人体解剖彩色图谱 第2版【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- 郭光文,王序主编 著
- 出版社: 北京:人民卫生出版社
- ISBN:9787117098519
- 出版时间:2008
- 标注页数:264页
- 文件大小:73MB
- 文件页数:284页
- 主题词:人体解剖学-图谱
人体解剖彩色图谱 第2版PDF格式电子书版下载
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1.全身骨骼(前面观) The skeleton.Anterior aspect1
2.骨的构造 Structure of the bones2
3.骨连结的分类与构造 Classification and structure of the joints3
4.脊柱全貌 The vertebral column4
5.各部椎骨的形态 Features of the individual vertebrae5
6.骶骨和尾骨 The sacrum and coccyx6
7.椎骨间的连结(正中矢状断) Intervertebral joints.Median sagittal section7
8.椎骨间的连结(前面观) Intervertebral joints.Anterior aspect7
9.椎间盘(上面观) Intervertebral disc.Superior aspect7
10.项韧带(侧面观) Ligamentum nuchae.Lateral aspect8
11.覆膜和后纵韧带(正中矢状断) Tectorial membrane and posterior longitudinal ligament.Median sagittal section8
12.寰枕及寰枢关节(后面观) The atlantooccipital and atlantoaxial joint.Posterior aspect9
13.翼状韧带及齿突尖韧带(后面观) Alar ligament and apical dental ligament.Posterior aspect9
14.颈椎X线像(前后位) Anteroposterior radiograph of the cervical vertebral column10
15.颈椎X线像(斜位) Oblique radiograph of the cervical vertebral column10
16.腰椎X线像(前后位) Anteroposterior radiograph of the lumbar vertebral column10
17.腰椎X线像(斜位) Oblique radioglaph of the lumbar vertebral column10
18.胸廓(前面观) The thorax.Anterior aspect11
19.肋骨 The ribs12
20.肋椎关节(上面观) The costovertebral joint.Superior aspect12
21.肋椎关节(侧面观) The costovertebral joint.Lateral aspect13
22.胸骨 The sternum13
23.颅(前面观) The skull.Anterior aspect14
24.新生儿颅(上面观) The skull of a newborn infant.Superior aspect14
25.颅(侧面观) The skull.Lateral aspect15
26.新生儿颅(侧面观) The skull of a newborn infant.Lateral aspect15
27.颅底外面 The external surface of the base of skull16
28.颅底内面 The internal surface of the base of skull17
29.额骨 The frontal bone18
30.枕骨 The occipital bone19
31.颅骨冠状切的后面观(示筛小房) Posterior aspect of coronal section of the skull.Showing the ethmoidal cellules20
32.筛骨 The ethmoid bone20
33.颞骨(1) The temporal bone(1)21
34.颞骨(2) The temporal bone(2)22
35.蝶骨(1) The sphenoid bone(1)22
36.蝶骨(2) The sphenoid bone(2)23
37.上颌骨 The maxilla24
38.腭骨 The palatine bone25
39.舌骨 The hyoid bone25
40.下颌骨 The mandible26
41.眶(前面观) The orbit.Anterior aspect27
42.骨性鼻中隔 The bony nasal septum27
43.骨性鼻腔外侧壁 The lateral wall of the bony nasal cavity28
44.颅的X线像(前后位) Anteroposterior radiograph of the skull29
45.颅的X线像(侧位) Lateral radiograph of the skull29
46.颞下颌关节 The temporomandibular joint30
47.锁骨和肩胛骨 The clavicle and scapula31
48.肱骨 The humerus32
49.桡骨和尺骨 The radius and ulna33
50.手骨 The bones of the hand34
51.胸锁关节(前面观) The sternocIavicular joint.Anterior aspect35
52.肩关节(前面观) The shoulder joint.Anterior aspect35
53.肩关节(冠状切面) The shoulder joint.Coronal section36
54.肩关节内面(前外侧观) Interior of the shoulder joint.Anterolateral aspect36
55.肘关节 The elbow joint37
56.手关节(掌面观) The joints of the hand.Palmar aspect38
57.腕的韧带(背面观) The ligaments of the wrist.Dorsal aspect38
58.腕关节冠状切面(背面观) A coronal section through the joint at the wrist.Dorsal aspect38
59.肩关节X线像(前后位) Anteroposterior radiograph of the shoulder joint39
60.肘关节X线像(前后位) Anteroposterior radiograph of the elbow joint39
61.肘关节X线像(侧位) Lateral radiograph of the elbow joint39
62.手X线像(前后位) Anteroposterior radiograph of the hand39
