
- 张文贤主编 著
- 出版社: 上海:复旦大学出版社
- ISBN:7309024478
- 出版时间:2000
- 标注页数:658页
- 文件大小:58MB
- 文件页数:700页
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国际关系 International Relations1
国际关系准则 Norms of International Relations2
和平共处五项原则 Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence2
独立自主原则 Principle of Independence3
民族自决原则 Principle of Peoples to Self-determination4
和平与发展 Peace and Development4
南南合作 South-south Coopertation5
南北关系 North-south Relation5
不结盟运动 Non-aligned Movement6
国际竞争 International Competition7
国际合作 International Cooperation7
国际冲突 International Conflict8
国际危机 International Crisis8
国际战略 International Strategy9
均势战略 Strategy of Balance of Power9
地缘政治 Geopolitics10
强权政治 Power Politics10
集体安全 Collective Security11
军备控制 Arms Control12
军备竞赛 Arms Race12
国际制裁 International Sanctions13
国际人权保护 International Protection of Human Rights13
国际环境保护 International Environmental Protection14
国际恐怖主义 International Terrorism14
世界难民问题 Problem of Refugees in the World15
外交 Diplomacy16
联合国维持和平行动 United Nations Peace-keeping Action16
外交关系 Diplomatic Relations17
外交政策 Diplomatic Policies17
外交代表 Diplomatic Representative18
外交特权与豁免 Diplomatic Privileges and Immunities18
大使、公使和代办 Ambassador,Minister and Charges d Affaires19
参赞、秘书和随员 Counsellor,Secretaty and Attaché19
武官 Military Attaché20
特使 Special Envoy20
领事 Consul20
国书 Letter of Credence21
承认 Recognition21
照会 Note22
条约 Treaty22
白皮书 White Paper23
最后通牒 Ultimatum23
国籍 Nationality23
护照 Passport23
签证 Visa24
难民 Refugee24
庇护 Asylum25
驱逐出境 Deportation25
引渡 Extradition26
国际争端 International Disputes26
谈判与协商 Negotiation and Consultation27
斡旋与调停 Good Offices and Mediation27
调查与和解 Investigation and Conciliation28
国际仲裁 International Arbitration29
国际法院 International Court of Justice29
无条件投降 Unconditional Surrender30
媾和 Conclusion of Peace30
停战与停火 Armistice and Cease-fire30
战争犯罪 War Crime31
公共秩序 Public Order31
识别 Qualification,Classification,Characterization32
反致 Remission32
对仲裁员的异议 Challenge to Arbitrators32
国际仲裁员资格 Professional Qualifications of International Arbitrators33
仲裁庭的组成人数 Number of Arbitrators33
仲裁员的管辖权 Jurisdiction of Arbitrators34
仲裁员的指定 Appointment of Arbitrators34
对仲裁员的授权 Conferment of the Powers on Arbitrators35
仲裁员的义务 Duties of Arbitrators35
仲裁协议的效力 Effects of the Arbitration Agreement36
仲裁协议的内容 Contents of the Arbitration Agreement36
仲裁中的专家证据 Expert Evidence in Arbitration37
仲裁申诉 Claims in Arbitration37
仲裁徐辩和反诉 Defence and Counterclaim in Arbitration38
仲裁的预备会议 Preliminary Meeting in Arbitration38
仲裁过程中的法院干预 Court Intervention during the Proceeding39
仲裁中的临时保全措施 Interim Measures of Protection in Arbitration39
仲裁中的证人证言 Testmony of Witness in Arbitration40
仲裁中的文件提供 Production of Documents in Arbitration40
仲裁协议 Arbitration Agreement41
仲裁协议的有效性 Validity of the Arbitration Agreement41
仲裁条款自治 Arbitration Clause Autonomy42
仲裁协议的准据法 Law Applicable to Arbitration Agreement42
仲裁协议的执行和放弃 Enforcement and Waiver of the Arbitration Agreement43
仲裁调解 Conciliation Connected with Arbitration43
临时仲裁机构 Ad Hoc Arbitration Agency44
常设仲裁机构 Permanent Arbitration Agency44
仲裁法 Lex Arbitri45
适用于仲裁实体问题的法律 Law Applicable to the Substantive Issue of Arbitration45
国际法在仲裁中的运用 Application of International Law in Arbitration46
贸易惯例在仲裁中的运用 Application of the Usages of Trade in Arbitration46
友好仲裁 Amiable Composition47
临时裁决和最后裁决 Interim Award and Final Award47
缺席裁决和协议裁决 Default Award and Consent Award48
仲裁裁决的作出 Issuing of the Award48
对仲裁裁决的异议 Challenge of Award49
裁决的形式和内容 Form and Contents of the Award49
裁决的国籍 Nationalities of Award50
承认和执行外国仲裁裁决的程序 Proceedings of Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Award50
申请执行外国仲裁裁决的条件 Conditions of Applying Enforcement of Foreign Award51
拒绝承认和执行外国仲裁裁决的理由 Grounds for Refusing Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Award51
财政职能 Financial Function52
政府职能划分 Division of Government Function53
财政政策 Financial Policy53
公共产品 Public Goods53
预算赤字 Budget Deficit54
预算年度 Budget Year54
预算程序 Budget Procedure54
复式预算 Multiple Budget55
国库券 Treasury Bill55
偿债基金 Debt Service Fund55
外债清偿比率 Debt Service Ratio55
公债偿还方式 Method of Government Securities Refundment56
公债发行方式 Method of Government Securities Issue56
流转税制 Turn-over Tax System57
公债转让 Transfer of Government Securities57
公债期限 Term Structure Of Government Securities57
关税 Customs Duty58
所得税制 Income Tax System58
公司所得税 Corporat Income Tax59
个人所得税 Personal Income Tax59
财产税制 Property Tax System60
遗产税 Inheritance Tax60
社会保险税 Social Security Contribution60
税收稽征 Tax Collection61
税务管理机构 Tax Administration Agency61
税收处罚 Tax Punishment62
税收代理业 Tax Agency62
反避税措施 Anti-tax Avoidance Measures62
转让定价的税务调整 Tax Adjustment on Transfer Pricing63
约束居民(公民)税收管辖权的国际规范 The International Binding Model Norms for Resident(Citizen)Tax-jurisdiction63
约束地域管辖权的国际规范 The International Binding Model Norms for Area Tax-jurisdiction64
税收饶让抵免 Tax Sparing Credit65
税收无差别待遇 Tax Non-discrimination Treatment65
税收抵免 Tax Credit65
国际税收协定的签订程序 The Signing Procedure of International Tax Convention66
海上保险 Marine Insurance66
人身保险 Personal Insurance67
海洋运输货物保险 Ocean Marine Transportation Cargo Insurance67
船舶保险 Hull Insurance67
保赔保险 Protection and Indemnity Insurance68
海上石油开发保险 Offshore Oil Exploration Developmint Insurance68
