国际人类学与民族学联合会第十六届大会论文摘要 第7分册 民族文化研究 宗教研究【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

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- 出版社: 中国人类学民族学研究会
- 出版时间:2009
- 标注页数:318页
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国际人类学与民族学联合会第十六届大会论文摘要 第7分册 民族文化研究 宗教研究PDF格式电子书版下载
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1.Ethnic Culture Studies民族文化研究22
1-047 Zang-Yi Corridor:Cultural Diversity,Ethnic Interaction and Development藏彝走廊:文化多样性、族际互动与发展22
1.On the Theory of the Zang-Yi Corridor and the Ethnic Corridor in China藏彝走廊与中国民族走廊学说22
2.The Coexistent and Interdependent Relationship between the Naze and the伯—纳日的共生、依存和互构关系:历史与现实23
3.The Ethnic Identity of the Shuhen People and Social Transformation--A Case Study of the Tibetanizing Course of the Shuhen旭米藏族的族群认同与社会变迁——以“shuhen”的“藏族化”历程为例24
4.Chinese National Corridor:National history and culture in Zang-Yi Corridor中国的民族大走廊:藏彝走廊的民族历史与文化25
5.On The Zang-Yi Corridor and the Silk Road藏彝走廊与丝绸之路27
6.On the Culture Circle of the Zang-Yi Corridor藏彝走廊文化圈28
7.On Ethnic Interaction and Identity---A Case Study of the Ersu Tibetan in Southwestern Sichuan Province族群的互动与认同——以川西南尔苏藏族为例28
8.On the Ethnic Interaction on the Zang-Yi Corridor---A Field Study in Jiulong County of Ganzi Prefecture藏彝走廊的族群互动——甘孜州九龙县的田野调查30
9.On The Change of the Ethnic Distribution in Northwestern Yunnan after the Iron Bridge Battle during the Zhen Yuan Period in the Tang Dynasty---And on the Causes of the Ethnic Migration at the Southern End of the Zang-Yi Corridor in the Tang Dynasty唐贞元铁桥之战后滇西北地区民族分布的变化——兼及唐代藏彝走廊南端民族迁徙的原因31
10.On The Different Aspects of Silver and Copper Crafts in Zang-Yi Corridor藏彝走廊地区银铜工艺文化的分层32
11.To Understand the Characteristics of Roman Catholicism Propagation through the Traditional Nationality Corridor in the Modern Times从传统的民族走廊认识近代天主教的传播特点33
12.Expressions of the Ancient Cultural Relics and Heritage in a Mysterious Region on the Zang-Yi Corridor--A Case Study of the Tibetan Region of Sichuan走廊秘境中的文化古遗存——以四川藏区为例34
13.On the Tradition of the Zang-Yi Corridor Study--Reng Naiqiang's Contribution to the Study of the Tibetan Society of Khams藏彝走廊研究的传统——任乃强教授在康藏研究方面的贡献36
14.On the Ethnic Identity and Its Dimension of the Kali Gang论卡力岗人的族群认同及认同维度36
15.The State,Interaction,Development and its Reasons of Ethnic-group on the Ethnic Corridor during the Tang and Song Dynasties唐宋时期民族走廊的族群状态、互动与演变及其成因37
16.Hui Identity and Subjectivity in Zang-Yi Corridor----A case study of the“Zang-Hui”Identity in Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture,Yunnan,China藏彝走廊中回族的族群认同及其主体性——以云南迪庆藏族自治州“藏回”的身份认同为例38
17.Polygamous Marriage:A Rational Choice in the context of Tradition and Habitat—A Case Study of Benzilan Village in Deqing County,Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture,Yunnan Province多偶婚姻:传统与生境下的理性选择——以云南迪庆藏族自治州德钦县奔子栏乡奔子栏村为例39
18.The Impacts of the Development of Cultural Tourism on Inter-ethnic Relationship in Zang-Yi Corridor藏彝走廊里文化旅游的发展对族群关系的影响39
19.A Discussion on the Significance of the Research into Shibi Culture of the Qiang Ethnic Group论对羌族及其释比文化的研究的意义41
20.On The Creative Development of Tibetan'Xiangba'藏族祥巴(版画)的创造性发展41
21.On the Indigenous Court in the Liangshan Yi Area“坎下法庭”:凉山彝族习惯法及其运作43
22.The Great Kongba Tibetan Merchant on the Ancient Road of Tea and Horse:Bang dacang---On the Political Careers and Commercial Experiences of Bangda Tochi茶马古道上的康巴藏族巨商“邦达昌”--论邦达多吉的政治生涯与商业历程44
23.On The Historical Relation between the Qiang and the Han in the Upper Reaches of the Minjiang River:A Case Study of Luobu Village in Yanmen Rural Township of Wenchuan County岷江上游羌族与汉族的历史关系——以汶川县雁门乡萝卜寨村为例44
24.On the Study of the Hui Ethnic Group on the Zang-Yi Corridor谈藏彝走廊的回族研究45
25.On the Activities and Roles of American Missionary Shelton During the 1917~1918 Armed Conflict between Khams and Tibet美国传教士史德文在1917-1918年康藏纠纷中的活动与角色46
26.Stigma and the Nuosu (Yi)Moral Codes污名与地方道德规范:以凉山彝族为例46
27.Zang-Yi Corridor as a Research Platform in Modern China Studies藏彝走廊:当代中国研究中的学术平台47
28.The Memorial Ceremony for the Mountain of the Xifan,Qiang,Pumi and Naxi of Southwest Sichuan川西南“西番”和羌族、纳西族的祭山49
29.Chinese Minority People's Woodworking and Its Regional Characteristics中国少数民族的木器制造及其其地区的特色50
30.The Phenomenon of Minority People's Living in Different Places and Characteristics of their Occupation in the Northern Part of Yunnan Province of China中国云南省北部少数民族的分别居住现象和生业形态的特色51
31.Zang-Yi Corridor of Multicultural Harmonious Development---And on the Kham Tibetan as well多元文化和谐发展的“藏彝走廊”——兼论康巴藏族52
32.An Analysis of the Factors for the Cultural Differences of the Lisu in Nanshan and Jinsha villages,Dechang County of Sichuan四川德昌县南山、金沙两村傈僳族文化差异原因的分析53
33.Protecting Language Culture of Zaba Tibetan保护扎巴藏族的语言文化54
