中国园艺精品选 中英文本【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- 中国园艺学会编 著
- 出版社: 北京:中国科学技术出版社
- ISBN:7504626295
- 出版时间:1999
- 标注页数:84页
- 文件大小:41MB
- 文件页数:95页
- 主题词:
中国园艺精品选 中英文本PDF格式电子书版下载
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果树 Pomology1
落叶果树 Deciduous fruit trees2
秦冠 Qinguan apple(Malus pumila Mill cv.)7
华冠 Huaguan apple(Malus pumila Mill cv.)7
褐梨 Dusky pear(Pyrus phaeocarpa Rehd.)7
古梨树 Old pear tree(Pyrus phaeocarpa Rehd.)7
山楂 Hawthorn(Crataegus pinnatifida Bge.)7
李光杏 Liguang apricot(Prunus armeniaca L.)7
大红甜樱桃 Dahong sweet cherry(Prunus avium L.)7
肥城桃 Feicheng peach(Prunus persica(L.)Balsde.)7
磨盘枣 Mopan date(Zizyphus jujuba var Lageniformis Hort.)7
杏 Apricot(Prunus armeniaca L.)7
核桃古树 Old walnut tree(Juglans regia L.)7
板栗 Chinese chestnut(Castanea mollissima Blume.)7
老柿树 Old persimmon tree(Diospyros kaki L.f.)7
柿 Persimmon(Diospyros kaki L.f.)7
无核白葡萄 Seedless white grape(Vitis vinifera L.)7
银杏 Ginkgo(Ginkgo biloba L.)7
中华猕猴桃 Yangtao Actinidia(Actinidia chinensis Planch.)7
大棚栽培油桃结果状 Fruiting of Nectarine(prunus persica varnectana Maxim.)culture in plastic tunnel塑料大棚栽培李 fruiting of plum(prunus salicina Lindl.)culture in plastic tunnel塑料大棚栽培草莓 Strawberry(Fragaria L.)growing and fruiting in plastic tunnel长绿果树 Evergreen fruit trees7
枇杷 Loquat(musa acuminata Colla.)10
佛手 Fleshfingered citrus(citrus medica var.sarcodactylisswingle.)10
碰柑 Satsuma orange(citrus reticulata Blanco.)10
中育7号甜橙 ZhongYu No.7 sweet orange(citus sinesis osbeck.)10
荔枝 Litchi(Iitchi chinensis sonn.)10
香蕉 Banana(Musa acuminata Colla)10
番石榴 Guava(psidium guajava L.)10
杨桃 Common Averrhoa (Averrhoa carambola L.)10
番木瓜 Papaya(Carica papaya L.)10
人心果 Heart balata(Manikara zapotilla(Tacq.)Gilly.)10
龙眼 Longan(Euphoria longanalam.(Dimocarpus longana Lour.)10
山金柑 Hong Kong Kumquat(Fortunella nindsii(champ.)Swingle.)10
木菠萝 Diversileaf artocarpus(Artocarpus heterphyllus Lam.)10
涫溪蜜柚 Guanxi pomelo(citrus sinensis osbeck.)10
蔬菜 Vegetables10
萝卜 Radish(Raphanus sativus L.)sHeading Chinese cabbage(Brassica campestris L.ssp.Pekinensis(Lour.)Olsson)白菜 Non-heading Chinese Cabbage(Brassica campestrisL.ssp.chinensis(L.)Makino var.cammunis Tsen et.Lee)菜心 Flowering Chinese cabbage(Brassica campestris L.ssp.Chinensis var.utilis Tsen et Lee)芥蓝 Chinese Kale(Brassica alboglabra Bailey.)叶芥菜 Leaf mustard(Brassica juncea Coss.var.foliosa Bailey)冬瓜 Wax gourd(Benincasa hispida(Thunb.)Cogn)丝瓜 Sponge gourd(Luffa sp.)蛇瓜 Snake gourd(Trichosanthes anguina L.)苦瓜 Balsam pear(Momordica Charantia L.)瓠瓜 Bottle gourd(Lagenaria siceraria(Molina)Standl)节瓜 Chieh-gua(Benincasa hispida Cogn.var.chieh-qua How.)黄瓜 Cucumber(Cucumis sativus L.)佛手瓜 Chayote(Sechium edule Swartz.)中国南瓜 Pumpkin(Cucurbita moschata Duch.)菜豆 Kidney bean(Phaseolus vulgaris L.)