责任保险 Liability Insurance69
财产保险 Property Insurance69
陆上运输货物保险 Overland Transportation Cargo Insurance70
航空运输货物保险 Air Transportation Cargo Insurance70
邮包保险 Parcel Post Insurance71
保险合同原则 Insurance Contract Principle71
保障风险 Ensure Risks72
保障损失 Ensure Loss72
保险险别 Insurance Differential73
保险金额 Insurance Sum of Money74
保险单种类 Policy Variety74
利润损失保险 Loss of Profit Insurance75
机器损坏保险 Machinery Breakdown Insurance75
产品责任保险 Products Liability Insurance76
雇主责任保险 Employer s Liability Insurance76
公众责任保险 Prblic Liability Insurance77
保证保险 Warranty Insurance77
全同保证保险 Contract Insurance77
忠实保证保险 Fidelity Bond78
商业信用保证保险 Business Credit Bond78
投资保险 Investment Insurance79
出口信用保险 Export Credit Insurance79
旅客人身意外保险 Passenger s Accident Insurance80
再保险 Reinsurance80
世界保险市场 World Insurance Market81
国际保险市场的种类 Variety International Insutance Market81
国际保险市场上对资金管理与使用 Maragement and Uses of Capital in the International Insurance Market82
存款保险 Deposit Insurance83
外汇平准基金 Foreign Exchange Stabilization Fund83
国际储备适宜度 International Reserve Optimum84
汇兑业务 Remittance84
支票结算 Check Settlement85
票据清算 Bills Clearing85
银行汇票 Bank Draft86
转账结算 Transfer Accounts Settlement86
财务公司 Finance Company87
贷款风险管理 Loan Risk Management87
国际结算方式 International Settlement Arrangement88
国际商业贷款 International Business Loan88
国际收支调节 Balance of Payments Adjustment89
银团贷款 Syndicate Loan89
外汇风险防范 Foreign Exchange Risk Prevention90
出口信贷 Export Credit90
外汇套期保值 Foreign Exchange Hedging91
外汇市场干预 Foreign Exchange Market Intervention91
离岸金融市场 Offshore Finance Market92
国际融资租赁 International Finance Lease92
国际金融市场 International Finance Market92
商业银行 Commercial Bank93
信用卡 Credit Card93
外汇管理 Foreign Exchange Control94
国际银团贷款 International Syndicated Loan94
外汇掉期交易 Swap Transaction95
外汇期权交易 Foreign Exchange Option Transaction95
信托贷款 Trust Loan96
货币市场 Money Market96
资本市场 Capital Market97
黄金市场 Gold Market98
外汇市场 Exchange Marker98
期货 Futures99
期货交易 Futures Trade99
套期 Hedging100
期货合约 Futures Contract100
期货市场 Futures Market100
期权 Option101
期货交易的一般规则 General Regulations of Futures Trade101
期货经纪人的制度管理 Administration for Futures Brokers102
机构投资 Institutional Investment102
反欺诈原则 Anti-deception Principle103
信用交易管理规则 Credit Transaction Regulation103
反内幕交易原则 Anti-insider-dealing Principle104
禁止操纵原则 Rigging Prohibition Principle104
上市公司处罚制度 Listed Company Punishment Systen105
税收惯例 Taxation Custom105
证券评级制度 System of Rating Securities106
场外交易 Over-the-Counter Trading106
证券商与经纪人制度 System of Dealers and Brokers107
限制外国投资的原则 Rules of Restraining Foreign Investment107
证券指数期货 Stock Index Futures108
有价证券投资 Investment in Securities108
共同基金 Mutual Fund108
流动性管理 Liquidity Management109
清算惯例 Cleaning Agreement109
风险权数 Risk Weights110
核心资本 Core Capital110
资本适宜度 Capital Adequacy111
金融创新 Financial Innovation111
法定存款准备金 Legal Deposit Reserve111
附属资本 Affiliated Capital112
银行投资业务 Bank Investment Activity112
贷款承诺 Loan Commitment113
有限追索权项目贷款 Project Loan with Limited Recourse113
资产负债比例 The Ratio of Capital to Debt114
船舶抵押融资 Loan on Mortgage of Ship114
再贴现贷款 Re-discount Loan115
国际融资担保规则 The Rule of Assurance in International Finance115
主权豁免 Sovereignty116
金融租赁 Finance Leasing116
信用评估 Credit Valuation116
同业拆借 Inter Bank Loan117
对外开放度 Rate of Opening to the Outside117
关税壁垒 Tariff Barriers118
贸易条件 Terms of Trade118
非关税壁垒 Non-tariff Barriers119
关税与贸易总协定 Genersl Agreement on Tariffs and Trade119
世界贸易组织 World Trade Organization,(WTO)120
最惠国待遇 Most-favored Nation Treatment121
国民待遇 National Treatment122
商品倾销 Dumping123
外汇倾销 Exchange Dumping123
限制性商业惯例 Restrictive Business Practices(RBP)124
超给301条款 Super 301 Clause124
特殊301条款 Special 301 Clause125
普遍优惠制 Generalised System of Preferences126
普惠制原产地证书格式A Generalised System of Preferences Certificate of Original Form A126
进口配额制 Import Quotas System127
灰色区域措施 Grey Area Measures128
海关估价 Customs Valuation128
完税价格 Paying Value129
关税水平 Tariff Level129
关税保护率 Tariff Rate of protection130
出口信贷国家担保制 Export Credit Guaranted by State131
出口信贷 Export Credit131
商品品质 Quality of Goods132
国际贸易质量认证 Inter-trade Conformity Certification132
进出口商品安全性规定 Import Export Regulations of Security133
商品数量 Quantity of Goods134
包装标志 Packing Mark135
条码 Bar Code135
贸易术语 Trade Terms136
汇付 Remittance137
托收 Collection137
电子数据交换 Electronic Data Interchange138
停用证 Letter of Credit138
集装箱运输 Container Shipment139
班轮运输 Liner139
租船运输 Charter Shipping140
装卸期限 Loading and Unloading Deadline140
国际多式联运 International Multi-modal Transport141
国际铁路联运 Combined Transport for International Railway141
海运提单 Bill of Lading142
共同海损 General Average143
运输保险期限 Period of Transportation Insurance143
船物互撞责任条款 Both to Blame Collisiln Clause144
协会货物险条款 Institute Cargo Clauses144
绿色商品 Green Symlolize Commodity145
商品名称及编码协调制度 Harmonized Commodity Description and Coping System145
质量管理和质量保证系列标准 Quality Managment Quality Assurance System(ISO 9000)146
不可抗力 Force Majeure147
贸易索赔 Trade Claim148
国际商事仲裁 International Commercial Arbitration148
发盘 Offer149
接受 Acceptance149
易货贸易 Barter Versus150
国际贸易证书 International Trade Certificate150
国际保理服务 International Factoring151
BOT方式 Build-operate-transfer152
自由贸易区 Free Trade Zone152
出口加工区 Export Processing Zone152
国际贸易契约 International Trade Contracts153
货物买卖契约 A Contract of Sale of Goods153