34.The Inherit and Change of the Development of the Tourist Economy and Marriage/Family in Lugu Lake in Sichuan四川泸沽湖摩梭旅游经济发展与婚姻家庭的承继与变迁54
35.The Review and Prospect of Study on Bunker in Zang-Yi Corridor“藏彝走廊”碉楼研究的回顾与展望55
36.On the Classification Titles,Evolution of the People Groups in the Area of the Zang-Yi Corridor from the Han Dynasty to the Republic of China——A focus on the records of Chinese historical Literature55
37.Thoughts on the Conservation and Education Reform of Mosuo Culture56
38.Fictive kinship in Ethnic interaction---A Case Study of Ethnic Relations in Mountain Areas,Southeast Guizhou57
39.Research of Zang-Yi Corridor music and dance culture“藏彝走廊”的乐舞文化研究57
40.Discussion on the Origin of the Qiang's"Bao Er Zi"Custom in Pingwu County58
41.The Local Chronicles on Compiling the Histories and other Records of Tibetan Traditional Cultures(Tibetan language)59
42.Unbearable Interpretation----A Mosuo Woman's Cultural Self-concept60
43.Turret building of veranda area in Tibet and Tibetan nationality and Yi nationality corridor60
44.An Iconographic Interpretation of Tibetan Traditional Folk House Decorative Patterns-----Take"Tao Tie"pattern as an example61
45.An Analysis of Tourist Route Development of Zang-Yi Corridor based on Ethnic Community Reaction——A Case of Rock Route61
46.The Lipo people who are living at the edge of Country and Ancestors——Taking the Lipo people of Huilong Huili county Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture after ethnic groups identity62
47.Basic Education Concept in the Background of Extended Family:Ideas on Mosuo People's Family Education62
2-023 Ethnic Minorities and Ethnicity in China:Borders,Place,And The House In Southwest China中国的少数民族和族群63
1.Hmong Senses of Place64
2.Wa Myths of Autochtony:The Presence and Future of Wa Indigeneity64
3.Resemblance,Contiguity,Symbol and the Identity of Tonghai Mongols65
4 STL Pub and Restaurant:Inventing a Dai Soundscape in Southwest China65
5.Connecting Cultures:Yunnan at the Smithsonian Folklife Festival,200766
6.Ethnicity goes Digital:Ethnic Minorities and their Visual Representation in New Media(Selected Examples from Southwest China)67
7.Lijiang's Tourism Development-how the Designers design Lijiang68
8.The Southern Great Wall:Shifting Border Histories and National Futures in Southwest China68
9.Place,the memory and ethnic boundaries69
10.The Hmong house and mountains:Alternative ways of emplacing culture69
11.The Legitimation of Protestants in Community Reciprocity and Ehnic Group Identity:Two Cases in South Yunnan70
12.The Diachronic Value of the House:on Polyandry and Social Mobility among Tibetan Farmers in the PRC70
13.Ritual and relatedness in Southwest China:The Premi House71
14.Current Change of the Sacred Space in a House of Na Ethnic Groups72
15.House Societies among the Naze and Su-hin in Southwest China72
16.Revisiting the Naxi and Mosuo House through Reflections on the Shuhi House73
17.Jingpo House,Person and Surnames74
18.Seats and Rank:Tea Drinking and Status Identity in the Ang Society of China74
19.In-house Burial and Bilateral Namesakes:House and Access to the Past among the Paiwan75
20.'House Societies'in Southwest China through their Relationship Terms75
21.What can Han Chinese kinship studies learn from'the house'in Southwest China and Southeast Asia?76
2-054 Trans-Cultural Dialogue:Bilateral Exchanges between Tibetan and Chinese Culture跨文化的对话——藏汉文化的双向交流77
1.A research on the two-fold cultural exchange between Tibetan and Han77
2.Nomads of Western Tibet:The survival of a way of life77
3.The Tibet Empire in Central Asia:A History of the Struggle for Great Power among Tibetan78
4.On the Origins of the Sino-Tibetan Languages and Population Movements78
5.The role of the xiejia in Han-Tibetan relations in Qinghai and Gansu78
6.Tibetan Pilgrimage Sites in Amdo in the Time of Sinicization79
7.The Tibetan documents of Russian Orient Study Institute79
8.A research on connection between Tibetan culture and the harmonious society80
9.About Zen argument between Han and Tibet80
10.The contributions of Dunhuang to Tubo culture80
11.The Tibetans Descended from the Arabs of Yemen:'Tibet'in Turkic and Arabic Sources81
12.The Discussion on the Important Historical Role that Mgar tshang played in the Relation between Tubo and Tang dynasty81
13.The conflict led by dispute over ownership of Longqing between Sichuan and Gansu in the early stage of the Republic of China82
14.Harmony but Difrerence:the Research of the Harmonious Cultural Connection of Different Nations of Qinghai82
15.New Sanskrit Fragments of Dharmakirtī's Santānāntarasiddhi83
16.Aresearch on The Tibetan materials of Dunhuang manuscripts in Tubo83
