
Applied Microsoft .NET Framework Programming【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

Applied Microsoft .NET Framework Programming
  • Jefrey Richter 著
  • 出版社: 机械工业出版社
  • ISBN:7111112725
  • 出版时间:2003
  • 标注页数:592页
  • 文件大小:59MB
  • 文件页数:623页
  • 主题词:


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Part Ⅰ Basics f the Microsoft.NET Framework3

1 The Architecture of the.NET Framework Development Platform3

Compiling Source Code into Managed Modules3

Combining Managed Modules into Assemblies7

Loading the Common Language Runtime9

Executing Your Assembly’s Code11

IL and Verification19

The.NET Framework Class Library21

The Common Type System24

The Common Language Specification27

Interoperability with Unmanaged Code31

2 Building,Packaging,Deploying,and Administering35

Applications and Types35

.NET Framework Deployment Goals36

Building Types into a Module37

Combining Modules to Form an Assembly45

Adding Assemblies to a Project Using the Visual Studio.NET IDE52

Using the Assembly Linker53

Including Resource Files in the Assembly55

Assembly Version Resource Information56

Version Numbers59


Simple Application Deployment(Privately Deployed Assemblies)63

Simple Administrative Control(Configuration)64

3 Shared Assemblies71

Two Kinds of Assemblies,Two Kinds of Deployment72

Giving an Assembly a Strong Name73

The Global Assembly Cache79

The Internal Structure of the GAC85

Building an Assembly That References a Strongly Named Assembly87

Strongly Named Assemblies Are Tamper-Resistant89

Delayed Signing90

Privately Deploying Strongly Named Assemblies95

Side-by-Side Execution96

How the Runtime Resolves Type References98

Advanced Administrative Control(Configuration)101

Publisher Policy Control106

Repairing a Faulty Application109

Part Ⅱ i Working with Types and the Common Language Runtime115

4 Type Fundamentals115

All Types Are Derived from System.Object115

Casting Between Types117

Casting with the C# i s and as Operators119

Namespaces and Assemblies121

5 Primitive,Reference,and Value Types127

Programming Language Primitive Types127

Checked and Unchecked Primitive Type Operations131

Reference Types and Values Types134

Boxing and Unboxing Value Types141

6 Common Object Operations153

Object Equality and Identity153

Implementing Equals for a Reference Type Whose Base Classes Don’t Override Object’s Equals154

Implementing Equals for a Reference Type When One or More of Its Base Classes Overrides Obj ect’s Equals156

