-Funclional Relationships Invelved in Basiness Investment Decisions536
Corporate Motives for Mergers536
Leveraged Buyouts538
Short-Term Investment Decisions539
Liquidity Management540
SMALL BUSINESS SURVEY: Investment Decisions by Small Businesses541
Accounts Receivable Management541
Inventory Management542
BUSINESS DILEMMA: Capital Budgeting at College Health Club542
Key Terms544
Review Questions544
Discussion Questions544
Running Your Own Business545
Investing in the Stock of a Business545
Case 1: Benefits of an Acquisition545
Case 2: Ford s Merger Decision545
Video Case: How Business Investment Decisions Determine Success546
The Coca-Cola Company Annual Report Project546
In-Text Study Guide547
Surfing the Net: Investment Information on the Internet549
APPENDIX 18 The Merger Process550
Merger Analysis550
Identify Potential Merger Prspects550
Evaluate Potential Merger Proospects550
Make the Merger Decision550
Merger Procedures551
Financing the Merger551
Tender Offer551
Integrating the Businesses551
Postmerger Evaluation552
Defense Against Takeover Attempts553
Summary of Part VI554
PART VII Special Topics555
PART VII Special Topics555
Chapter 19 Management Information Systems556
CHAPTER 19 Management Information Systems556
What is a Computer?558
Computer Hardware558
Computer Software560
What Are Computers Used For?560
Computational Models560
Internal Information Systems562
Data Processing Systems562
End User Productivity Tools563
Interorganizational Systems563
Managing Today s Information Technologies565
Managing the Firm s Information System Architecture566
Acquiring Software568
Managing the Development of Information Systems570
Managing the Implementation of Information Systems571
Mananging the Security of Information Systems572
SPOTLIGHT ON TECHNOLOGY: Tbe Futmre of the Internet574
Emerging Technologies and Their Implications575
The Worldwide Network575
Truly Intelligent Systems576
BUSINESS DILEMMA: Infermation Systems at College Nealth Club577
Key Terms579
Review Questions579
Discussion Questions579
Running Your Own Business580
Investing in the Stock of a Business580
Case 1: Applying Information Systems in Business580
Case 2: Will Computers Replace Good Managers?580
Video Case: Reliance on Computers for Success581
The Coca-Cola Company Annual Report Project581
In-Text Study Guide582
Surfing the Net: Internet Resources on the World Wide Web584
Chapter 20 Risk Management586
CHAPTER 20 Risk Management586
Tasks Involved in Managing Risk588
Identifying Exposure to Risk588
Protecting against Risk588
Exposure to the Economic Environment590
Exposure to Industry Conditions590
Exposure to Economic Conditions590
Exposure to Global Conditions591
GLOBAL BUSINESS: Risk of Coodvcting Business in Lass-Devsleped Countries591
Summary of Exposure to Economic Environment592
Hedging Risk from Economic Conditions593
Limited Funding594
Reliance on One Product594
Reliance on One Customer594
Exposure to Firm-Specific Characteristics594
Reliance on One Supplier595
Reliance on a Key Employee595
Exposure to Property Losses596
Exposure to Liability Losses597
Exposure to Employee Compensation Claims597
SMALL BUSINESS SURVEY: What is the Cost of Empley?? Injuries?598
Summary of Exposure to Firm-Specific Characteristics599
Exposure to Lawsuits600
How the Threat of Lawsuits Can Affect Business Strategies601
SPOTLIGHT ON TECHNOLOGY: Potontial Liability From Using Information Technelegy602
Concern about Arbitrary Judgements602
Conclusion for Risk Managers603
Remedies for Business Failures603
Private Liquidation604
Formal Remedies604
BUSINESS DILEMMA: Mzazging Risk at Collage Health Club605
Key Terms606
Review Questions606
Discussion Questions607
Running Your Own Business607
Investing in the Stock of a Business607
Case 1: Selecting the Proper Insurance Coverage for a Business607