经销契约 Distributorship Agreement154
组装零件供应契约 Assembly Parts Supply Agreement155
代理契约 Agency Agreement155
成套设备出口契约 Plant Equipment Export Agreement156
技术合作契约 Technical Cooperation Agreement156
劳务契约 Service Agreement157
国外投资契约 Overseas Investment Agreement157
国外合资事业契约 Overseas Joint Venture Agreement157
机会研究 Opportunity Study158
可行性研究 Feasibility Study158
工业可行性研究手册 Handbook of Industrial Feasibility Study159
工程设计和咨询服务 Project Designing and Consulting Service160
设计技术标准和规范 Standard and Norm for Designing Technology160
基础单价的计算 Calculation of Basic Price161
报价决策 Policy of Offer161
报价技巧 Technique of Offer162
行政性评审 Administrative Evaluation162
技术评审 Technical Evaluation163
商务评审 Commercial Evaluation163
常用的计费方法 Common Method of Charging163
承包商的设计责任 Designing Responsibility of the Contractor164
国际工程招标方式 Bidding Method for International Project165
国际工程招标机构 Bidding Organization for International Project165
国际工程招标投标程序 Bidding and Tendering Procedure for International Project166
公开招标规则 Rule of Competitive Bids166
招标通告 Call for Bid166
招标文件的准备和发出 Preparation and Release of Bidding Documents166
标前会议 Meeting Before Call for Bid167
投标须知 Bidding Guide167
评标和决标 Evaluation of Bid and Tender Determination168
议标 Negotiated Procurement168
收标和开标 Collect Tender and Open Tender168
当地代理人 Local Agent169
投标资格的评审方法 Method of Evaluationg Qualification for Tender169
个体企业 Individual Enterprise171
合伙制企业 partnership171
有限责任公司 Company with Limited Liability172
股份公司 Joint Stock Corporation172
公司设立 Company Establishment173
合作社 Cooperative173
发起人 Initiator174
资本募集 Capital Raising174
股权结构 Structure of Stock Ownership175
资本三原则 Three Principles of Capital175
企业合并 Amalgamation of Enterprises175
企业分立 Enterprise Split-up176
营业转让 Transfer of Business176
公司重整 Company Reconstruction177
公司破产 Company Bankrupt177
公司组织结构 Organization Structure of Company178
公司清算 Company Liquidation178
持股公司 Holding Company179
跨国公司 Transnational Corporation179
股份合营 Equity Joint Venture Enterprise180
契约合营 Contractual Joint Venture Enterprise181
权益联营 Pooling of Interest181
反垄断经营 Restrictive Monopolistic Policy181
中小企业政策 Policy on Small and Medium-sized Enterprises182
国有企业 National Enterprise182
参与管理制度 Joint Management System183
经营组织 Managerial Organization184
企业文化 Enterprise Culture184
企业文化的内容 Contents of Enterprise Culture185
企业文化的基本原则 Basic Principles of Enterprise Culture185
企业文化的发展趋势 Developing Tendency of Enterprise Culture186
企业的文化诊断 Diagnosis of Enterprise Culture186
企业文化建设 Construction of Enterprise Culture187
企业的文化战略 Cultural Strategy of Enterprise187
企业的管理文化 Managerial Culture of Enterprise188
企业的伦理文化 Ethical Culture of Enterprise188
企业的质量文化 Quality Culture of Enterprise189
企业的道德信誉 Morality and Reputation of Enterprise189
企业的道德管理 Moral Administration of Enterprise190
企业的道德教育 Morality Education of Enterprise190
企业的道德评价 Morality Appraisement of Enterprise191
企业的道德激励 Morality Inspiration of Enterprise191
企业的人际关系 Human Relations of Enterprise192
企业的道德责任 Moral Responsibility of Enterprise192
企业精神 Enterprise Spirit193
企业的社会责任 Social Responsibility of Enterprise193
企业形象 Enterprise Image194
企业领导者的道德责任 Moral Responsibility of Enterprise Leaders195
企业领导者的职业道德 Professional Responsibility of Enterprise Leaders195
企业领导者的自身形象 Self-image of Enterprise Leaders196
企业识别系统 Corporate Identity System,CIS196
企业识别系统的内容 Contents of Corporate Identity System197
理念识别 Mind Identity197
企业理念的表现形式 Expressing Form of Corporate Mind198
活动识别 Behavior Identity198
视觉识别要素 Main Factors of Visual Identity199
视觉识别 Visual Identity199
市场细分化策略 Strategy on Market Segmentation200
市场细分标准 Standards on Market Segmentation201
目标市场的选择 Selection of Target Market201
广告效果评估 Evaluation of Advertision Effects202
国际产品生命周期 Life Cycle of International Products202
引入阶段的营销战略 Marketing Strategy on Introduction Stage203
成长阶段的营销战略 Marketing Strategy on Growth Stage203
成熟阶段的营销战略 Marketing Strategy on Mature Stage203
出口营销渠道的基本模式 Basic Model of Export Marketing Channels204
衰退阶段的营销战略 Marketing Strategy on Decline Stage204
制订促销策略的原则 Principles of Promotion Strategy Decision205
顾客服务决策 Customer-service Decision205
新产品开发程序 New Product Development Procedure205
产品分类设计 Product Classification Schemes206
商标策略 Trademark Strategy206
包装策略 Packaging Strategy207
产品包装装潢 Product Packaging207
产品定位策略 Product Positioning Strategy208
国际市场价格 International Market Price208
成本定价策略 Cost Pricing Strategy208
需求定价策略 Demand Pricing Strategy209
吉利定价法 Lucky Pricing Strategy210
价格折扣策略 Price-discount Strategy210
数量折扣策略 Amount-discount Strategy211
交易折扣策略 Trade-discount Strategy211
现金折扣策略 Cash-discount Strategy211
整体产品定价策略 Whole Product Pricing Strategy212
单一价格策略 Single Pricing Strategy212
习惯定价法 Habitual Pricing213
整数定价法 Integer Pricing213
尾数定价法 Mantissa Pricing214
心理定价策略 Psychological Pricing Strategy214
竞争定价策略 Competitive Pricing Strategy215
竞争导向定价法 Competition-oriented Pricing215
系列价格策略 Series Pricing Strategy216
特价优惠策略 Special and Favourable Price Strategy216
新产品定价策略 New-product Pricing Strategy217
满意定价法 Satisfaction Pricing217
声望定价法 Prestige Pricing217
撇脂定价法 Skimming Pricing218
渗透定价法 Penetration Pricing219
需求弹性定价法 Demand Elasticity Pricing219
工厂布置 Plant Layout220
车间布置 Workshop Layout220
工作地布置 Work Station Layout221
产品移动方式 Forms of Product Movement221