63.髋骨 The hip bone40
64.股骨 The femur41
65.髌骨 The patella42
66.胫骨(上面观) The tibia.Superior aspect42
67.胫骨和腓骨 The tibia and fibula42
68.足骨(1) The bones of the foot(1)43
69.足骨(2) The bones of foot(2)44
70.距骨(下面观) The talus.Inferior aspect44
71.跟骨(上面观) The calcaneus.Superior aspect44
72.骨盆的韧带(前面观) The ligaments of the pelvis.Anterior aspect45
73.骨盆的韧带(后面观) The ligaments of the pelvis.Posterior aspect45
74.耻骨联合 The pubic symphysis45
75.骨盆 The pelvis46
76.髋关节(1) The hip joint(1)47
77.髋关节(2) The hip joint(2)48
78.膝关节(1) The knee joint(1)49
79.膝关节(2) The knee joint(2)50
80.膝关节(3) The knee joint(3)51
81.足的韧带 The ligaments of the foot52
82.足底的韧带 The ligaments of the plantar surface of the foot53
83.足关节的冠状断面 A coronal section through the joints of the foot53
84.骨盆和髋关节X线像(前后位) Anteroposterior radiograph of pelvis and hip joint54
85.膝关节X线像(前后位) Anteroposterior radiograph of knee joint54
86.膝关节X线像(侧位) Lateral radiograph of knee joint54
87.踝和足的X线像(侧位) Lateral radiograph of ankle and foot54
88.全身体表及肌肉(前面观) Surface anatomy and muscles of the body.Anterior aspect55
89.全身体表及肌肉(后面观) Surface anatomy and muscles of the body.Posterior aspect56
90.肌的各种形状 Forms of muscles57
91.肌的横断面 Transverse section of the muscle58
92.筋膜鞘模式图 Diagram of fascial sheath58
93.腱鞘模式图 Diagram of tendinous sheath58
94.消化系统概观 Genernal arrangement of the digestive system60
95.口腔及腭扁桃体的动脉 The mouth cavity and the arterial supply of the palatine tonsil61
96.口腔底 The floor of the mouth62
97.恒牙(1) The permanent teeth(1)63
98.恒牙(2) The permanent teeth(2)64
99.乳牙 The deciduous teeth64
100.牙的构造模式图(纵切) Diagram of the structure of a teeth.Sagittal section65
101.下颌第一磨牙的X线像 Radiograph of mandibular first permanent molar65
102.舌背面 The dorsum of the tongue66
103.舌肌 The muscles of the tongue66
104.大唾液腺 The major salivary glands67
105.鼻腔、口腔、咽和喉的正中矢状断 Median section of nasal cavity,oral cavity,pharynx and larynx68
106.咽肌和舌肌(侧面观) The muscles of the pharynx and tongue.Lateral aspect69
107.咽肌(后面观) The muscles of the pharynx.Posterior aspect70
108.咽腔(后面观) The pharyngeal cavity.Posterior aspect71
109.食管(前面观) The esophagus.Anterior aspect72
110.胃 The stomach73
111.腹部脏器(前面观)(1) The viscera of the abdomen.Anterior aspect(1)74
112.腹部脏器(前面观)(2) The viscera of the abdomen.Anterior aspect(2)75
113.空肠(内面观) The jejunum.Internal aspect76
114.回肠(内面观) The ileum.Internal aspect76
115.结肠(外面观) The colon.External aspect76
116.盲肠和阑尾 The cecum and vermiform appendix77
117.直肠(内面观) The rectum.Internal aspect77
118.食管的X线像(斜位) Oblique radiograph of the esophagus78
119.胃和十二指肠的X线像(前后位) Anteroposterior radiograph of the stomach and duodenum78
120.小肠的X线像(前后位) Anteroposterior radiograph of the small intestine78
121.大肠的X线像(前后位) Anteroposterior radiograph of the large intestine78
122.肝 The liver79
123.肝叶、肝段和血管、胆管的肝内分布 The liver lobes,the liver segments and the intrahepatic distribution of the blood vessels and bile ducts80
124.胆道、十二指肠和胰(前面观) The bile passages,duodenum and pancreas.Anterior aspect81
125.呼吸系统概观 General arrangement of the respiratory system82
126.鼻中隔 The septum of nose83
127.鼻的软骨 The cartilage of nose83
128.鼻腔外侧壁(内侧面观) Lateral wall of the nasal cavity.Internal aspect84