Case 2: The Decision to Insure a Business608
Video Case: Protecting Against Properly Damage608
The Coca-Cola Company Annual Report Project609
In-Text Study Guide609
Surfing the Net: Risk Management Information on the World Wide Web611
Chapter 21 Synthesis of Business Functions612
CHAPTER 21 Synthesis of Business Functions612
Valuation of a Business614
How Business Decisions Affect the Firm s Value614
Management Decisions614
Marketing Decisions617
SMALL BUSINESS SURVEY: What Are the Majer Concerns of Small B?siness?619
Finance Dccisions619
Summary of Business Strategies620
Relationship between Organizational Structure and Production621
Relationship between Pricing and Production Strategies621
Relationship between Pricing and Distribution Strategies621
Relationships among Business Strategies621
Relationship between Pricing and Promotion Strategies621
Relationship between Pricing and Financing Strategies621
GLOBAL BUSINESS: Intagrating Business Functiens on a Glehal Basis622
SPOTLIGHT ON TECHNOLOGY: Software that Integrates Business Activities623
Summary of Relationships Among Business Strategies623
Business Strategies Implemented by IBM625
Mission and Strategir Plan of IBM625
IBM s Social Responsibilities625
IBM s Assessment of Its Industry625
IBM s Management Strategies626
IBM s Penetration in Foreign Markets626
IBM s Marketing Strategies627
IBM s Finance Strategies628
Conchusion about IBM s Strategies629
BUSINESS DILEMMA: Integrating Business Daeision? at Collegs Nealth Club630
Review Questions633
Discussion Questions633
Running Your Own Business633
Investing in the Stock of a Business633
Case 1: Integrated Decisions at Chrysler634
Case 2: Impact of Marketing Policies on Other Business Decisions634
Video Case: Integrated Solutions to a Firm s Problems635
In-Text Study Guide636
The Coca-Cola Company Annual Report Project636
Surfing the Net: Directory of Business Information on the World Wide Web638
APPENDIX A How to Invest in Stocks639
How the Firm s Stock Price and Value are Related639
Appendix A How to Invest in Stocks639
Understanding Stock Quotations639
Fifty-Two-Week Price Range640
Price-Earnings Ratio641
Stock Index Quotations642
Measuring the Return on Stocks642
Previous Day s Price Quotations642
Return-Risk Trade-Off for Small Stocks643
Economic Effects644
Factors that Influence Stock Price Movements644
Market Effects645
Industry Effects645
Characteristics of the Firm645
How Stock Prices Respond to New Information646
Identifying Undervalued Firms646
Stock Market Efficiency647
SELF-SCORING EXERCISE: New Much Risk Can You Take?648
Stock Transactions649
Market Orders Versus Limit Oredrs649
Types of Brokers650
Commissions on Stock Transactions650
Purchasing Stocks on Margin650
Stock Exchanges650
Over-the Counter Market651
Regulation of Stock Exchanges651
Investing in Foreign Stocks651
Investing in Mutual Funds651
Types of Mutual Funds652
Load versus No-Load Mutual Funds652
Investing in the Stock of a Business653
The Coca-Cola Company Annual Report Project653
Key Terms653
Surfing the Net: Stock Exchanges on the Internet654
Choosing a Career657
Type of Job657
APPENDIX B Careers657
Size of Company657
Appendix B Careers657
Career Versus Additional Degree660
Pursuing a Career and Degree660
Pursuing a Career661
Choosing a College661
Applying for a Position661
Creating a Resume662
SELF-SCORING EXERCISE: Cbeckllst for Building or Evaleating Your Rasume665
Planning a Career Path666
Where the Jobs Are666
Survey of Knowledge and Abilities Needed666
Working for a Firm Versus Owning a Firm667
Surfing the Net: Career Services on the World Wide Web669
SELF-SCORING EXERCISE: The Studaut Conter Career Dectar670
APPENDIX C Answers to In-Text Study Guide671
Appendix C Answers to In-Text Study Guide671
How Firms Ensure Responsibility toward Employees774
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