流水生产 Flow Production223
生产能力 Production Capacity224
生产能力核定 Verification of Production Capacity224
生产计划 Production Planning225
材料需要量计划 Material Requirements Planning226
作业排序 Arrangement of Operating Sequence226
库存管理 Inventory Control227
经济订购批量 Economic Order Quantity227
技术开发 Technological Innovation228
价值工程 Value Engineering229
新产品开发 New Product Development229
工艺管理 Process Management230
成组技术 Group Technology230
设备综合管理 Terotechology231
质量管理 Quality Management231
质量成本 Quality Cost231
效率原则 Principle of Efficiency232
劳动定额 Labour Quota,Work Norm232
动作经济原则 Principles of Motion Economy234
定员 Fixed Number of Staff234
时间管理 Time Management235
工作说明书 Workbook,Job Description235
工作分析 Job Analysis236
岗位资格 Qualification of Post237
工作评价 Job Evaluation237
劳动环境 Labour Environment238
工资制度 Wage System238
工作时间的国际限定 International Limit about Workingtime239
职业安全与卫生 Occupation Safety and Health240
国际工资保障公约 International Convention about Wage Sateguard240
最低工资 Minimum Wage240
周休和年假的国际专门公约 International Special Convention about Week and Year Holiday240
女工职业保护 Voeation Protection for Workwoman241
跨国公司的股息管理 Dividend Management of Multinational Company242
功能性货币 Functional Currency242
应收账款抵押 Accounts Receivable Pledging243
存货抵押 Inventory Pledging243
优先股筹资 Preferred Stock Financing244
普通股筹资 Common Stock Financing244
提前收回条款 Call Provision245
债券筹资 Bond Financing245
长期借款筹资 Long-term Loans Financing246
租赁筹资 Lease Financing247
债券信誉评级 Bond Credit Rating247
保护性条款 Protection Clauses248
安全性条款 Security Clauses249
股票回购 Stock Repurchase249
信誉分等 Credit Rating250
公司间收付款轧抵 Interaffiliate Payment Netting251
存货超前购置 Advanced Inventory Purchase252
提前或推迟付款 Leading or Lagging of Payments253
货币对换 Currency Swap254
平行贷款 Parallel Loans254
贷款对换 Credit Swap255
转移价格集中管理 Centralized Management of Transfer Price256
转移价格规避所得税税负 Avoiding Taxes by Transfer Price256
转移价格规避外汇管理 Avoiding Exchange Control by Transfer Price257
连锁融资 Link Finance258
加快回收账款 Speed the Collection258
应收账款让售 Accounts Factoring259
融资租赁 Financial Lease260
经营租赁 Operating Lease260
补足条款 Topping-up Clause261
抵消权条款 Right of Offset261
注册会计师 Certified Public Accountant(CPA)262
国际会计准则 International Accounting Standards262
会计基本假设 Accounting Postulate263
会计核算的基本原则 Basic Principles of Accounting Treatment263
财务报表的质量特性 Quality Speciality of Financial Statements264
会计要素 Accounting Factors264
财务报表应提供的资料 Information to be Disclosed in Financial Statements265
资本和资本保全概念 Concept of Capital and Capital Maintenance265
固定资产的分类和计价 Classification and Valuation of Fixed Assets266
固定资产折旧 Fixed Assets Depreciation266
历史成本制度下存货的估价与列报 Valuation and Presentation of Inventories in the Context of the Historical Cost System267
存货的盘点 Inventory Taking267
应收账款及坏账处理 Accounting for Accounts Receivables and Bad Debt268
应收票据与贴现的处理 Accounting for Notes Receivables and Discount268
应付债券的会计处理 Accounting for Bonds Payable269
无形资产会计 Intangible Asset Accounting269
股票发行的会计处理 Accounting for Stock Issuance270
负债费用的资本化 Capitalisation of Borrowing Costs270
收入的确认 Revenue Recognition271
投资者权益会计 Owners Equity Accounting271
所得税会计 Accounting for Taxes on Income271
物价变动会计 Price Change Accounting272
研究和开发活动的会计 Accounting for Research and Development Activities272
租赁资产会计 Lease Asset Accounting273
增值税会计 Added Value Tax Accounting273
关于有关连者的说明 Related Party Disclosures274
投资会计 Investment Accounting274
或有事项和资产负债表日以后发生的事项 Contingencies and Events Occurring after the Balance Sheet Date275
外币汇率变动影响的会计 Accounting for the Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates275
全额成本计算 Full Costing276
变动成本计算 Variable Costing276
变动成本和固定成本 Variable Cost and Fixed Cost277
本量利分析及运用 CVP Analysis and Using277
成本控制会计 Cost Control Accounting278
资本预算方法及运用 Methods and Use of Capital Budget278
资产负债表 Balance Sheet279
责任会计 Responsibility Accounting279
损益表 Income Statement280
财务状况变动表 Statement of Changes in Financial Position280
合并财务报表 Consoliadated Financial Statements281
跨国公司与会计 Transnational Corporation281
簿记 Book-keeping282
财产估价 Assessment282
资产评估 Assets Valuation/Vertification282
无形资产评估 Intangible Assets Valuation283
民间审计 Folk Audit284
国家审计 National Audit284
现代内部审计 Modern Internal Auditing285
审计结构的概念体系 Auditing Conceptual Framework285
内部控制的研讨和评估 Study and Evaluation of Internal Control286
审计的验证功能、遵循功能、调查功能 Attest Function、Compliance Function、Investigatory Function286
审计目标的历史性变动 Historical Change of Auditing Objective287
审计标准 Auditing Standards287
公认审计标准与审计业务的质量控制 GAAS and Quality Control288
审计标准的国际协调 International Harmonization of Auditing Standards288
独立会计师搜集证据 Accumulating Evidence of Independent Auditor289
审计的独立性 Auditing Independence289
审计标准与审计程序 Auditing Standards and Procedures290
审计程式设计 Audit Program Design290
分析性复核程序 Analytical Review Procedures291
财务报表或有事项的揭示--或有损失、或有负债 Loss Contingency、Contingent Liability291
期后事件 Subsequent Events292
独立会计师的报告和委托人的财务报表 Independent Auditor s Report and Client s Financial Statements292
公司的继续存在发生问题时会计师的考虑 The Auditor s Considerations when a Question Arises on Entity s Continued Existence293
审计工作底稿 Audit Working Papers293
跨国公司年度报告 Multinational Corporation Annual Report294
控股集团公司年度报告 Holdings Group Annual Report294
跨国公司的内部审计--跨国公司管理控制系统 Management Control System and Internal Audit of Multinational Corporation295