17.A Comparative Study of bird Divination of dunhuang Manuscripts written by Tibetan and Chinese:Interpretation to P.T.1045,P.3988 and P.347984
18.The Research on Tibetan Sutra gnam sa snang brgyad kyi mdo from Dunhuang84
19.A Research on the Sports History in Tibetan Rock Arts84
20.The Research on Tibetan Buddhism Sutra spang skong phyag rgya ba and its Related other Questions85
21.The Versions and Influences of Tibetan Ch'an85
22.The ancient Tibetan documents discovered in Tibet in recent years86
23.A comparative research on the Tibetan and Chinese documents from Dunhuang stored in China national Library86
24.An Analysis to Tun-huang Tibetan Literature P.T.127 on Fortune-telling based on 12 Chinese Zodiac Symbols87
25.Studies on Master Vimalamitra and his Cig car'jug pa rnam par mi rtog pa'i bsgom don87
26.The Glimpses of Tangut Buddhism87
27.The Sino-Tibetan style of the paintings from Khara-Khoto Collection:Based on the Planets Mandala88
28.The Tibet-China Conflict:History and Polemics89
29.The diversity of documents of Zen school of Xixia and the integration of Zen school and Jiao school89
2-064 5-033 Ethnic Groups in Northwest China against Globalization:Descent,Protection and Development全球化背景下的中国西北少数民族——民族传统文化传承、保护与发展90
1.Theory Research of Minorities'Cultural Heritage in Research Condition、Characteristics and Trends90
2.The survival,development and promotion of the Indo-European language of Gaelic, from ancient times to modern day Canada90
3.The inherit,innovate and develop of Islamic culture____The historical enlightenment and consideration of Chengda normal school91
4.Discussion on the Inheritance and Development of Traditional Tibetan Folk Cultural--A Case Study of Lapuleng Folk Songs and Dances92
5.The Cultural Adaptation of Immigrants acrossing Investigating and Thinking of Yu Gu Immigrants Community in SuNan County92
6.A Discuss of Evolution of Tibetan Medicine Study's Educational Forms92
7.The social adaptation of the urban ethnic minority floating population93
8.On the Influence of Islamic Culture on Bonan Women's Social Life93
9.A Study of cultural change of Ethnic Group in Urban Society——A case study of Hui Muslim communities in cities94
10.Qoco Uighur and Hezhou94
11.Characters and Formati of Hexi-corridor Culture94
12.Tibetan Traditional Ecological Ethics and Its Modern Enlightenment94
13.On the Reform in the Socio-Economic Structure of the Northwestern Ethnic Minority Areas and the Problems of its Modernization95
14.Folk Characterisics and Comparative Study on 24 SolarTerms of Kazaks95
15.On Bai-ma Tibetan of Wen county96
16.Study on the Dongxiang society96
17.Chinese Countryside Minority Nationalities'Female under the Power of Modernity96
18.Study On Social Control of Nationality in Connection Region of National Culture with Mmulti-dimensions——Take the Donker Tibetan as the case97
19.The Cultural Consciousness of Modern Hui Merchant98
20.On the history and situation of TuoMao's economic production in QingHai98
21.Uighur Traditional Ethics and Modern Value98
22."Erlangshen"and Turkish religious98
23.On the Evolution of Kazakh Customary law99
2-067—068 Workshop of the Chinese Folk Literature and Art Association Panel 1 The International Inheritance of the Baiyue Nationality's Rice-cropping Civilization Panel 2 Oceanic Economy and Cultural Changes along the Water Silk Road of South China中国民间文艺家协会稻作文化专业委员会论坛 专题1 百越民族稻作文化的国际传承 专题2 海洋经济与南方水上丝绸之路的文化变迁99
3-028 Contemporary Ethnological Research on Ethnicity-Theory,Policy,Case Studies当代民族学关于族群理论、政策和个案的研究99
4-060 stalgia and Community Cultures in Taiwan台湾的怀旧情感及其社区文化99
4-069 Education,Diffusion and Succession of Ethnic Minorities'Cultures少数民族的传统文化的教育、传播与传承100
4-088 Conference of China Ethnology Society"Cultural Diversity and the Construction of Harmonious Society"Panel 1.Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Harmony Panel 2.Cultural Diversity and Religious Harmony Panel 3.Han Society's Culture and Social Inclusion in China Panel 4.Cultural Diversity and Harmonious World Panel 5.Culture and Arts Study inEast Asia Panel 6.Ethnic Minorities and Contemporary World中国民族学学会“文化多样性与和谐社会建设”研讨会 专题1.文化多样性与民族和谐专题 2.文化多样性与宗教和谐 专题3.汉民族传统文化与和谐社会建设 专题4.文化多样性与和谐世界100
Part One:Diversity of Cultures and Harmony of Ethnic Groups101
2.Cultural Conflicts in Cross-cultural Communications:Causes and Potential Solutions102
3.On the Academic Context of the Emergence of Western"Historical Anthropology"102
4.On Building up the System of Socialist Core Values103
5.View of Life and Death Education Expressed in the Funeral Ceremony:The Study of Funeral Ceremony in Daliangshan Yi Society of China103
6.Analyzing the history origin of the harmonious ethnic relations in northeast region through the phenomenon of"Banner-Following"104
8.Forest-Grassland nationality's eco-cultural changes105