129.甲状软骨 The thyroid cartilage85
130.小角软骨、杓状软骨及环状软骨 The corniculate,arytenoid and cricoid cartilage85
131.喉的软骨及韧带(1) The cartilages and ligaments of larynx(1)86
132.喉的软骨及韧带(2) The cartilages and ligaments of larynx(2)87
133.喉肌 The muscles of the larynx88
134.喉腔(后面观) The laryngeal cavity.Posterior aspect89
135.喉冠状切面 Coronal section through the larynx89
136.喉口(后面观) The aperture of larynx.Posterior aspect90
137.通过声带的喉横切面 A transverse section of the larynx through the level of the vocal fold90
138.喉腔的喉镜所见 Laryngoscope view of the laryngeal cavity90
139.气管、支气管和肺(前面观) The trachea,bronchi and lungs.Anterior aspect91
140.右肺内侧面 Medial aspect of the right lung92
141.左肺内侧面 Medial aspect of the left lung92
142.气管、支气管及支气管肺段 The trachea,brochi and broncho-pulmonary segments93
143.胸膜及肺的体表投影 Surface projection of the pleura and lungs94
144.泌尿生殖系统概观 General arrangement of the urogenital system95
145.腹后壁(示肾及输尿管的位置) Posterior abdominal wall showing the kidneys and ureters in situ96
146.肾的位置和毗邻 Position and relations of kidneys97
147.右肾冠状切面(后面观) Coronal section of the right kidney.Posterior aspect98
148.肾盂和输尿管X线像 Radiograph of the renal pelvis and ureter98
149.肾筋膜模式图 Diagram of renal fascia99
150.肾段动脉模式图 Diagram of renal segmental arteries99
151.膀胱及男性尿道前列腺部(前面观) The bladder and the prostatic part of the male urethra.Anterior aspect100
152.膀胱、前列腺及精囊腺(后面观) The urinary bladder,prostate and seminal vesicles.Posterior aspect100
153.男性盆腔正中矢状断 Median sagittal section of male pelvis101
154.右睾丸、附睾及被膜 The right testis,epididymis and their coverings102
155.睾丸和精索被膜的模式图 Scheme to show coverings of testis and spermatic cord102
156.睾丸内部结构模式图 Diagram showing structure of testis102
157.阴茎(尿道面) The penis.Urethral surface103
158.阴茎的海绵体 The cavernous bodies of penis103
159.阴茎体横断 Thansverse section through body of penis103
160.阴茎正中矢状断 Median sagittal section of penis103
161.女性骨盆正中矢状断 Median sagittal section of female pelvis104
162.女性内生殖器 Female internal genital organs105
163.子宫口 Orifice of uterus106
164.女性盆腔器官(前上面观) Pelvic organs of the female.Antero-superior aspect106
165.女性外生殖器 Female external genital organs107
166.阴蒂、前庭球及前庭大腺 The clitoris,bulb of the vestibule and the greater vestibular gland107
167.乳房 The mamma108
168.乳房矢状断模式图 Diagram of the sagittal section of the mamma108
169.男会阴肌 Muscles of the male perineum109
170.女会阴肌 Muscles of the female perineum109
171.男性骨盆冠状切面(示尿生殖膈及盆膈) Coronal section of male pelvis showing urogenital diaphragm and pelvic diaphragm110
172.女性骨盆冠状切面(示尿生殖膈及盆膈) Coronal section of female pelvis showing urogenital diaphragm and pelvic diaphragm110
173.男性盆膈(上面观) Male pelvic diaphragm.Superior aspect111
174.男性骨盆冠状断模式图(示坐骨肛门窝) Diagram of coronal section of male pervis to show ischioanal fossa111
175.网膜 The omenta112
176.腹后壁腹膜的配布 Arrangement of the peritoneum on the posterior abdominal wall113
177.女性腹腔正中矢状断(示腹膜垂直配布) Median sagittal section of female abdominal cavity to show vertical arrangement of peritoneum114
178.腹腔横断(平网膜孔) Transverse section of the abdominal cavity at lever of the epiploic foramen115
179.腹前壁(内面观) Interior aspect of the anterior abdominal wall115
180.血管分布模式图 Diagram of the distribution of blood vessels116