董事会审计委员会 Audit Committee-Board of Directors295
经营(业务)审计 Operational Audit296
管理审计 Management Audit296
绩效审计 Performance Audit297
综合审计 Comprehensive Audit297
现代审计的效益审计 Management/Operational Audit298
国民经济核算体系 The System of National Accounts299
内部审计与外部审计 Internal Audit and External Audit299
社会统计指标体系 Social Indicator System300
经济统计指标体系 Economical Indicator System301
科技统计指标体系 Technological Indicator System302
环境统计指标体系 Environmental Indicator System303
国际标准产业分类 International Standard Industrial Classification303
三次产业分类 Three Times Industrial Classification304
国内生产总值与国民生产总值 Gross Domestic Product and Gross National Product304
国民生产总值的派生指标体系 Derivative System of Indicator of Gross National Product305
工业产值统计指标 Statistical Indicators of Industrial Product306
农业产值统计指标 Statistical Indicators of Agricultural Product306
工业生产指数 Index of Industrial Production307
建筑业产值统计指标 Statistical Indicators of Construction Product307
服务产值统计指标 Statistical Indicators of Service Product308
劳动资源统计指标 Statistical Indicators of Labor Resources308
劳动力流转统计指标 Statistical Indicators of Labor Turnover309
劳动时间统计指标 Statistical Indicators of Labor Time309
劳动生产率统计指标 Statistical Indicators of Labor Productivity309
全要素生产率 Total Factor Productivity310
劳动工资统计指标 Statistical Indicators of Labor Wages311
家庭货币收入 Family Money Income312
收入分配差异统计 Difference Statistics of Income Distribution312
批发价格指数 Wholesale Price Index313
消费价格指数 Consumer Price Index314
农村价格指数 Rural Price Index314
通货膨胀统计 Monetaty Inflation Statistics315
经济景气监测体系 Monitoring System of Business Fluctuation316
经济增长的统计测定 Statistical Measurement of Economic Growth317
国际比较项目 International Comparison Project318
社会经济发展评价体系 Appraisement System of Social Economic Development318
经济增长的因素分析 Factor Analysis of Economic Growth318
国际竞争力的测定 Measurement of International Competitive Power Comparison319
财务比率分析 Analysis of Financial Ratio320
杜邦分析系统 Du Pont Analysis System321
经营效益分析 Analysis of Business Efficiency321
人口惯性 Population Momentum323
人口再生产类型 Type of Population Reproduction323
人口转变 Demographic Transition323
人口政策 Population Policy324
人口普查 Population Census324
生命表 Life Table325
都市化 Urbanization325
期望寿命 Life Expectancy326
人口金字塔 Population Pyramid326
人口动态登记 Population Dynamics Registers327
婴儿热潮 Baby Boom327
社会保障最低标准公约 Minimum Standard Condition of Social Guaranty System328
社会保障制度类别 Type of Social Guaranty System329
社会保险基金筹集 Social Insurance Fund Raising330
社会保险体系 Social Insurance System330
社会保险费率 Social Insurance Fee Rate331
社会保险费定期支付标准 Norm for the Fixed Payment to Social Insurancd331
法定退休年龄 Legal Retirement Age332
国际人口机构老龄化标准 Ageing Norms Set by International Population Organization332
老年社会保险模式 Model of Social Insurance for the Aged333
享受退休待遇条件 Enjoy Retirement Condition333
多层次退休金 Multi-level Pension334
退休金给付标准 Norms of Retirement Pension334
失业保障制度类型 Type of Guarantee System during Unemployment335
失业保障范围 Scope of Guarantee during Unemployment335
失业保障资金征集限度 Source of Guarantee Fund for Unemployment336
享受失业救济的条件 Requirement to Enjoy Unemployment Pay336
失业待遇给付标准 Norms for Unemployment Pay336
失业津贴给付期限 Deadline for Unemployment Subsidy337
失业保障管理机构 Organization of Guarantee in Unemployment Management337
生育津贴 Child Birth Subsidy,Maternity Subsidy338
生育假期 Period of Leave for Child Birth,Maternity Leave338
生育保险资金来源 Source of Fund for Child Birth338
无过失补偿原则 Compensation Principle for Unerringness339
工业伤害指标 Industrial Injury Indicator339
工伤保障制度类型 Type of Industrial Injuty Guarantee System339
工伤保障制度范围 Scope of Industrial Injuty Guarantee340
工伤保障制度资金来源 Source of Fund for Industrial Injury Guarantee System340
工伤津贴 Industrial Injury Subsidy340
国民健康指标 Indicator of National Health341
因工死亡工人的遗属恤金 Pension for the Family of the Deceased in Accident341
疾病社会保障范围 Scope of Social Guaranty for disease342
疾病保险资金来源 Source of Insurance Fund for Disease342
病症保险享受条件 Requirement to Enjoy Disease Insurarce343
疾病保健医疗补助 Medical Subsidy for Disease343
现代社会救助范围 Succour Scope in Modern Society344
社会救助给付标准 Norms for Social Succour Pay344
家属津贴制度 Subsidy for Relatives System345
向外侨提供平等社会保障待遇 Provide Foreigners and the Overseas Equal Social Guaranty345
国际公共关系协会道德守则 Code of Ethics of International Public Relations Association346
国际公共关系协会行为守则 Behavioral Regulations of International Public Relations Association346
公共关系部 Public Relations Department347
公共关系公司 Public Relations Corporation347
公关从业人员资格认定和职业要求 Qualifications Approve and Profession Require and Public Relations Worker348
公共关系预算 Public Relations Budget349
企业与顾客的关系 Relations between Enterprise and Customers349
企业与投资者的关系 Relations between Enterprise and Investors350
企业与供货商、中间商的关系 Relations between Enterprise and Suppliers、Middlemen350
企业与社区的关系 Relations between Enterprise and Community351
社会组织与政府关系 Relations between Social Organization and Government351
大众媒介关系 Mass Medium Relations352
公关活动类型 Type of Public Activity352
处理公关危机的一般对策和程序 Generally Countermove and Order of Handle Public Relations Crisis353
公关专题活动的组织 Organization of Public Activities353
公关广告类型 Type of Public Advertisement354
展览会 Exhibition354
记者招待会 Press Conference355
新闻发布会 News Briefing355
会议前准备 Preparation Prior to the Meeting356
接受采访 News Interview356
庆典活动 Celebration Activity356