Implementing Equal s for a Value Type157

Summary of Implementing Equals and the==/!=Operators160


Object Hash Codes162

Object Cloning164

Part Ⅲ Designing Types169

7 Type Members and Their Accessibility169

Type Members169

Accessibility Modifiers and Predefined Attributes173

Type Predefined Attributes174

Field Predefined Attributes175

Method Predefined Attributes175

8 Constants and Fields177



9 Methods181

Instance Constructors181

Type Constructors187

Operator Overload Methods190

Operators and Programming Language Interoperability193

Conversion Operator Methods197

Passing Parameters by Reference to a Method200

Passing a Variable Number of Parameters to a Method206

How Virtual Methods Are Called209

Virtual Method Versioning210

10 Properties215

Parameterless Properties215

Parameterful Properties220

11 Events227

Designing a Type That Exposes an Event228

Designing a Type That Listens for an Event234

Explicitly Controlling Event Registration236

Designing a Type That Defines Lots of Events238

Designing the EventHandl erSet Type243

Part Ⅳ Essential Types249

12 Working with Text249


The System.String Type253

Constructing Strings253

Strings Are Immutable255

Comparing Strings256

String Interning262

String Pooling266

Examining a String’s Characters266

Other String Operations270

Dynamically Constructing a String Efficiently270

Constructing a Stri ngBui 1 der Object271

Stri ngBui 1 der’s Members272

Obtaining a String Representation for an Object275

Specific Formats and Cultures276

Formatting Multiple Objects into a Single String280

Providing Your Own Custom Formatter282

Parsing a String to Obtain an Object285

Encodings:Converting Between Characters and Bytes289

Encoding/Decoding Streams of Characters and Bytes296

Base-64 String Encoding and Decoding298

13 Enumerated Types and Bit Flags299

Enumerated Types299

Bit Flags305

14 Arrays309

All Arrays Are Implicitly Derived from System.Array312

Casting Arrays315

Passing and Returning Arrays316

Creating Arrays That Have a Nonzero Lower Bound318

Fast Array Access319

Redimensioning an Array323

15 Interfaces325

Interfaces and Inheritance325

Designing an Application That Supports Plug-In Components331

Changing Fields in a Boxed Value Type Using Interfaces333

Implementing Multiple Interfaces That Have the Same Method336

Explicit Interface Member Implementations338

16 Custom Attributes345

Using Custom Attributes345

Defining Your Own Attribute349

Attribute Constructor and Field/Property Data Types353

Detecting the Use of a Custom Attribute354

Matching Two Attribute Instances Against Each Other359

Pseudo-Custom Attributes362

17 Delegates365

A First Look at Delegates365

Using Delegates to Call Back Static Methods368

Using Delegates to Call Back Instance Methods370

Demystifying Delegates371

Some Delegate History:System.Del egate and System.Mul ti castDel egate375

Comparing Delegates for Equality377

Delegate Chains377

C#’s Support for Delegate Chains383

Having More Control over Invoking a Delegate Chain384

Delegates and Reflection386

Part Ⅴ Managing Types393

18 Exceptions393

The Evolution of Exception Handling394

The Mechanics of Exception Handling396

The try Block397

The catch Block398

The finally Block400

What Exactly Is an Exception?401

The System.Exception Class406

FCL-Defined Exception Classes408

Defining Your Own Exception Class411

How to Use Exceptions Properly416

You Can’t Have Too Many finally Blocks416

Don’t Catch Everything418

Gracefully Recovering from an Exception419

Backing Out of a Partially Completed Operation When an Unrecoverable Exception Occurs420

Hiding an Implementation Detail421

What’s Wrong with the FCL424

Performance Considerations426

Catch Filters429

Unhandled Exceptions432

Controlling What the CLR Does When an Unhandled Exception Occurs437

Unhandled Exceptions and Windows Forms439

Unhandled Exceptions and ASP. NET Web Forms440

Unhandled Exceptions and ASP. NET XML Web Services441

Exception Stack Traces441

Remoting Stack Traces444

Debugging Exceptions445

Telling Visual Studio What Kind of Code to Debug448

19 Automatic Memory Management(Garbage Collection)451

Understanding the Basics of Working in a Garbage-Collected Platform451

The Garbage Collection Algorithm455


What Causes Finalize Methods to Get Called467

Finalization Internals468

The Dispose Pattern:Forcing an Object to Clean Up471

Using a Type That Implements the Dispose Pattern477

C#’s using Statement482

An Interesting Dependency Issue484

Weak References485

Weak Reference Internals487


Designing an Object Pool Using Resurrection491


Programmatic Control of the Garbage Collector499

Other Garbage Collector Performance Issues501

Synchronization-Free Allocations503

Scalable Parallel Collections503

Concurrent Collections504

Large Objects505

Monitoring Garbage Collections506

20 CLR Hosting,AppDomains,and Reflection507

Metadata:The Cornerstone of the.NET Framework507

CLR Hosting508


Accessing Objects Across AppDomain Boundaries513

AppDomain Events515

Applications and How They Host the CLR and Manage AppDomains516


The Gist of Reflection518

Reflecting Over an Assembly’s Types520

Reflecting Over an AppDomain’s Assemblies523

Reflecting Over a Type’s Members:Binding523

Explicitly Loading Assemblies525

Loading Assemblies as “Data Files”527

Building a Hierarchy of Exception-Derived Types529

Explicitly Unloading Assemblies:Unloading an AppDomain532

Obtaining a Reference to a System.Type Object534

Reflecting Over a Type’s Members538

Creating an Instance of a Type541

Calling a Type’s Method543

Bind Once,Invoke Multiple Times548

Reflecting Over a Type’s Interfaces553

Reflection Performance555