181.大、小循环示意图 Diagram illustrating the greater and the lesser circulation117
182.心脏的位置 Position of the heart118
183.心脏的外形和血管 External features and blood vessels of the heart119
184.右心房和右心室内腔 Interior of the right atrium and ventricle120
185.左心房和左心室内腔 Interior of the left atrium and ventricle120
186.心室内腔及室间隔 Interior of the ventricle and the interventricular septum121
187.心室内腔及室间隔(肝动脉干已切除) Interior of the ventricle and the interventricular septum.Pulmonary trunk have been removed121
188.心肌的走行 Course of the cardiac muscles122
189.心底 The cardiac base122
190.心传导系统 The conduction system of heart123
191.心包 The pericardium123
192.心瓣膜的体表投影 Surface projetion of valves of heart124
193.心的X线像(后前位) Radiograph of the heart.Postero-anterior exposure124
194.头颈部的静脉 Veins of the head and neck126
195.板障静脉 The diploic veins127
196.椎静脉丛 The vertebral venous plexuses127
197.肝门静脉及其属支 The hepatic portal vein and its tributaries128
198.门静脉系吻合模式图 Diagram of the portal-systemic venous communications129
199.胎儿血液循环模式图 Diagram of the fetal circulation130
200.淋巴系模式图 Diagram of the lymphatic system131
201.体腔后壁的静脉、淋巴管和淋巴结 Veins,lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes on the internal aspect of the dorsal body wall132
202.头颈的淋巴管和淋巴结 Lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes of the head and neck133
203.颈部及舌的淋巴管和淋巴结 Lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes of the neck and tongue133
204.乳腺的淋巴管和腋淋巴结 Lymphatic vessels of the mammary gland,and the axillary lymph nodes134
205.气管、支气管及肺的淋巴管和淋巴结 Lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes of the trachea,bronchi and lungs134
206.胸前壁及膈的淋巴管和淋巴结 Lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes of the anterior thoracic wall and diaphragm135
207.胃的淋巴管和淋巴结 Lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes of the stomach135
208.大肠的淋巴管和淋巴结 Lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes of the large intestine136
209.女性生殖器的淋巴管和淋巴结 Lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes of the female reproductive organs136
210.脾 The spleen137
211.神经系统模式图 Diagram of the nervous system138
212.神经元模式图 Diagram of the neurons139
213.脊髓白质固有束示意图 Schematic diagram showing the fasciculus proprius in the white matter of the spinal cord140
214.髌腱反射示意图 Schematic diagram showing the patellar tendon reflex140
215.脊神经的组成和分布模式图 Diagram showing the constitution and distribution of the spinal nerves140
216.脊髓的外形和被膜 External features and meninges of the spinal cord141
217.脊髓的横切面 Transverse sections of the spinal cord141
218.脊髓和脊神经根 The spinal cord and roots of the spinal nerves142
219.马尾 The cauda equina142
220.脊髓节段与椎骨的相应位置关系模式图 Diagram showing the relation of the segments of the spinal cord to the vertebrae142
221.脊髓颈段横切面 Transverse section through cervical segment of the spinal cord143
222.脊髓的细胞构筑分层 Cytoarchitectural lamination of the spinal cord143
223.脑干腹面观 Ventral aspect of the brain stem144
224.脑干背面观 Dorsal aspect of the brain stem144
225.脑神经核模式图(背面观) Diagram of the nuclei of the cranial nerves.Dorsal aspect145
226.脑神经核模式图(侧面观) Diagram of the nuclei of the cranial nerves.Lateral aspect145
227.延髓横切面(经锥体交叉) Transverse section of the medulla oblongata through the decussation of pyramid146