9.Diverse sex and race diapasons of the steppe culture106
10.Probing for Manchu Dress Culture106
11.Chinese-Russian mixed race people:nationality identification and national identification107
12.On the prevention and controlling to the crime of the urban ethnic floating population108
16.The Outlook On the Protection of Eco-enviroment of Ethic Groups in the Southwest of China in the Traditional Culture110
18.Ideas about Harmony from the Stone Carvings in the Ethnic Minority Groups Areas of the Wu River Basin from different Dynasties111
19.Evaluation of the Traditional Sexual Ethics of the Ethnic Minority Groups in the South-East region of China from the Contemporary Perspective111
20.Multiple recognition:the cultural heritage and museums--Hunan fenghuang shanjiang example Miao Family Museum Shi Qun Yong112
21.Miao natural religion and ecological safeguard113
22.Ecological Culture protected areas of potential safety problems--Shanjiang,Fenghuang Miao cultural and ecological protection zones as an example113
23.On China's western multicultural coexistence of the value of ecological security114
24.Cross-cultural biological pollution116
25.Ecological Immigrants'Culture Criticized117
27.Analysis on Biological Pollution and Nationality Culture Relations118
28.Dong artificial camps from the indigenous knowledge of forestry to see the maintenance of its ecological environment119
29.Forestry lease on the Qingshui River Basin artificial role in the maintenance of commercial forestry120
30.The Causes of the Present Situation of Irrationally Maintaining and Sharing Water Resources121
31.The Research On Nation's Coordination Mechanism——Take Mohezu As An Example122
32.On the Miao Rebellions in Yongzhen-Qianlong Periods and Qianlong-Jiaqing Periods under the View of Cultural Dissemination123
33.The diversity and multi-cultural integration of Tujia Baidi heavenly kings legend123
34.Change and Adaptation:Cultural Selection of the Miao School Education——A Case Study of Xiaomaopoying Village124
35.The Drift of Ethnic Groups:the Intension and Boundary——A Case Study on the Tanxi Community124
36.Cultural diversity and Cultural Adaptation——A Case Study of Chinese Muslims in Pearl River Delta125
37.The Impact of Tourism on Destinations Community's Ethnic Identity125
38.Analysis of the Interaction between Ethnic Economy and Culture from the Perspective of Harmonious Society126
39.A perspective on the nationality relationship from of the common cultural essentials of the Shui nationality and the Buyi Nationality126
40.The Ethnic Relationship in Urbanization Process-A Case Study on Tuanjie Town in Xishan District of Kunming City126
42.Study on the relationship between the totem adoration and the family names of Minority Yao: Case study on Qingsong Village,Town Shangyong,County Mengla128
43.From the view of the exchanges of Tibet with Eurasia seeing the exchanges of civilization of Tang Dynasty129
44.Helps Tibet to develop and the nationality is harmonious---aids the Tibet Shan-nan Ze-tang hotel take the Guangdong Province white clouds guesthouse as example130
45.A Classic Research on Ethnic Coexistence Harmonious in Hehuang Area of Qinghai Province130
46.Diversity of dialogue level and response of relationship between nationalities-----take hui nationality for example131
47.Cross Cultural Reciprocity and It's Function on Construction of harmonious interrelation of Ethnicities——A field Report From an interlaced village of Han people and Muslim Hui Minority132
48.Respect for cultural personality:national unity,social harmony and a necessary condition133
50.Folk Characteristic And Comparative Study On 24 Solar Terms Of Kazaks134
51.Analysis of maintaining and developing cooperation relations between ethnic groups134
52.Support in Theory and Safeguard in Policy on Construction of Harmonious National Relationship in Xinjiang135
53.A Study on Ecological Environmental and Ethnic Culture:A Case of Xinjiang136
54.Sedentarization,Herders'Subsistence and Adaptation Strategies—A Case Study of Kazak in the Queergou Town136
55.The Significance of Ethic Moral Thoughts in Tibetan Traditional Culture to Construct Socialism Core Value System137
57.The Cattle-Sheep Industry Culture of the Hui Nationality and Their Thinking-set in the Economic Activities138
Part Two:Diversity of Cultures and Harmony of Religion138
3.The Religion and Culture of Mongolian Muslims139
6.Tibetan Buddhism and Social Harmony141
7.Enhance the Buddhist agricultural building and solid the base of the"equal emphasis on agro-Zen"142
8.A Study about persons in Buddhism of inland enters Tibet to research Lamaism:1911-1949142
9.The Harmonious Function of the Southwest Christ Church's Equal Mutual Aid Regulations142