开放参观 Be Open to the Public357
联谊活动 Get-together358
赞助 Financial Assistance358
接待环境 Receiving Environment358
公关的四步工作法 Fuor-step Work Method of Public Relations359
宴请礼仪 Banquet Rites359
国际交往称呼 Address in International Association360
数字的忌讳 Number Taboo360
问话的忌讳 Conversation Taboo361
花卉、图案的忌讳 Taboo about Flower and Pattern361
食品的忌讳 Food Taboo361
颜色的忌讳 Color Taboo361
世界新闻新秩序 New World Information Communication Order363
公众调查与民意测验 Audience Survey Public Opinion Poll364
客观报道原则 Objective Report Principle364
新闻传播的六项权利 Six Rights in News Communication365
林德莱法则 Lindley s Rule365
新闻自律与他律 Journalistic Self-discipline Homi-discipline366
新闻业垄断与新闻业托拉斯 Press Monopoly Press Trust366
主持人制 Anchor System367
窄播 Narrowcasting367
出版 Publish368
出版物 Publication368
出版业 Publishing Industry368
出版载体 Publishing Carrier368
出版自由 Freedom of the Press369
读物 Reading369
图书 Book369
国际标准书号 International Standard Book Number(ISBN)370
国际ISBN中心 The ISBN Agency371
国际标准连续出版物号 International Standard Serial Number(ISSN)371
国际连续出版物数据系统 International Serial Data System(ISDS)371
条形码 Bar Code371
图书类型 Bood Type372
黄色书刊 Yellow Press373
电子出版物 Electronic Publication373
光盘 Compact Disc373
编辑 Edit373
图书设计 Book Design(Design)374
选题 Option Subject374
编辑者 Editor374
校对 Proofreading375
印刷术 Printing375
纸 Paper375
图书发行 Book Distribution376
图书评论 Book Review376
图书宣传推广 Book Promotion376
图书博览会 Book Fair376
版权法 Copyright Law377
版权 Copyright377
知识产权 Intellectual Property377
作者权利 Author s Rights378
作者 Author378
版权所有者和版权代理 Copyright Owner Copyright Agent378
版权标记 Copyright Mark379
版权限制 Copyright Limit379
版权转让和贸易 Copyright Transfer and Trade379
独家出版权 Exclusive Publication Right379
出版合同和版税 Publication Contract Royalties379
世界版权公约 Universal Copyright Convention(UCC)380
伯尔尼公约 Berne Convention380
海盗版 Pirated Edition380
版权纠纷 Copyright Issue380
泛美版权公约 pan-American Copyright Convention381
安妮女王法 Queen Anne Act381
国会图书馆版权局 Copying Office of the Library of Congress381
主要图书奖 The Main Book Award in the World381
联合国教育科学及文化组织 United Nations Educational-Scientific and Cultural Organization(UNESCO)382
世界知识产权组织 World Intellectual Property Organization(WIPO)382
国际标准化组织第46--文献工作--技术委员会 International Organization for Standardization46st-Literature Works-Technical Council(ISO/TC46)382
美国出版业组织 American Publishing Industry Organizations383
国际儿童读物委员会 International Board on Boods for Young People(IBBY)383
国际出版组织 International Publishing Industry Organizations383
英国出版业组织 English Publishing Industry Organizations384
德国书商协会 Deutsche Buchhandler Verbsnd384
法国出版商公会 Syndicat National de l Edition385
出版文化国际交流会 Publishing Culture International Evchange Society385
日本书籍出版协会 Japanese Books Publishing Socie385
联合出版(集团)有限公司 Associated Publishing Ltd385
美国出版社 American Presses385
英国出版社 British Presses386
德国出版社 German Presses387
法国出版社 France Presses387
德国印刷机械制造公司 German Printing-machine Manufacture388
埃尔塞维尔科学出版集团 Elsevier Science Publishers388
日本出版社 Japanese Presses388
俄国出版社 Russian Presses389
国际出版信息书刊 Books and Periodicals about International Publishing Information389
主要出版国家 The Main Publishing Countries390
图书馆 Library391
图书馆法 Library Law392
图书馆设施 Library Facilities393
图书馆人事 Library Personnel394
图书馆经费 Library Fund395
图书馆评价 Library Evaluation396
图书馆科学管理 Library Scientific Management397
文献收集 Acquisition Work398
馆藏评价 Collection Evaluation399
藏书剔除 Collection Weeding400
核心期刊 Core Periodical401
合作发展馆藏 Cooperative Collection Development402
文献标引 Document Indexing403
文献编目 Cataloguing404
馆藏组织 Collection Organization405
读者研究 Library User Studies406
流通服务 Circulation Service407
参考咨询 Reference Service408
文献检索 Document Retrieval409
报道服务 Information Service410
学位制 Degree System411
网上图书馆 Library On-line411
学士 Bachelor s Degree412
硕士 Master s Degree412
博士 Doctor s Degree413
博士后资格 Post-doctoral Qualification413
研究生教育 Graduate Education414
教育行政组织 Educational Administrative Organization414
学制 Educational System415
教育立法 Educational Legislation415
教育督导 Educational Inspection416
教育投资 Educational Investment416
教师证书 Teacher s Certificate417
教师培训 Teacher s Training417
教师工资待遇 Teacher s Salary418
学分制 Credit System418
教科书制度 Textbook System419
导生制 Monitorial System420
专业设置 Curriculum420
导师制 Tutorial System420
学院制 College System420
特殊教育 Special Education421
学前教育 Preschool Education422
小学教育 Primary Education422
中学设置 Middle School Setup422
大学设置 University Setup423
义务教育 Compulsory Education424
高校职称制度 College Faculty Rank System424
助教 Assistant Master425
讲师 Lecturer425
副教授 Associate Professor425
科学教育 Science Eduction426
教授 Professor426
道德教育 Moral Education427
留学教育 Education of Studying Abroad427
教学模式 Teaching Model428
教育改革 Educational Reform428
教育实验 Educational Experiment428
教育科学研究 Research on Education Science429
职业指导 Vocational Guidance430
智力测验 Intelligence Test430
个性测验 Personality Test430
高校入学考试 University Entrance Examination431
学校心理咨询 Psychological Counseling in School431
标准化测验 Standardized Test431
职业教育 Vocational Education432
在职教育 In-service Education433
社会教育 Social Education433
终身教育 Lifelong Education434
开放大学 Open University435
产学合作 Cooperation with Industrial and Educational Activities435
社区教育 Community Education435
团体旅游及其组织方式 Group Tour and Its Organization436
回归教育 Recurrent Education436
旅游业小费 Tips in Tourism437