228.延髓横切面(经内侧丘系交叉) Transverse section of the medulla oblongata through the decussation of the medial lemniscus146
229.延髓横切面(经下橄榄核中部) Transverse section of the medulla oblongata through the middle part of the inferior olive147
230.延髓横切面(经蜗神经核) Transverse section of the medulla oblongata through the cochlear nuclei147
231.脑桥横切面(经面神经丘) Transverse section of the pons through the facial colliculus148
232.脑桥横切面(经三叉神经运动核) Transverse section of the pons through the motor nucleus of the trigeminal nerve148
233.中脑横切面(经下丘) Transverse section of the midbrain through the inferior colliculus149
234.中脑横切面(经上丘) Transverse section of the midbrain through the superior colliculus149
235.第四脑室脉络组织和脉络丛 The tela choroidea and choroid plexus of fourth ventricle150
236.内、外侧丘系 The medial and lateral lemniscus150
237.前庭神经核的主要纤维投射 Principal fiber projections of the vestibular nuclei151
238.面神经在脑桥内的行程模式图 Diagram of intrapontine course of facial nerve151
239.锥体束 The pyramidal tract152
240.视束及视辐射 The optic tract and optic radiation152
241.下丘脑核团横式图 Diagram of the hypothalamic nuclei153
242.丘脑核团模式图 Diagram of the thalamic nuclei153
243.小脑 The cerebellum154
244.小脑分叶模式图 Diagram of the lobules of the cerebellum155
245.小脑皮质结构模式图 Diagram of the structure of the cerebellar cortex155
246.小脑脚及外侧丘系 The peduncles of the cerebellum and the lateral lemniscus156
247.小脑上脚及小脑齿状核 The superior cerebellar peduncle and the dentate nucleus156
248.大脑半球外侧面 Lateral surface of the cerebral hemisphere157
249.大脑半球内侧面 Medial surface of the cerebral hemisphere157
250.大脑皮质的细胞构筑分区(外侧面) Cytoarchitectonic areas of the cerebral cortex.Lateral surface158
251.大脑皮质的细胞构筑分区(内侧面) Cytoarchitectonic areas of the cerebral cortex.Medial surface158
252.脑底面 Basal surface of the brain159
253.脑岛 The insula159
254.脑的正中矢状断 Median sagittal section of the brain160
255.海马和穹窿 The hippocampus and fornix160
256.脑的水平切面 Horizontal section of the brain161
257.基底核 The basal nuclei161
258.胼胝体(上面观) The corpus callosum.Superior aspect162
259.大脑半球内主要联络纤维 Principal association fibers in the cerebral hemisphere162
260.脑的冠状切面 Coronal section of the brain163
261.纹状体与内囊 The corpus striatum and internal capsule163
262.侧脑室(上面观) The lateral ventricle.Superior aspect164
263.脑室的铸型 A cast of the ventricles of the brain164
264.大脑半球外侧面的动脉 Arteries of the lateral surface of the cerebral hemisphere165
265.大脑半球内侧面的动脉 Arteries of the medial surface of the cerebral hemisphere165
266.脑底的动脉 Arteries at the base of the brain166
267.大脑动脉的皮质支和中央支 Cortical and central branches of the cerebral arteries166
268.脑室造影像(前后位) The ventriculogram.Antero-posterior aspect167
269.脑室造影像(侧位) The ventriculogram.Lateral aspect167
270.脑动脉造影像(前后位) The encephalo-arteriogram.Antero-posterior aspect167
271.脑动脉造影像(侧位) The encephalo-arteriogram.Lateral aspect167
272.大脑半球外侧面的静脉 Veins of the lateral surface of the cerebral hemisphere168
273.大脑深静脉 The deep cerebral veins168
274.脊髓的血管 Blood vessels of the spinal cord168
275.颅内外静脉的交通 Connection of the intra-and extracranial veins169
276.脊髓的血液供应 Blood supply of the spinal cord169
277.脊髓的被膜 Meninges of the spinal cord169
278.硬脑膜及硬脑膜窦 The cerebral dura mater andthe sinuses of dura mater170