长豇豆 Asparagus bean(Vigna unquiculata W.ssp.sesquipedalis(L.)Verd)扁豆 Lablab(Dolichos lablab L.)蕹菜 Water spinach(Ipomoea aquatica Forsk)豆瓣菜 Water cress(Nasturtium officinale R.Br.)茼蒿 Garland chrysanthemum(Chrysanthemun coronarium L.)莴笋 Asparagus lettuce(Lactuca sativa L.var.angustana Irish.)水芹 Water dropwort(Oenanthe Stotonifera DC.)落葵 Malbar Spinach(Basella spp.)黄花菜 Day lily(Hemerocallis spp.)韭 Chinese chive(Allium tuberosum Rottl.Ex Spr.)节能型日光温室 Energy saving solar greenhouse魔芋 Elephant foot taro(Amorphophallus sp.)山药 Yam(Dioscorea spp.)节能型日光温室内黄瓜生产情况 CucumberProductionin Energy saving solar greenhouse辣椒 Pepper(Capsicum annuum L.,syn.C.fruescens L.)冬寒菜 Curled mallow(Malva verticillata L.(M.crispa L.))苋菜 Edible amaranth(Amaranthus mangostanus L.)姜 Ginger(Zingiber officinale Rosc.)莲藕 Lotus root(Nelumbo nucifera Gaerth)茭白 water bamboo(Zizania caduciflora Turcz.)大蒜 Garlic(Allium sativum L.)苍山大蒜田 Cangshan garlic field竹笋 Bamboo shoot(Bambusoideae spp.)百合 Lily(Lilium spp.)大葱 Welsh onion(Alliumfistulosum L.var.giganteum Makino)甜瓜西瓜 Melons and Watermelon……(21)甜瓜 Melon……(22)甜瓜野生资源 Wild germplasm resources of melon华北野生甜瓜 North China wild melon(C.Melo Agrestis)中国甜瓜优良品种“黄金瓜” "Huang Jin Gua"(C.melo Makuwa),China good melon variety中国甜瓜优良品种三峡(白)和八里香 Shanxia(white)and Balixiang,China good melon variety中国甜瓜优良品种“亚洲二号” "Asia No.2"(C melo Makuwa),China good melon variety中国甜瓜优良品种“皇妃” "Huangfei"(C.melo Makuwa),China good melon variety早熟厚皮甜瓜优良品系84-39 84-39,China good early ripening muskmelon金凤凰无土栽培 Gold Phenix melon soilless culture甜瓜珍贵种质-完全花高节成品种 Melon precious germplasm-complete flower,high intern-ode(C.melo Makuwa)蛇形甜瓜 Snake like melon(C.melo Flexuosus)甘肃甜瓜资源之一 One of the melon germplasm in Gansu Province(C.melo var.cassaba)华北绿菜瓜 North China conomon melon(C.melon var.Conomon)四川菜瓜品种 Sichuan Province caiqua melon(C.melon Flexuosus)菜瓜品种-毛菜瓜 Mao Cai Gua(C.melo Flexuosus)南瓜形甜瓜种质 Pumpkin type melon germplasm甜瓜重要种质资源-巴伦西亚诺 Important melon germplasm-Balonsiano哈密瓜品种 Golden phenix-Hamigua(C.melo var.saccharinus)著名蜜瓜优良品种-黄河蜜 Huanghemi-Well known sweet melon张家口砾田栽培密瓜 Zhangjiakou gravel cultured melon哈密瓜新品系81-49 81-49(C.melo var.saccharinus) Hamigua new line白兰瓜新品种81-49 81-48 Bailangua(C.melo var.inodrus)new variety兰州白兰瓜卵石砂田栽培 Lanzhou Bailangua oval gravel melon production“丽春”日光温室栽培" Lichun"melon in solar greenhouse“丽春”蜜瓜小拱棚早熟栽培 "Lichun"sweet melon in mini-plastic tunnel,early ripen-ing culture西瓜 Watermelon北京市大兴县瓜乡种瓜王 King of watermelon-Beijing Daxing county黄皮西瓜 Yellow skin water melon甘肃砂田地膜西瓜栽培 Gravel plastic film mulch wa-termelon in Gansu Province金太阳无籽西瓜新品种 Golden sun seedless water-melon new variety保护地专用西瓜良种819 Good variety 819 watermelon special for protective cultivation河北新乐市大棚吊式栽培西瓜 Pendent watermelon culture in plastic greenhouse,Xinle city.Hebei province京欣类型西瓜在大棚中上架栽培提高单产和品质 Jingxing type watermelon in plastic greenhouse.Pendent growing for raising production and improving quality10