旅游投诉处理及程序 Treatment and Procedure of Tourist Complaint437
客房预订方式 Reservation of Hotel Room438
国际旅馆业新规程 New Regulation of International Hotel Business439
旅游饭店的权利、义务和责任 Rights,Obligation and Responsibility of Hotels440
旅馆对旅客物品损坏的赔偿责任 Compensation for the Damage of Tourist s Belongings441
最佳饭店的十条标准 Ten Criterions of the Best Hotel441
饭店的等级及其设施 Rank of Hotel and Its Facilities442
饭店的分类 Hotel Classification443
大陆桥运输 Land Bridge Transport445
国际铁路货物联运方式 Modes of International Railway Freight Tran-sport446
国际货物联运动费的确定和核收 Determination and Collection of Transportation Expenses in International Freight Transport446
国际铁路联运货运事故的处理与赔偿 Treating and Compensating for Goods Accidents in International Feright Transport446
国境站上的车货交接 Handing-over and Accepting of Freight and Rail Cars in Frontier Railway Station447
国际铁路货物联运海关及报关手续 Customs and Customs Declaration in Interna-tional Railway Freight Transport447
铁路集装箱运输的组织方法 Operationg Methods for Railway Container Transport448
国际集装箱标准及分类 Standard and Classification of Containers in International Transport448
唛头 Mark449
列车分类和编组 Classification and Make-up of Trains449
铁路集装箱运输的计费方法 Methods for Collecting Transporting Expenses in Container Tranaport449
超限货物运输 Over-limit Freight Transport450
铁路重载运输 Railway Heavy Load Transport450
高速铁路制式 Modes of High Speed Railways450
大城市车站布局 Railway Terminals in Big City451
地铁 Metro451
国际铁路货物运送公约 International Convention Concerning the Carriage of Goods by Railway452
轻轨交通 Light Rail Transit452
国际铁路联盟 Union Internationals des Chemins Defer452
铁路合作组织 Railway Cooperative Organization453
船舶证书 Ship s Certificates453
揽载 Solicitation453
海运运价 Marine Freight454
运费 Freight454
附加费 Surcharge455
运费回扣 Freight-rebate455
期租船租金 Charter Hire456
代理业务 Agency Work456
货运单证的流转 Flow of Shipping Documents457
货运单证 Shipping Documents457
班轮货物运输 Carriage of Goods by Liner458
提单 Bill of Lading458
责任期限 Period of Responsibility459
适航 Sea Worthiness459
免责条款 Exception Clauses460
货物管理 Management of Cargo460
绕航条款 Deviation Clauses461
举证责任 Onus of Proof461
管辖权条款 Jurisdiction Clauses462
索赔通知 Notice of Claim462
诉讼时效 Limitation of Actions462
承运人责任限制 Limit of Liability of Cattier463
租船运输 Carriage of Goods Under Charter463
装卸费分担条款 In and Out Sharing Terms464
速遣费/滞期费计算单 Despatch Money/Demurrage Calculation Sheet464
集装箱运输 Carriage of Container465
定期租船合同 Time Charter Party465
集装箱提单 Combined Bill of Lading466
集装箱运费计收 Container Freight Assessed466
船票条款 Passenger Ticket Clauses467
承运人的责任 Liability of the Carrier467
旅客的权利 Rights of Passengers467
偷渡旅客 Stowaway468
海事声明 Sea Protest,Nave of Protest468
海难救助 Salvage Service at Sea469
救助报酬 Salvage Remuneration469
海事报告 Master s Report,Marine Accident Report469
海损 Average470
共同海损 General Average470
共同海损分摊 General Average Contribution470
共同海损理算 General Average Adjustment471
油污损害 Damage from Oil Pollution471
运输条款 Transit Clause472
全部损失 Total Loss472
海事请求 Maritime Claims473
海事仲裁 Maritime Arbitration473
国境卫生检疫 Frontier Health and Quarantine474
海员培训、发证和值班标准国际公约 International Convention on Standards of Training,Certification and Watchkeeping474
危险货物清单 Dangerous Cargo List474
对外动植物检疫 Foreign Animal or Plant Quarantine475
国际货物多式联运 International Multimodel Transport of Goods475
运输飞机常用参数 Common Parameters of Transport Plane476
安全和安全记录 Safety and Safety Record476
黑匣子 Black Box477
国际航空运输协会 International Air Transport Association(IATA)477
国际民用航空组织 International Civil Aviation Organization(ICAO)477
国际航空运输联营和合营 Joint Operating and Pooling in International Air Transport478
航空运输业间的地区性国际组织 International Organization of Region Between Air Transport Industries478
国际航空法 International Air Law479
巴黎公约 Paris Convention480
马德里(伊比罗)公约 Madrid Convention480
哈瓦那(泛美洲)公约或哈瓦那商业航空公约 Havana Convention480
芝加哥公约(国际民用航空公约) Chicago Convention481
国际航空法系专家技术委员会 Committee International Technique d Experts Juridiques Aerien (CITEJA)481
华沙条约(统一国际航空运输某些规则的公约) Warsaw Convention481
罗马公约 Rome Convention481
国际民航组织 International Civil Aviation Organization(ICAO)482
海牙议定书 Hague Prototocol483
瓜达拉哈拉公约 Guadalahara Convention483
危地马拉城议定书 Guatemala City Protocol484
关于国际承认航空机权利的公约 Convention on International Admittable Right of Aircraft484
航空机所有权的转移 Shirt of Aircraft Ownership485
蒙特利尔协议 Montreal Agreement486
空中交通管制 Air Traffic Control486
国家领空主权原则和无害通过自由 State Territorial Air Space Sovereign Principle and Freedom of Innocent Passage487
国际航班过境协定 Agreement of International Flight Transit488
国际民用航空临时规定 International Civil Aviation Provision Agreement488
责任限额 Quota of Responsibility488
职责的转移 Shift of Duty489
冰岛协定(冰岛联合资助协定) Iceland Joint Support Agreement489
非洲印度洋地区航行规划 African Indian Ocean Air Navigation Plan490
阿拉伯民航理事会 Arab Civil Aviation Councial (ACAC)490
主观责任制 System of Subjective Liability491
蒙特利尔第一号附加议定书 The First Additional Protocol of Montreal491
蒙特利尔第二号附加议定书 The Second Additional Protocol of Montreal491
蒙特利尔第四号附加议定书 The Fourth Additional Protocol of Montreal492
蒙特利尔第三号附加议定书 The Third Additional Protocol of Montreal492
空中开放 Open to Air493
空中自由 Free Air493
百慕大协定Ⅰ Bermuda Ⅰ Agriiment493
百慕大协定Ⅱ Bermuda Ⅱ Agreement494
国际民用航空临时协定 International Civil Aviation Interim Agreement494
国际民用航空公约 International Civil Aviation Treaty494
利益共同体 Community of Interest495
芝加哥模式 Chicago model495