10.On the Review of Art Origin on the Religion Notion and on the Origin of Aboriginal Art143
13.On the Coexistence and Development of the Religious Faith of She Ethnic Minority Group and the Christianity144
15.The Harmonious Exist of Life Coming from the consciousness of Heart:The Chinese Mahayana and the harmony of human beings'heart145
16.Communication and Dialogue:The harmonious way in which religions in the world can get well with each other147
19.Religion and Social Harmony:the Functions of Folk Religion in Tibetan Rural lifing148
24.The Analysis and Comparison between Folk Sacrificial Dances in Baima and Huangnan:A Collateral Evidence on the Ethnical Genealogy of Baima People150
Part Three:Culture of Han Ethnic Group and Construction of a Harmonious society (Held by Han Ethnology Society)150
3.The Anthropological Comprehension of Nongovernmental Law Order151
4.Marriage of twins:An ivestigation of a special marriage costom152
6.The Risk of Cultural Celebrities Brand in Bashu Culture--on the Cultural Brand in the Name of Chinese Painting Master Chang daqian153
7.Han nationality"harmony"culture and a harmonious society153
8.Origination,Development,& Ethnological Diversity of Gambling Culture154
9.Of"harmonious"unification of cultural identity and political identity;On the crux of human rights diplomacy154
Part Four:Diversity of Cultures and Harmony of the World155
2.Cultural pattern and Cultural contact156
3.Regional Industry Accumulation under the Leadership of Humanity Environment Construction-----an inspective report on the fertilizer industry development of Linyi156
7.Confucian Zhong-Dao and the influence to Chinese Legal Genealogy158
8.Study on the Cultural Ecological Balancing and Human Security Issues158
9.The structural pattern of Chinese fashion culture in the view of symbolic anthropology159
11.Probe into the Relationship Between Marriage Rites and Social Economy from Ten Mile's Wedding Phenomenon160
12.Pluralistic Vision of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection and the Construction of Harmonious World161
13.Institute of Social Development Studies,Guizhou College of Finance and Economics,Guiyang161
14.Selecting and abandoning to the Minority Customary Law in the Harmonious Society:from the Angle of Culture Diversity162
15.Zhaba Tibetan's Maternal Families in West Sichuan:Witnessing the Co-existence and Harmonious Development163
16.The relationship between the ethnic and cultural diversity and developing a harmonious society:The case of Yunnan163
17.The Construction of Harmonious Cultures as Viewed from Cultural Dialogues163
18.The Cultural Diversity and Universal Values in the Perspective of Economic Anthropology164
20.Chinese Harmony Outlook and Continuity of Chinese Culture165
Part Five:universality and speciality of East Asia Culture166
1.A Study of Tiger-imitated Drama in Shuangbai County,Yunnan166
2.Catholic Music in the Inner Mongolia:A Case Study from Etuoke Areas167
4.Upward Flow of Folk artists——Taken Wu Qiao Acrobat as an Example167
7.Min Village's"Huaer":An investigation on"Huaer"under the visual angle of villages169
8.Kinship and Ancestor in Japan:The event of the Bon Festival(ぉ盆)in a fishing village169
Part Six:less ethnic groups and contemporary world170
2.Modern Cultural Status Quo and the Preservation of Ewenki and Elunchun People171
3.Analysis of Cultural Value of Gaoshan Cultural Relics in Ethnic Museum172
4.Actuality,Preservation and Research on"The Hezhe People's Fish-skin Craft"172
5.Origin,Research and Inheritance of Tu Ethnic Group's Twining Embroidery173
6.Caring About the Development of National Traditional Culture To Promote the Prosperity of all Nationalities174
7.Re-arrangement of tradition:Research on Da Ti dance musical culture of Yi minority in Liang Shan in the south of Sichuan province175
9.National self-identity screened from the multi-culture background——impact and conformity national consciousness in the period of Weijing Nanbei dynasties176
10.Local Governance of Frontier Sub-small Ethnic Groups in the Context of Modernization------Chinese Tuvinians as an example176
12.Presence of the State and Resurrection of National Awareness:The Example of the Wu Luo Zhong Li Shan Mountain,the Origin of the Fairy Tale about Lin Jun from Tu jia Ethnic Minority Group177
13.Landscape building:the socio-spatial reconfigurations in tourism development,a anthropological case study in China178
15.Western The ethnology of Development Theory and Poverty Alleviation of Thinly Populated Nationality179
16.On the Similarity of Traditional Li Ethnic Culture and Ancient Southeast Asian Culture179
17.Compion Relationship Takes the Place of Traditional Marriage System180