51公斤特大西瓜 Special giant watermelon weighs 51kg30
萝卜 Radish(Raphanus sativus L.)sHeading Chinese cabbage(Brassica campestris L.ssp.Pekinensis(Lour.)Olsson)白菜 Non-heading Chinese Cabbage(Brassica campestrisL.ssp.chinensis(L.)Makino var.cammunis Tsen et.Lee)菜心 Flowering Chinese cabbage(Brassica campestris L.ssp.Chinensis var.utilis Tsen et Lee)芥蓝 Chinese Kale(Brassica alboglabra Bailey.)叶芥菜 Leaf mustard(Brassica juncea Coss.var.foliosa Bailey)冬瓜 Wax gourd(Benincasa hispida(Thunb.)Cogn)丝瓜 Sponge gourd(Luffa sp.)蛇瓜 Snake gourd(Trichosanthes anguina L.)苦瓜 Balsam pear(Momordica Charantia L.)瓠瓜 Bottle gourd(Lagenaria siceraria(Molina)Standl)节瓜 Chieh-gua(Benincasa hispida Cogn.var.chieh-qua How.)黄瓜 Cucumber(Cucumis sativus L.)佛手瓜 Chayote(Sechium edule Swartz.)中国南瓜 Pumpkin(Cucurbita moschata Duch.)菜豆 Kidney bean(Phaseolus vulgaris L.)长豇豆 Asparagus bean(Vigna unquiculata W.ssp.sesquipedalis(L.)Verd)扁豆 Lablab(Dolichos lablab L.)蕹菜 Water spinach(Ipomoea aquatica Forsk)豆瓣菜 Water cress(Nasturtium officinale R.Br.)茼蒿 Garland chrysanthemum(Chrysanthemun coronarium L.)莴笋 Asparagus lettuce(Lactuca sativa L.var.angustana Irish.)水芹 Water dropwort(Oenanthe Stotonifera DC.)落葵 Malbar Spinach(Basella spp.)黄花菜 Day lily(Hemerocallis spp.)韭 Chinese chive(Allium tuberosum Rottl.Ex Spr.)节能型日光温室 Energy saving solar greenhouse魔芋 Elephant foot taro(Amorphophallus sp.)山药 Yam(Dioscorea spp.)节能型日光温室内黄瓜生产情况 CucumberProductionin Energy saving solar greenhouse辣椒 Pepper(Capsicum annuum L.,syn.C.fruescens L.)冬寒菜 Curled mallow(Malva verticillata L.(M.crispa L.))苋菜 Edible amaranth(Amaranthus mangostanus L.)姜 Ginger(Zingiber officinale Rosc.)莲藕 Lotus root(Nelumbo nucifera Gaerth)茭白 water bamboo(Zizania caduciflora Turcz.)大蒜 Garlic(Allium sativum L.)苍山大蒜田 Cangshan garlic field竹笋 Bamboo shoot(Bambusoideae spp.)百合 Lily(Lilium spp.)大葱 Welsh onion(Alliumfistulosum L.var.giganteum Makino)甜瓜西瓜 Melons and Watermelon……(21)甜瓜 Melon……(22)甜瓜野生资源 Wild germplasm resources of melon华北野生甜瓜 North China wild melon(C.Melo Agrestis)中国甜瓜优良品种“黄金瓜” "Huang Jin Gua"(C.melo Makuwa),China good melon variety中国甜瓜优良品种三峡(白)和八里香 Shanxia(white)and Balixiang,China good melon variety中国甜瓜优良品种“亚洲二号” "Asia No.2"(C melo Makuwa),China good melon variety中国甜瓜优良品种“皇妃” "Huangfei"(C.melo Makuwa),China good melon variety早熟厚皮甜瓜优良品系84-39 84-39,China good early ripening muskmelon金凤凰无土栽培 Gold Phenix melon soilless culture甜瓜珍贵种质-完全花高节成品种 Melon precious germplasm-complete flower,high intern-ode(C.melo Makuwa)蛇形甜瓜 Snake like melon(C.melo Flexuosus)甘肃甜瓜资源之一 One of the melon germplasm in Gansu Province(C.melo var.cassaba)华北绿菜瓜 North China conomon melon(C.melon var.Conomon)四川菜瓜品种 Sichuan Province