国际航空运输协定 International Air Transport Agreement495
国际航班过境协定 International Scheduled Flight Fransit Agreement495
不管化(或非管制,不管制) Deregulation496
美国“1979年国际航空运输竞争法” U.S.A. The law of International Aviation Transport Competitive in 1979496
国际航空政策目标 The Objective of International Aviation Policy496
事先约定法 Predetermination497
自由确定法 Free-determination497
货币调整系数 Currency Adjustment Factors498
非法干扰 Unlawful Interference499
双批准原则 Mutual Approval499
标准国际票价水平 Standard Foreign Fare Level(SFEL)499
双不批准 Dual Disapproval499
始发国 Country of Origin499
拦截 Obstruction500
劫机 Hijacking Aeroplane500
引渡 Transfer501
非法干扰委员会 Committee of Unlawful Interference501
东京公约 Tokyo Regulation501
管辖权 Right of Competency502
蒙特利尔公约 Montreal Regulation502
海牙公约 Hague Regulation502
适航证 Airworthness Certification503
民机 Civil Airplane503
产品支援 Product Support503
维护工程 Maintenance Engineering504
技术支援 Technology Support504
地面支援设备 Support Equipment on the Land504
维护性 Maintenance504
状态监控 Condition Monitor505
视情维修 Occasion Maintenance505
维护方式 Manner of Maintenance505
定进维修 Time Maintenance505
电力系统 Electric Power System506
电力系统电压等级 Voltage Grades for Power System507
电力系统电能质量 Quality of Electric Energy for Power System507
电力系统可靠性 Power System Reliability507
电力系统经济 Power System Economics508
电能计量单位 Measuring Units for Electrical Energy508
水力发电站(厂) Hydro-electric Power Station/plant509
火力发电厂 Thermal Power Plant (Power Plant/Station)509
核能发电厂 Nuclear Power Plant510
新能源发电厂 New Energy Electric Power Plant510
发电厂热力设备 Heat Power Equipment for Power Plant511
发电厂节能设备 Energy Conservation Equipment for Power Plant511
发电厂大气污染物 Atmospheric Pollutants from Thermal Power Plant512
发电厂电气设备 Electrical Equipment for Power Plant512
变电所 Substation513
架空输电线路 Overhead Transmission Line513
电网 Electric Power Network/Power Grid514
配电装置 Switchyard Equipments514
电缆输电线路 Transmission Cables514
设备容量 Installed Capacity515
不同象限工业图样 Mechanical Drawing in Different Quadrant515
尺寸公差与配合 Tolerance and Fits516
表面质量 Surface Quality517
形位公差 Geometric Tolerance517
硬度 Hardness518
热处理 Heat Treatment518
切削加工 Machining by Cutting519
无屑加工 Machining by Chipless Forming519
表面光整加工和去毛刺技术 Precision Surface Finishing and Burr Technology519
模拟设计与实验 Simulation Design and Test520
可靠性设计 Reliability Design520
优化设计 Optimal Design521
几何量测量 Dimensional Measurement/Length Measure-ment521
机械量测量 Mechanical Measurement522
气压传动 Pneumatic Transmission522
标准件、常用件和非标零部件 Standardized Element,Common Element,Nonstandardized Element523
液压传动 Hydraulic Transmission523
精密机械 Precision Machinery524
数控加工 Numerically Controlled Processing524
化肥 Chemical Fertilizer525
无机盐 Inorganic Salt525
有机化工 Organic Chemical Industry526
煤化工 Chcmical Processing of Coal526
塑料 Plastics527
涂料 Coating Paint527
合成橡胶 Synthetic Rubber528
化学纤维 Man-made Fibre528
染料 Dye529
颜料 Pigment529
农药 Pesticide530
无机非金属材料 Inorganic Nonmetallic Material531
信息记录材料 Information Recording Material531
催化剂 Catalyst532
表面活性剂 Surfactant533
食品添加剂 Food Additives533
标准物质 Reference Materials534
化学测量 Chemical Measurement534
化工设计 Chemical Engineering Design535
化工情报 Chemical Industry Information535
烧结和球团 Sintering and Pelletizing536
炼铁 Iron Making537
炼钢 Steel Making537
连铸 Continunus Casting538
钢铁工业与能源 Energy and Iron Steel Industry539
钢铁工业与环境保护 Enviromental Protection and Iron and Steel Industry539
有色金属 Non-ferrous Metals540
轻有色金属 Light Non-ferrous Metals541
重有色金属 Heavy Non-ferrous Metals541
稀有金属 Rare Metals541
贵金属 Precious Metals542
半金属 Metalloid542
有色金属合金 Non-ferrous Alloy542
有色金属加工 Processing of Non-ferrous Metals542
粉末冶金 Powder Metallurgy543
硬质合金 Hard Metal Alloy543
采煤 Coal Mining544
采矿 Mining544
矿区总体设计 General Design of Mine Area545
矿区发展规则 Mine Area Development Plan545
矿井可行性研究 Mine Feasibility Study546
矿山地下开拓 Underground Mine Development546
地下采矿方法 Underground Mining Methods547
井巷掘进与支护 Shaft and Drift Excavation and Supportiog548
矿山运输与提升 Mine Haulage and Hoisting548
矿山环境保护 Ehvironmental Protection in Mine549
矿山地质工作 Mine Geological Work549
石油开采 Petroleum Production550
石油开采的污染和防治 Pollution Control in Petroleum Exploitation550
露天开采 Surface Mining551
边坡稳定 Slope Stability551
矿井通风 Mine Ventilation552
矿山安全与卫生 Mine Safety and Health552
矿山压力与显现 Ground Pressure and Its Behaviours553
煤矿自动化 Coal Mine Automation553
建筑法规 Building Law554
建筑装饰 Architectural Decoration554
高层建筑 High-rise Building555
地下建筑 Underground Construction556
建筑市场 Construction Market556
招标与承包 Tender and Contract557
建筑合同 Contract for Construction557
建设监理 Construction Supervision558
工程索赔 Claim Indemnity in the Construction559
建筑防水 Building Waterproof559
建筑防火 Building Fire Prevention560
建筑节能 Energy-saving Building561
建筑工程质量管理 Quality Control of Construction Project561
深基础工程技术 Deep Foundation Engineering Technology562
工程担保 Construction Guarantee562
混凝土外加剂 Concrete Additives563
建筑施工安全 Safery in Construction564
建筑机械 Construction Machinery and Equipment565
建筑空调 Building Air-conditioning565
建筑抗震 Earthquake Resistance of Buildings566
水利工程基本建设程序 Procedure of Capital Construction of Watir Project567
水资源的开发利用 Water Resources Development and Utilization567
水利工程基本建设投资的筹集 Water Project Financing568
水利工程的经济评价 Economical Evaluation of Water Conservancy Project569
水利工程的环境影响评价 Environmental Impact
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