279.脑脊液循环模式图 Diagram of cerebrospinal fluid circulation171
280.脑神经示意图 Schematic diagram of the cranial nerves173
281.眶及眶内容(外侧面) The orbit and its contents.Lateral aspect174
282.眶及眶内容(上面观) The orbit and its contents.Superior aspect174
283.三叉神经(外侧面) The trigeminal nerve.Lateral aspect175
284.三叉神经(内侧面) The trigeminal nerve.Medial aspect175
285.面神经在颞骨的分支 Branches of the facial nerve within temporal bone176
286.面神经在面部的分布 Distribution of the facial nerve in the face176
287.舌咽、迷走、副神经的行程与分布 Course and distribution of glossopharyngeal,vagus and accessory nerves177
288.迷走神经在颈部的分支 Branches of the vagus nerve in the neck178
289.舌下神经及锁骨下动脉 The hypoglossal nerve and subclavian artery178
290.浅部感觉传导路 Pathway of the exteroceptive sensibility179
291.本体感觉传导路 Pathway of the proprioceptic sensibility180
292.视觉传导路 The visual pathway181
293.听觉传导路 The auditory pathway182
294.平衡觉传导路 The equilibrium pathway183
295.嗅觉传导路 The olfactory pathway183
296.锥体系(皮质脊髓束) The pyramidal system.Corticospinal tracts184
297.锥体系(皮质核束) The pyramidal system.Corticonuclear tracts184
298.锥体交叉示意图 Schema of the pyramidal decussation185
299.内囊主要结构模式图 Diagram of the main components in the internal capsure185
300.面神经瘫 Paralysis of the facial nerve185
301.舌下神经瘫 Paralysis of the hypoglossal nerve185
302.锥体外系(纹状体-苍白球系) The extrapyramidal system.Striopallidal system186
303.锥体外系(皮质-脑桥-小脑系) The extrapyramidal system.Corticopontocerebellar system186
304.自主神经系概观 Scheme of general arrangement of autonomic nervous system187
305.交感神经系统模式图 Diagram of the sympathetic nervous system188
306.交感系同脊神经和脊髓的关系模式图 Diagram showing relation of the sympathetic system to the spinal nerves and spinal cord189
307.头部自主神经系统分布模式图 Diagram showing distribution of the autonomic nervous system in the head189
308.腹、盆腔的自主神经丛和节 Plexuses and ganglia of the automotic nerves in the abdomen and pelvis190
309.心的神经支配和血压调节示意图 Scheme to show innervation of the heart and regulation of the blood pressure191
310.支气管、肺的神经支配和呼吸调节示意图 Scheme to show innervation of the bronchi and lungs,and control of respiretion191
311.膀胱的神经支配示意图 Scheme to show innervation of the urinary bladder192
312.肝、胆牵涉性痛的反射途径示意图 Scheme to show reflex tracts of the referred pain of the liver and gallbladder192
313.心脏牵涉性痛的反射途径示意图 Scheme to show reflex tracts of the referred pain of the heart192
314.右侧眼球水平断模式图 Diagram of horizontal section through the right eyeball193
315.眼球前部的断面 Section of the anterior part of the eyeball193
316.虹膜、睫状体及晶状体(后面观) The iris,ciliary body and lens.Posterior aspect194
317.眼底镜所见(右侧) Ophthalmoscopic view of fundus of the eyeball.Right side194
318.右侧眼球及眶腔矢状断 Sagittal section through the right eyeball and orbital cavity195
319.右眼眶隔 The orbital septum of the right eye195
320.右眼前面观 Anterior aspect of the right eye196
321.泪器(右侧) The lacrimal apparatus.Right side196
322.眼球外肌(外侧观) The ocular muscles.Lateral aspect197
323.眼球外肌(上面观) The ocular muscles.Superior aspect197
324.眼球的血管神经分布模式图 Diagram to show distribution of the blood vessels and nerves of the eyeball198
325.眼球的动脉供应及静脉回流模式图 Diagram to show the arterial supply and venous drainage of the eyeball198
326.前庭蜗器模式图(右侧) Diagram of the vestibulocochlear organ.Right side199
327.耳郭 The auricle199
