
交际通 2【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

交际通 2
  • (美)(P.K.沃纳)Patricia K.Werner等编;马爱华,张国通编译 著
  • 出版社: 沈阳:辽宁教育出版社;美国麦克希尔出版公司
  • ISBN:7538254714
  • 出版时间:1999
  • 标注页数:411页
  • 文件大小:30MB
  • 文件页数:426页
  • 主题词:


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CHAPTER one 第一章 Education and Student Life 教育和学生生活1

TOPIC ONE Present Verb Forms2

A.The Simple Present Tense3

B.Adverbs of Frequency and Other Time Expressions8

C.The Present Continuous Tense11

D.Nonaction Verbs and the Continuous Tenses13

TOPIC TWO Past Verb Forms17

A.The Past Continuous Tense18

B.The Simple Past Tense21

C.Used To25

TOPIC THREE Future Verb Forms28

A.Be Going To29

B.The Simple Future Tense30

C.The Futu re Continuous Tense32

TOPIC FOUR Questions and Responses37

A.Auxiliary Verbs with Too,Either,So,and Neither38

B.Tag Questions41

C.Information Questions;Common Question Words43


focus on testing:verb tenses55

CHAPTER two 第二章 City Life 城市生活57

TOPIC ONE Count Nouns58

A.Introduction to Count and Noncount Nouns59

B.A,An,and Some60

C.Count Nouns with There+Be62

D.Any,Some and A lot of64

TOPIC TWO Noncount Nouns(1)66

A.Noncount Nouns Versus Count Nouns(1)68

B.How Much Versus How Many70

C.Common Units of Measurement70

TOPIC THREE Noncount Nouns(2)76

A.Noncount Nouns Versus Count Nouns(2)77

B.Noncount Nouns with There+Be78

C.(A)Little Versus(A) Few;Not Much Versus Not Many79

TOPIC FOUR The with Locations and Other Special Uses82

A.The with Locations83

B.The with the Verb Go85

focus on testing:nouns and articles89

CHAPTER three 第三章 Business and Money 商业与金钱91

TOPIC ONE Modal Auxiliaries of Request and Permission92

A.Introduction to Modal Auxiliaries93

B.Making Requests and Giving Permission94

C.Making Requests with Borrow and Lend96

TOPIC TWO Modal Auxilia ries and Related Structures of Ability,Expectation,and Preference99

A.Expressing Ability100

B.Expressing Expectations102

C.Expressing Preferences103

TOPIC THREE Modal Auxiliaries and Related Structures of Advice and Need106

A.Giving Advice107

B.Expressing Need or Obligation109

C.Expressing Lack of Need109

TOPIC FOUR Modal Auxiliaries of Possibility,Impossibility,and Probability111

A.Expressing Possibility112

B.Expressing Impossibility or Disbelief114

C.Expressing Probability115

focus on testing:modals and related structures118

CHAPTER four 第四章 Jobs and Professions 工作与职业119

TOPIC ONE The Present Perfect Tense120

A.The Present Perfect Tense(1)121

B.Ever,Never,Already,Just,Recently,Still,and Yet125

TOPIC TWO The Present Pe rfect Continuous Tense;The Present Perfect Tense(2)129

A.The Present Perfect Continuous Tense130

B.The Present Perfect Tense(2):The P resent Perfect Ve rsus the Present Perfect Continuous133