19.The reinterpretation of Mosuo ethnic group family-Marriage system/A ethnologic decipherment of the Meng Duo group's ancient secondary burial in the south of Sichuan province181
20.The Historical Development of Monba and Lhoba Nationalities and Their Vicissitudes in Modern Society182
21.The issue of the ecesis of the Nomad183
22.Cultural Preservation、Transmission and Development for the Ethnic Groups of Dongxiang、Yugur and Baoan in Modern Culture Background184
4-065 Cultural Diversity in Building a Harmonious Society 和谐社会构建中的文化多样性184
7-019 Ethnology Today in Contemporary Word (Roundtable Discussion) 今日民族学与当代世界(圆桌会议)185
1.Advancing with the times,To Developing Modern Ethnology work together与时俱进共同携手发展现代民族学185
2.The Philosophy of Ethnicity种族的哲学186
3.Stay on the land-lonversion system brought by resource development in the poor areas of western minority groups 西部少数民族贫困地区资源开发征地制度改革研究186
4.Modern Ethnology should be Services for the government decision-making----The new theory scientific development in Guangxi as an example187
5.National regional autonomy is an important way to push forward Political democratization----To the Fiftieth anniversary of the founding of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region as an example188
6.Language Contact and the Non-Chinese Elements in the Han-Viet Vocabulary in Vietnamese Language189
7.The bland and divorce between Ethnology and Folk Art190
9.The philosophy of residence and reversible time:the arts of architecture of Dong people in the perspective of Aesthetic Anthropology192
10.Develop Mordern Ethnology,Enhance the Prosperith and Development of Nations193
11.The theory of modern ethnology research——Comments the book which named of Modern Ethnology194
12.The Wa in Thailand194
13.The Carrier for Inspiring Spirit of the Nation——An Interpretation of Jumping Bow Festival of Yi Nationality in Napo Town of Guangxi and Its Legendary Poetry195
14.Issues and Countermeasures for the Game of Land Property in Western Hydroelectric Development Reservoir Area196
15.Non-material cultural heritage and national tradition holiday in Guangxi197
16.On the Countermeasures and Problems of Improving the Public Culture Services System in the Multi-National Area197
17.The Development Of Modern Ethnology,The Promotion Of Chinese-Vietnamese"Two Corridors and One Ring"Sub-regional Cooperation198
5-024 Bio-Cultural Diversity among the Indian tribal 印度部落民的生物文化多样性200
2-056 Interpretation of Hakka History and Culture in Anthropological View 解读客家历史与文化:文化人类学的视野200
7-022 Ethnic Group/Settlement/National Architecture 族群/聚落/民族建筑201
1."Positive Economic Growth Plan--the So-called Modern,to Be the Opposite to Human Development and Cultural Diversity."201
2.The Extension and Innovation of Regional Architectural Culture in Cities202
3.Study on the Origin and Development of Ganlan Architecture203
4.Investigating the evolution from"ethnic group"to"community"and the traditional mode on rural construction203
5.Amalgamation,Difference and Culture Symbiosis204
6.The Exploration on Folk Customs of Settlements in Sichuan Areas205
7.The Affected Layout of Early Buildings in Shenyang Imperial Palace by Political and Economic Background205
8.The Study of Original Ecosystem Protection and the Way of Utilization Strategy about the Mosou Tribe at Lugu Lake206
9.The Distribution of Ethnic Groups and Relics of Ancient Settlements in Hengduan Mountains206
10.Belief——tbe Context of Tibetan Vernacular Dwellings and Settlements Construction207
11.View the Adaptive Rebuilding from 1990 to 1993 from Three Aspects:Life,Land and Material208
12.A Study on the Architecture of Yao Nationality in Jinxiu County208
13.Hakka Defense Courtyards Which is Under the Consanguinity Inheritance of Nuclear Family——Such as Zhou Shusheng Branch Clan in Pingzhong Village, Daping Town of Xingning City209
14.On analysis for development and evolution of Traditional settlement form In TuanShan Village,JianShui county,Yunnan Province209
15.The Chinese Settlement in Hoi An,Vietnam210
16.Tujia Stilted Building and the Integration of Tujia Culture——Based on the Cultural Perspective of Architectural Art Tujia Exi210
17.Study on a Changing of Housing Form in the Aba Tibetan Region of Sichuan Based on Evolution from Ethnic Group to Community211
18.Features of Religious and Folkways Architecture in Antique Huizhou Villages211
19.The Influence on the Settlement during the Evolution from Ethic Group to Community and Occupation Group——Take Xiaopu Village as Example,Songzhuang Town in TongZhou District of Beijing212
20.The Civilization of the Star-shaped Towers of the Tribal Corridor of South-west China212
21.The Measures of Conservation Management of the Traditional Architecture in China213
22.The Analysis of Characteristics on Korean Settlement in Northeast China214