328.耳郭软骨 Cartilage of the auricle199
329.鼓室内侧壁(右侧) Medial wall of the tympanic cavity.Right side200
330.鼓室外侧壁(右侧) Lateral wall of the tympanic cavity.Right side200
331.右鼓膜(外侧观) The right tympanic membrane.Outer aspect201
332.听小骨(右侧) The auditory ossicles.Right side201
333.乳突小房、乙状窦及面神经的投影图 Projection of mastoid cells,sigmoid sinus and facial nerve201
334.右侧骨迷路及膜迷路(前外侧面) Right bony labyrinth and membranous labyrinth.Antero-lateral aspect202
335.右侧骨迷路内面 Interior of the right bony labyrinth202
336.右侧膜迷路(后内侧面) Right membranous labyrinth.Postero-medial aspect203
337.迷路的血管 Blood vessels of the labyrinth203
338.耳蜗(通过蜗轴的剖面) The cochlea.Section through the modiolus204
339.螺旋器横断面 Transverse section through the spiral organ204
340.内耳道底(右侧) The fundus of internal acoustic meatus.Right side204
341.嗅区 The olfactory region205
342.味器及其神经分布 The gustatory organ and its innervation205
343.皮肤 The skin206
344.指甲 The nail of finger206
345.内分泌腺概观 The endocrine glands207
346.胸腺 The thymus208
347.肾上腺 The suprarenal glands208
348.垂体的分部 Divisions of the hypophysis209
349.垂体的血管供应 Blood supply of the hypophysis209
350.甲状腺及甲状旁腺 The thyroid gland and parathyroid glands210
351.头颈部右侧面的肌肉、血管和神经(1) Muscles,blood vessels and nerves of right lateral aspect of the head and neck(1)211
352.头颈部右侧面的肌肉、血管和神经(2) Muscles,blood vessels and nerves of right lateral aspect of the head and neck(2)212
353.头颈部右侧面的肌肉、血管和神经(3) Muscles,blood vessels and nerves of right lateral aspect of the head and neck(3)213
354.颈深肌群 Deep muscles of the neck214
355.翼肌 Pterygoid muscles214
356.头皮及颅的额状断 Frontal section of the scalp and skull214
357.颈深筋膜 Deep cervical fascia215
358.颈部横断面(平第五颈椎) Transverse section of the neck at lever of the fifth cervical vertebra215
359.背部的肌肉和神经(1) Muscles and nerves of the back(1)216
360.背部的肌肉和神经(2) Muscles and nerves of the back(2)217
361.背部的肌肉和神经(3) Muscles and nerves of the back(3)218
362.胸腹壁的肌肉、血管和神经(1) Muscles,blood vessels and nerves of the thoracic and abdominal wall(1)219
363.胸腹壁的肌肉、血管和神经(2) Muscles,blood vessels and nerves of the thoracic and abdominal wall(2)220
364.前锯肌 The serratus anterior221
365.胸廓前壁内面观 Internal aspect of the anterior wall of the thorax221
366.胸主动脉及其分支 The thoracic aorta and its branches222
367.胸壁局解 Topography of the thoracic wall222
368.纵隔(右侧) The mediastinum.Right aspect223
369.纵隔(左侧) The mediastinum.Left aspect224
370.胸部横断面 Transverse section of the thorax225
371.腹前壁横断面 Transverse section through the anterior abdominal wall225
372.腹后壁横断面 Transverse section through the posterior abdominal wall225
373.腹股沟管(1) The inguinal canal(1)226
374.腹股沟管(2) The inguinal canal(2)226
375.腹股沟管(3) The inguinal canal(3)227
376.腹股沟三角 The inguinal triangle227
377.腹上部器官和腹腔干及其分支(1) The organs of the upper abdomen and the celiac trunk and its branches(1)228
378.腹上部器官和腹腔干及其分支(2) The organs of the upper abdomen and the celiac trunk and its branches(2)228
379.小肠、大肠和肠系膜上动脉 The small and large intestines and the superior mesenteric artery229
380.小肠、大肠和肠系膜下动脉 The small and large intestines and the inferior mesenteric artery230
381.盆腔的血管(男) Blood vessels of the pelvic cavity(Male)231
382.盆腔的血管(女) Blood vessels of the pelvic cavity(Female)232