caiqua melon(C.melon Flexuosus)菜瓜品种-毛菜瓜 Mao Cai Gua(C.melo Flexuosus)南瓜形甜瓜种质 Pumpkin type melon germplasm甜瓜重要种质资源-巴伦西亚诺 Important melon germplasm-Balonsiano哈密瓜品种 Golden phenix-Hamigua(C.melo var.saccharinus)著名蜜瓜优良品种-黄河蜜 Huanghemi-Well known sweet melon张家口砾田栽培密瓜 Zhangjiakou gravel cultured melon哈密瓜新品系81-49 81-49(C.melo var.saccharinus) Hamigua new line白兰瓜新品种81-49 81-48 Bailangua(C.melo var.inodrus)new variety兰州白兰瓜卵石砂田栽培 Lanzhou Bailangua oval gravel melon production“丽春”日光温室栽培" Lichun"melon in solar greenhouse“丽春”蜜瓜小拱棚早熟栽培 "Lichun"sweet melon in mini-plastic tunnel,early ripen-ing culture西瓜 Watermelon北京市大兴县瓜乡种瓜王 King of watermelon-Beijing Daxing county黄皮西瓜 Yellow skin water melon甘肃砂田地膜西瓜栽培 Gravel plastic film mulch wa-termelon in Gansu Province金太阳无籽西瓜新品种 Golden sun seedless water-melon new variety保护地专用西瓜良种819 Good variety 819 watermelon special for protective cultivation河北新乐市大棚吊式栽培西瓜 Pendent watermelon culture in plastic greenhouse,Xinle city.Hebei province京欣类型西瓜在大棚中上架栽培提高单产和品质 Jingxing type watermelon in plastic greenhouse.Pendent growing for raising production and improving quality花卉 Flowers……(28)花卉的应用 Utilization of flowers……(29)天安门节日花坛 Flower terrace at Tian An Men square during festival荷花荡 Lotus flower marsh牡丹类园 Peony garden立体绿化 Three-dimensional greening常用花卉名录 Commonly used flowers30
金盏菊 Pot marigold(Calendula officinalis)44
矢车菊 Cornflower(Centaurea cyanus)44
昙花 Queen of the night(Epiphyllum oxypetalun)44
蝴蝶兰 Moth orchid(Phalaenopsis amabilis)44
瓜叶菊 Florists cineraria(Senecio×hybridus)44
菊花 Chrysanthemum(Dendranthena×grandiflorum)44
香石竹 Carnation(Dianthus caryophyllus)44
令箭荷花 Orchid cactus(Nopalxchia ackermannii)44
桔梗 Balloon flower(Platycodon grandiflorus)44
唐菖蒲 Gladiolus(Gladiolus hybridus)44
芍药 Chinese peony(Paeonia lactiflora)44
虞美人 Corn poppy(Papaver rhoeas)44
碧桃 Flowering Peach(Prunus pensica,f.duplex(Qrnamental peach))44
地生兰 Cymbidium(Cymbidium spp.)44
蓼花 Prince's feather(Polyyonum Orientale)44
嘉兰 Glorglily(Gloriosa superba)44
卡特兰 Autumn cattleya(Cattleya bowringiana)44
向日葵 Sunflower(Helianthus annuus)44
百合 Lily(Lilium spp.)44
矮牵牛 Petunia(Petunia hybrida)44
半支莲 Chinese lobelia(Pontulaca grandiflora)44
中国水仙 Chinese sacred lily(Narcissus tazetta var.chinensis)44
荷花 Lotus(Nelumbo nucifera)44
鹤望兰 Bird of paradise flower(Strelitzia reginae)44
月季 Monthly Rose(Rose cvs.)44
牵牛花 Indian Pharbitis(Pharbitis nil)44
牡丹 Tree Peony(Paeonia suffruticosa)44
梅花 Mei flower(Prunus mume(Armeniaca mume))44
樱花 Flowering Cherries(Prunus serrulata)44
榆叶梅 Flowering almond(Prunns triloba)44
海棠 Crabapple(Malus spectabilis)44
丁香 Lilace(Syringa spp.)44
扶桑 Chinese Hibiscus(Hibiscus rosa-sinensis)44
火棘 Fortune firethorn(pyracantha fortuneana)44
腊梅 Winter-sweet(Chimonanthus praecox)44
茶花 Camellia(Camellia japonica)44