TOPIC THREE The Past Perfect Tense138

focus on testing:the present and past perfect tenses143

TOPIC FOUR Review144

CHAPTER five 第五章 Lifestyles 生活方式151

TOPIC ONE Insepa rable Ph rasal Verbs152

A.Insepa rable Ph rasal Verbs(1)153

B.Inseparable Ph rasal Verbs(2)155

TOPIC TWO Separable Ph rasal Verbs159

A.Introduction to Separable Phrasal Verbs160

B.Phrasal Verbs Related to Clothing,Cleaning,and Household Items163

C.Phrasal Verbs Related to School or Studies165

TOPIC THREE Separable and Inseparable Phrasal Verbs168

A.More Separable Ph rasal Verbs169

B.More Inseparable Ph rasal Verbs170

TOPIC FOUR Participles and Adjectives Followed by Prepositions174

A.Participles Followed by Prepositions175

B.Adjectives Followed by Prepositions178

focus on testing:phrasal verbs and related structures182

CHAPTER six 第六章 The Global Village 地球村183

TOPIC ONE Compound Sentences184

A.Basic Sentence Structure185

B.Introduction to Compound Sentences187

C.Coordinating Conjunctions188

D.Coordinating Conjunctions with Words and Phrases190

TOPIC TWO Complex Sentences191

A.Introduction to Complex Sentences192

B.Types of Adverb Clauses193

TOPIC THREE Clauses of Contrast(Concession),Reason,and Purpose197

A.Clauses of Contrast(Concession)and Reason198

B.Clauses of Purpose199

TOPIC FOUR Clauses of Time and Condition:Present and Future time202

A.Introduction to Clauses of Time and Condition203

B.Clauses of Time and Condition:Present or Unspecified Time203

C.Clauses of Time and Condition:Future Time206

focus on testing:use of compound and complex sentences213

CHAPTER seven 第七章 North America:The Land and the People 北美洲:土地与人民215

TOPIC ONE Compound Sentences and Transitions216

A.Compound Sentences(Review)218


TOPIC TWO The Past Perfect Continuous Tense;Time Clauses(1)224

A.The Past Perfect Continuous Tense225

B.Time Clauses with the Past Perfect and Past Perfect Continuous Tenses229

TOPIC THREE Time Clauses(2)232

A.Time Clauses with the Simple Past and Past Continuous Tenses233

B.Time Clauses with the Present Perfect and Simple Past Tenses236

TOPIC FOUR Contrast of Simple,Compound,and Complex Sentences240

focus on testing:use of compound and complex sentences246

CHAPTER eight 第八章 Tastes and Preferences 品味与喜好247

TOPIC ONE Positive Adjectives and Participles248

A.Participles Used as Adjectives249

B.Comparisons with (Not)As...As251

C.Adjectives and Adverbs with So...That254

TOPIC TWO Comparative Adjectives257

A.Comparative Adjectives258

B.Comparison of Nouns259

C.Comparisons with Than260

D.Comparative Adverbs262

TOPIC THREE Superlative Forms266

TOPIC FOUR Review273

focus on testing:review of problem areas from chapters five through eight279

CHAPTER nine 第九章 Discoveries 科学新发现281

TOPIC ONE The Passive Voice with Simple Tenses282

A.Introduction to the Passive Voice283

B.The Passive Voice with the Simple Present and Past Tenses284

C.Uses of By+Agent286

D.It with the Passive Voice288

TOPIC TWO The Passive Voice with the Present Perfect Tense291

TOPIC THREE The Passive Voice with the Present Continuous Tense296

TOPIC FOUR The Passive Voice with Modal Auxiliaries301

focus on testing:use of the passive voice305

CHAPTER ten 第十章 Medicine,Myths,and Magic 医术、神话与魔术307

TOPIC ONE Adjective Clauses with That308

A.Introduction to Adjective Clauses309

B.Clauses with That:Replacement of Subjects309

TOPIC TWO Adjective Clauses with Who,Which,and Whose312

A.Clauses with Who and Which:Replacement of Subjects314

B.Clauses with Whose:Replacement of Possessives315

C.Restrictive Versus Nonrestrictive Clauses316

TOPIC THREE Adjective Clauses with That,Which,and Who(m)318

A.Clauses with That and Which:Replacement of Objects319

B.Clauses with Who(m):Replacement of Objects320

TOPIC FOUR Adjective Clauses with When and Where323

focus on testing:use of adjective clauses327

CHAPTER eleven 第十一章 The Media 传媒329

TOPIC ONE Gerunds330

A.Introduction to Gerunds and Infinitives331

B.Uses of Gerunds331

C.Gerunds After Prepositions332

D.Common Verbs Often Followed by Gerunds335

E.Common Verbs Often Followed by Gerunds or Infinitives(1)336

TOPIC TWO Infinitives338

A.Uses of Infinitives339

B.Common Verbs Often Followed by Infinitives342

C.Infinitives with Too and(Not)Enough344

D.Infinitives of Purpose346

TOPIC THREE Infinitives Versus Gerunds348

Common Verbs Often Followed by Infinitives or Gerunds(2)351

TOPIC FOUR Causative and Structurally Related Verbs;Verbs of Perception354

A.Causative and Structurally Related Verbs356

B.Verbs of Perception358

focus on testing:use of gerunds,infinitives,and other verb forms363

CHAPTER twelve 第十二章 Prejudice,Tolerance,and Justice 偏见、宽容及司法365

TOPIC ONE Hope and Wish:Present and Future366

TOPIC TWO Conditional Sentences:Present or Unspecified Time372

TOPIC THREE Past Wishes and Conditions376

A.Perfect Modal Auxi liaries377

B.Past Wishes381

C.Conditional Sentences:Past Time382

TOPIC FOUR Review384

focus on testing:review of problem areas from chapters nine through twelve390

Appendix 附录393

Index 索引407