383.男性会阴的肌肉、血管及神经 Muscles,blood vessels and nerves of the male perineum233
384.女性会阴的肌肉、血管及神经 Muscles,blood vessels and nerves of the female perineum233
385.膈、腹后壁的肌肉和神经 The diaphragm and the muscles and nerves of the posterior abdominal wall234
386.腋窝的肌肉、血管和神经(1) Muscles,blood vessels and nerves of the axillary fossa(1)235
387.腋窝的肌肉、血管和神经(2) Muscles,blood vessels and nerves of the axillary fossa(2)235
388.颈根部局解 Topography of the root of neck236
389.腋窝矢状断模式图 Diagram of sagittal section of the axillary fossa236
390.腋窝横断模式图 Diagram of transverse section of the axillary fossa236
391.上肢的皮神经和浅静脉 Cutaneous nerves and superficial veins of the upper limb237
392.肩及臂前面的肌肉、血管和神经(1)(2) Muscles,blood vessels and nerves of the anterior aspect of the shoulder and arm(1)(2)238
393.肩及臂后面的肌肉、血管和神经(1)(2) Muscles,blood vessels and nerves of the posterior aspect of the shoulder and arm(1)(2)239
394.前臂前面的肌肉、血管和神经(1)(2) Muscles,blood vessels and nerves of the anterior aspect of the forearm(1)(2)240
395.前臂前面的肌肉、血管和神经(3)(4) Muscles,blood vessels and nerves of the anterior aspect of the forearm(3)(4)241
396.前臂后面的肌肉、血管和神经(1)(2) Muscles,blood vessels and nerves of the posterior aspect of the forearm(1)(2)242
397.手掌的肌肉、血管和神经(1) Muscles,blood vessels and nerves of the palm of hand(1)243
398.手掌的肌肉、血管和神经(2) Muscles,blood vessels and nerves of the palm of hand(2)244
399.手掌的肌肉、血管和神经(3) Muscles,blood vessels and nerves of the palm of hand(3)245
400.手背的肌肉、血管和神经 Muscles,blood vessels and nerves of the dorsum of hand246
401.手的腱滑膜鞘和筋膜间隙 The synovial sheaths of tendons and fascial spaces of the hand247
402.上肢的横断面 Transverse sections of the upper limb248
403.下肢的皮神经和浅静脉 Cutaneous nerves and superficial veins of the lower limb249
404.大腿前内侧面的肌肉、血管和神经(1) Muscles,blood vessels and nerves of antero-medial aspect of the thigh(1)250
405.大腿前内侧面的肌肉、血管和神经(2) Muscles,blood vessels and nerves of antero-medial aspect of the thigh(2)251
406.大腿前内侧面的肌肉、血管和神经(3) Muscles,blood vessels and nerves of antero-medial aspect of the thigh(3)252
407.臀部及大腿后面的肌肉、血管和神经(1) Muscles,blood vessels and nerves of the gluteal region and posterior aspect of the thigh(1)253
408.臀部及大腿后面的肌肉、血管和神经(2) Muscles,blood vessels and nerves of the gluteal region and posterior aspect of the thigh(2)254
409.肌腔隙及血管腔隙 The lacuna musculorum and lacuna vasorum255
410.股鞘 The femoral sheath255
411.小腿前外侧面及足背的肌肉、血管和神经(1) Muscles,blood vessels and nerves of antero-lateral aspect of the leg and dorsum of the foot(1)256
412.小腿前外侧面及足背的肌肉、血管和神经(2) Muscles,blood vessels and nerves of antero-lateral aspect of the leg and dorsum of the foot(2)257
413.小腿后面的肌肉、血管和神经(1)(2) Muscles,blood vessels and nerves of posterior aspect of the leg(1)(2)258
414.小腿后面的肌肉、血管和神经(3)(4) Muscles,blood vessels and nerves of posterior aspect of the leg(3)(4)259
415.足底的肌肉、血管和神经(1) Muscles,blood vessels and nerves of the sole of foot(1)260
416.足底的肌肉、血管和神经(2) Muscles,blood vessels and nerves of the sole of foot(2)261
417.足底的肌肉、血管和神经(3) Muscles,blood vessels and nerves of the sole of foot(3)262
418.足的腱滑膜鞘 The synovial sheaths of the tendons of foot263
419.下肢的横断面 Transverse section of the lower limb264
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