杜鹃花 Rose bay(Rhododendron & R.spp)44
石榴 Pomegranate(Punch granatum)44
玉兰 Yulan(Magnolia denudata)44
紫薇 Crape myrtle(Lagerstroemia indica)44
桂花 Sweet osmanthus(Osmanthus fragrans)44
金凤花 Prettiest caesalpinia(Caesalpinia pulcherrima)44
凤凰木 Peacock tree(Delonix regia)44
香龙血树 Fragrant Dracaena(Dracaena cochinchinensis)44
凌霄 Chinese trumpet-creeper(Campsis grandiflora)44
丝兰 Adam's needle(Yucca filamentosa)44
南天竹 Nandina(Nandina domestica)44
八仙花 Hydrangeas(Hydrangea macrophylla)44
含笑 Banana shrub(Michelia figo)44
刺桐 Zudian coralbean(Erythrina variegata var.orientalis)44
木槿 Rose of Sharou(Hibiscus syriacus)44
栀子花 Capejasmine(Gardenia jasmindes)44
高新技术在花卉生产中的应用 High and New Technology Application in Flower production44
试管苗 Tissue culltured plantlets45
无土栽培温室 Soilless culture Greenhouse45
玉泉营花卉超市 Yuquanying flower wholesale market45
北京花卉市场外观 Beijing flower market(Beijng)45
插花作品赏析 Appreciation of Flower Arrangement45
瓶花 Vase Arrangement45
春风春雨洗妙颜 A Spring rain washing the face of pretty girl.48
火光霞焰递相燃 Fireworks burning again and again.48
超越的爱 Transcendent love48
升腾 Leaping up48
双仙迎春 Double fairy maiden greeting spring48
舞西风 Dancing in the west wind48
彩蝶闹春 Butterflies playing in spring48
金秋 Golden fall48
盘花 Plate Flower Arrangement48
同舟共济 Help each other in the same boat49
仲夏梦 Dream in mid-summer49
繁秋 Mid-Autumn49
钵花 Earthen Bowl Flower Arrangement49
花、果的组合 Combination of flowers and fruits50
两人餐桌花 Arrangement on the dinner table for two people50
清谷幽兰 Quiet valley50
缸花 Jar Flower Arrangement50
春光如水 Bright-colored spring sights look like floating clouds and flowing water.55
果实的旋律 Cantos of fruits55
金秋 Golden autumn55
雅趣 Elegant taste55
红颜如醉 A beauty look drunk55
欢宴 Happy feast55
暮岁晚照 Sunset glow in declining years55
花篮 Basket Flower Arrangement55
中秋即景 Mid-autumn sights57
雁南飞 The wild goose flying southward57
夕阳情更浓 Love deeper at sunset57
回娘家 Going Parent's home57
蓝天行军 Marching under blue sky57
壁挂花 Wall Hanging Flower Arrangement57
幽韵 Peaceful cantos58
嫦娥 Chang'e58
深秋之恋 Love in late fall58
中国盆景流派 Penjing school in china58
苏派 秦汉遗韵 圆柏 Suzhou school,Qin and Han charm,Chinese juniper(Sabina chinensis)75
苏派 雀梅 Suzhou school,Sageretia theezans(Sageretia theezans)75
苏派 丰收 南天竺 Suzhou school,"bumper harvest",com-mon nadina(Nadina domenstica)75
苏派 倾心交谈 榔榆 Suzhou school,"heart-to-heart talk",Chinese elm(Ulmus parvifolia)75
扬派 巧云 黄杨 Yangzhou school,"artful clouds",Chi-nese box(Buxus sinica)75