23.The Time,the Place the People and the Construction---Future of National Construction214
24.Shingle House in Shangri-la:Its Key Words and Wisdom215
25.Rural Contract for Social Cohesion215
26.The Waterfront Settlement Forms to the South of the Five Ridges216
27.The Consideration on Renewal Presentation & Planning in Local Village in Anbui——from the Renewal Old Towns in Sanhe in the Middle Area of Anhui to Rural New Construction216
28.Classification of Floor Plan Type in Korean Traditional Folk Houses216
29.Inheritance and Development of Inhabitation Modality of Urban Ethnic Group--Study of Inhabitation Modality of Beijing Courtyard's Protection and Renewal217
30.The Conservation and Planning of Historic Towns218
31.The Inheriting and Dissimilation of Racial Groups Culture during Migration——the Connection between Bao Village in Guizhou and TangYue Villag218
32.Huizhou School Architecture in China219
33.The Analysis of Humanity Nature of National Traditional Architectural Culture220
34.Gypsy Housing in Central,Eastern and South-eastern Europe220
35.On the Heritage and Development of Brick Engraving of Suzhou221
36.The Evolvement of A Bai Minority Settlement from Village to Town above 20 Years——tbe Case of Xizhou in Dali222
37.The Culture of the Karo and the Art of Settlement Architecture in Tibet223
38.Approach the Architecture Culture of Sala People's Villages from the Perspective of Two Villages223
39.Public Places and City Suit for People223
40.Research on National Traditional Architectural Elements of China's Early Modern Architecture224
41.The Analysis of the Protection and Practice of Ancient Suzhou Scene224
42.Renovation Dai Local Dwellings in Promoting the Localization of Rural Tourism Update225
43.The Protection and Use of Shenzhen Langkou Ancient Village226
44.Promoting Traditional Building Center Showing the Characters of Jinhua City226
45.The Primary Research on the Mechanisms of Protecting and Rejuvenating the Famous Historic and Cultural Towns in Wujiang"227
46.The Functional Analysis of Chinese Traditional Architecture227
47.Contrast of Zunming Temple in Bijiang,Shunde and 10 Guangfu Temples228
48.The Vicissitude of Chinese Islamic (Hui) Architecture Style228
49.A Research for the Distinctive Features of the She Nationality Housings in Jingnin Autonomous County in Zhejiang Province229
50.The Perfect Combination of National Form and Modernization229
51.The Cultural Relationship of the Ancient Bai Yue Groups in North Vietnam and South China in the Late Neolithic Age229
52.The Logic of the Architectural Form's Structuring——Basing on Semiotics Analysis of the Traditional Architectural Form230
53.Urban Space Pattern and its Forming Mechanism in Early bi wenfnHistory of Shenyang231
54.The Study of Ancient Bridge of Southern Jiangsu and Their Diversity231
55.The Study of the Characteristics of Suzhou Classical Gardens and Buildings------Taking an Example of Shijian Hall232
56.A Study on Ecological Adaptability of HuaYao Stockaded Villages at Huxing Mountain in Hunan232
57.Study on the Spatial Parole of Minority Settlement—Dali,Yunnan as An Example233
58.The Unique and Colorful Architecture Art of Tujia Nationality233
59.The Conflict and Consistency of the Landscape Design Between the New and Old Villages--New Thought on the Landscape Design Pattern Change of Village of Zou Ma Tang in Context of China's Building The New Villages234
60.Research of Historical Site of Neighborhood Path of Zuoying Old Citadel of Taiwan of Qing Dynasty235
61.The Development and Modernization of Minangkabau People in Sumatera Barat:Their Impact towards Local Identity235
62.The Contemporary Replacement of Beijing Traditional Residential Building236
63.Research on Public Space between the North and South Ancient Villages237
64.Explore on the Preservation and New Village Building of Chinese Ancient Village--Take the Planning of Zhangjia Village in Beijing for Example237
65.Research in Feature of Courtyard Space in Sangyu of Beijing238
66.Inheritance and Development of Fujian Hakka Earth Building in the Modern Society238
67.The Development of Traditional Villages and Residential Areas239
68.Contemporary Replacement of Traditional Old Village in Shandong Zhu Jia Yu Settlement240
69.A Study of Gravestone Sculpture Art of Wujiang Minority Area240
70.Study on Some Characteristics of Tibet's Urban Development from Yuan Dynasty to the Period of Republic of China240
71.Unprecedented Construction Pattern-Study on"Nature and Humanity"Design Idea of Qin's Xianyang241
72.From the"Modern Hui"Exploration tc the Cultural Heritage of Traditional Vernacular Dwelling241
73.Han Chauvinism or modernization---A Brief Analysis of the Reconstruction and Updating about Traditional Miao Village242