岭南派 醉卧山前 三角花 Lingnan school,"sleeping drunk-ard",Bougainvillea spectabilis(Bougainvillea spectabilis)浙派 泰岳真趣 五针松Zhejiang school,"charm of Tai mountain",small flowered Japan pine(Pinus parvifora)扬派 翠云 黄杨 Yangzhou school,"green clouds",Chi-nese box(Buxus sinica)川派 滚龙抱柱 罗汉松 Sichuan school,"rolling dragon around the trunk"Chinese podocarpus(Podocarpus macrophyullus)岭南派 龙潜沧海伴浮浪 雀梅 Lingnan school,"swiming dragon against waves",sageretia theezans(Sageretia theezans)海派 五针松 Shanghai school,small flowered Japan pine(Pinus parvifloria)通派 英姿 罗汉松 Nantong school,"heroic bearing",Broad-leaved podocarpus(podocarpus macrophullus)徽派 新安枯笔檵木 Huizhou school,"Xin'an dried brush",Chinese loropetalum(Loropetalum chinensis)徽派 游龙 梅花 Huizhou school,"swiming dragon",Japanese apricot(Prunus mume)闽派 故乡情 榕树 Fujian school,"hometown feelings",smallfruit fig(Ficus microcarpa)闽派 凤舞 榕树 Fujian school,"wind dance",smallfruit fig(Ficus micrpcarpa)中州派 苍松 柽柳 Zhongzhou school,"pine tree",Chinese tama-risk(Tamarix chenensis)中州派 黄河春 柽柳 Zhongzhou school,"spring of Yellow River",Chinese tamarisk(Tamarix chinesis)中州派 烟雨归舟 柽柳 Zhongzhou school,"returning boat in misty rain",Chinese tamarisk(Tamarix Chinensis)湖北风格 横空出世 Hubei school,"horizontal in the air"(Fraxinus sp)贺派风动势盆景 东风劲吹 榔榆 He school,wind stirring penjing,"east wind blowing"Chinese elm(Ulmus parvifolia)湖北风格 根深叶茂 对节白蜡 Hubei school,"well established and vigorously developing"(Fraxinus sp.)贺派风动势盆景 我们走在大路上 雀梅 He school,wind stirring penjing,"mach on the road"sageretia theezans(Sageretia theezans)鲁新派 金喜鹊 侧柏 Luxin school,"gold magpie",Chinese arbovitae(Platycladus orientalis)湖北风格 对节白蜡 Hubei school(Fraxinusp)江海浙派 千寻秀峰 雪浪石 Jing-hai-zhe school"beautiful mountain peak",snow wind stone赵派水旱盆景 垂钓图 雀梅 Zhao's school,mountain and river penjing,"painting of fishing"(Sageretia theezans)西木山水 云涌汇流 云纹石 Ximu mauntains and rivers,"cloud rolling",Yunwen stone张派砚式盆景 门泊东吴万里船 雀梅 Zhang's ink plate penjing,"anchored boat"(Sagertia theezans)江海浙派山水盆景 曲江帆影 常州奇石 Jiang-hai-zhe school mountain and river penjing"a bending river with the reflection of sail"张派果树盆景 一树双果 苹果 Zhang's fruit tree penjing,"charming autumn scenery",apple(Malus pumila)川派山水盆景 蜀山水碧 沙片石 Sichuan school mountain and river penjing,"green mountains and river in Sichuan"flagstone桂派山水盆景 漓江唱晚 钟乳石 Guangxi school mauntain and river penjing,"evening scene of Lijiang River",stactite浙派 牧童曲 榔榆 Zhejiang school,"shepherd boy blowing bam-boo flute",Chinese elm(Ulmus parvifolia)于派小菊盆景 金色年华 小菊 Yu's florists chrysanthemum penjing,"golden time",florists chrysanthe mum(Dendranthema marifolium)张派果树盆景 二果一家春 苹果 Zhang's school,fruit tree penjing,"full of the beauty of spring",apple(Malus Pumila)鲁新派 柏魂 侧柏 Luxin school,"cypress spirit",Chinese arbovitae(Plalycladus orientalis)张派果树盆景 金秋风采 苹果 Zhang's fruit tree penjing,"gold autumn elegance",apple(Malus pumila)北派山水盆景 东临碣石 卵石 North school mountain and river penjing,Donglin,stone tablet,cobblestone鄂派山水盆景 平湖秋月 龟纹石 Hubei school,mountain and river penjing,"a calm lake with the reflection of autumn moon",tortoise-shell stone中国的造园 Landscape architecture in china75
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