74.Apotheosis of Construction Achievement of Ethnic Architecture--Thesis on the Rational or Scientific Elements in Architecture Culture of the Zhuang & Dong Nationalities in the Southern Area of China242
75.Research on the Traditional Settlement Patterns'Formation and Evolution Process of the Korean-Chinese-Take the Investigation of the villages ShiJian,LiTian,HeDongXiang 11th Qi,YongLi as Main Case243
76.Beliefs,Rituals and Space:The Vernacular Architecture of the Five Streams Area in West Hunan244
77.Analysis of Types and Morphology Characteristics of Shanxi Merchants'traditional Settlement244
78.Research on Countermeasures of Traditional Dwellings Protection and Development of Village Tourism245
79.The Space Core and Spirit Origin of the Traditional Settlement in Yue Zhong245
80.The Study on the Present Situation and Protection Strategy of Yujia Ancient Village246
81.Toward Fusion in Fission:A Study on Breaking-up Family and Property as Spatial Tactics in Hakka Residence of Qiao Xi246
82.Early Tibetan Cultural Monuments of the Tang Dynasty-a Preliminary Look at the Temples of Songtsan Gampo247
83.Constructing and Construing Tea and Horse Caravan Trail by 3D GIS—Reflection and Practice of Contemporary Cultural Landscape Preservation247
84.The Study on the Construction of Settlement Cultural Center248
85.Multi-ethnic settlement and Religious building in Northwest China248
86.Exorcism in Tribe Buildings of Bai:Research Based on One Town and Four Villages Located around Lake Xi249
87.From the Change and Spread to Inheritance and Development of National Culture----Taking Graphic Symbols of Qiang Nationality as an Example249
88.Study on Human Settlements in Luguhu250
89.The Inheritance and Development of Elements of Man Dwellings in New Design Practise of Cities in North of Liaoning250
90.Basic Interpretations of Manchu Traditional Houses251
91.Tibetan Culture and Ancient City of Shangri-La County Pattern Relationship Research251
92.The Space Form between River and Settlement252
93.The Rule of Self-organization for Villages Shape's Development and it's Edification to Village's Plan and Architectural Design252
94.The Investigation Report of Wu Shen Zhao Town of Inner Monglia252
95.Study on Current Situation of Protection and Countermeasures of the Historical Block253
96.Social-culture and settlement of upper-and central-Aba253
2.Religious Studies 宗教研究253
3-020 Pilgrimage Landscape,Cosmo gram and Planning the Heritage Cities 朝圣的景观宇宙图式与圣地城市规划253
1.The World Heritage Villages of Shirakawa-go and Gokayama,Japan:Continuing Culture and Meeting Modernity255
2.Making a Pilgrimage,Making a Pilgrimage Site in China255
3.Varanasi,India's Cultural Heritage City:Crises,Contestation,Conservation & Planning256
4.Pilgrimage or Tourism:What's the Difference?:21st Century Mass Visits to Sacred Spaces and their Implications on Heritage Preservation257
5.Rolwaling:A Sacred Buddhist Valley in Nepal257
6.Kailash-the Centre of the World258
7.Revaluation and Restoration of Sacred Sites:The Case of Jordan259
8.Development and Sustenance of Shirdi as a Centre for Religious Tourism in India.259
9.Sacred Mountain of Wutaishan,China:Cosmology,Pilgrimage and Representation260
10.Sacred Springs and Angry Ssu (Naga) in Naxi Yunnan261
11.Preservation of Cultural Heritage and Revitalizing a Mining Town in Mexico.The Case of Cerro de San Pedro261
12.Early Olmec Sacred Landscape262
13.The Genesis of the Concept of four Lokapālas262
14.Preserving Heritage Communities in Downtown Los Angeles263
15.The Neo-Confucian Representation of Cultural Heritages around the Ancient Royal Capital of Gyeongju in Korea264
16.Pilgrimage Landscape and Sacred Environment:Mata Vaishno Devi265
17.Historic Areas in Varanasi:What needs to be Conserved?266
18.Religions and Tectonic acumen of Wooden Architecture of Kerala,India266
3-022 Ethnography of Russia and Central Asia:Inter-ethnic,Inter-cultural and Inter-religious Relationships 俄罗斯和中亚民族志:不同族群间、文化间和宗教信仰之间的关联性267
3-046 Adjustment and Co-existence of Religious Beliefs and Ethnic Cultures in Modern Societies:Comparative Study based on Yunnan Examples and the World's Experience 当代社会不同宗教信仰及族群文化间的调适与共存:基于云南实例与世界经验的比较267
A.Diversity and Plurality of Ethnic Cultures and Religious Beliefs 族群文化及宗教信仰的多元性与多样性267
1.The way of accepting Han and Hui food in the home dining of Uighur in modern Xinjiang267
2.Different Religious Beliefs Under One Roof--A Cultural Interpretation of the Actuality of the Anung's Religions268
3.The Multiple Religious Beliefs and Ritual Life in a Bai Ethnic Community of Zhoucheng in Dali269
4.Influence of Tibetan Buddhism Culture on Naxi Dongba Culture-An Analysis of Dongba Hieroglyph270
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