
A Classical Introduction to Cryptography Applications for Communications Security【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

A Classical Introduction to Cryptography Applications for Communications Security
  • Serge Vaudenay 著
  • 出版社: Inc.
  • ISBN:387254641
  • 出版时间:2006
  • 标注页数:336页
  • 文件大小:36MB
  • 文件页数:357页
  • 主题词:


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1 Prehistory of Cryptography1

1.1 Foundations of Conventional Cryptography1

1.1.1 The Origins of Cryptography1

1.1.2 Key Words2

1.1.3 Transpositions,Substitutions,and Secret Keys4

1.1.4 Vernam Cipher7

1.1.5 Enigma:Toward Industrial Cryptography8

1.2 Roots of Modern Cryptography10

1.2.1 Cryptographic Problems:The Fundamental Trilogy10

1.2.2 Assumptions of Modern Cryptography11

1.2.3 Adversarial Models12

1.2.4 Cryptography from Various Perspectives13

1.2.5 Methodology15

1.3 The Shannon Theory of Secrecy15

1.3.1 Secrecy of Communication15

1.3.2 Entropy17

1.3.3 Perfect Secrecy18

1.3.4 Product Ciphers19

1.4 Exercises19

2 Conventional Cryptography21

2.1 The Data Encryption Standard (DES)22

2.2 DES Modes of Operation25

2.2.1 Electronic Code Book (ECB)25

2.2.2 Cipher Block Chaining (CBC)26

2.2.3 Output Feedback (OFB)27

2.2.4 Cipher Feedback (CFB)29

2.2.5 Counter Mode (CTR)30

2.3 Multiple Encryption30

2.3.1 Double Mode30

2.3.2 Triple Mode31

2.4 An Application of DES:UNIX Passwords31

2.5 Classical Cipher Skeletons32

2.5.1 Feistel Schemes32

2.5.2 Lai-Massey Scheme33

2.5.3 Substitution-Permutation Network36

2.6 Other Block Cipher Examples37

2.6.1 FOX:A Lai-Massey Scheme37

2.6.2 CS-CIPHER:A Substitution-Permutation Network40

2.7 The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)42

2.8 Stream Ciphers46

2.8.1 Stream Ciphers versus Block Ciphers46

2.8.2 RC446

2.8.3 A5/1:GSM Encryption48

2.8.4 E0:Bluetooth Encryption50

2.9 Brute Force Attacks51

2.9.1 Exhaustive Search52

2.9.2 Dictionary Attack53

2.9.3 Codebook Attack54

2.9.4 Time-Memory Tradeoffs54

2.9.5 Meet-in-the-Middle Attack59

2.10 Exercises60

3 Dedicated Conventional Cryptographic Primitives63

3.1 Cryptographic Hashing63

3.1.1 Usage63

3.1.2 Threat Models64

3.1.3 From Compression to Hashing65

3.1.4 Example of MD566

3.1.5 Examples of SHA and SHA-167

3.2 The Birthday Paradox70

3.3 A Dedicated Attack on MD474

3.4 Message Authentication Codes78

3.4.1 Usage78

3.4.2 Threat Model79

3.4.3 MAC from Block Ciphers:CBC-MAC80

3.4.4 Analysis of CBC-MAC82

3.4.5 MAC from Stream Ciphers86

3.4.6 MAC from Hash Functions:HMAC88

3.4.7 An Authenticated Mode of Operation90

3.5 Cryptographic Pseudorandom Generators92

3.5.1 Usage and Threat Model92

3.5.2 Congruential Pseudorandom Generator92

3.5.3 Practical Examples93

3.6 Exercises95

4 Conventional Security Analysis97

4.1 Differential Cryptanalysis97

4.2 LinearCryptanalysis103

4.3 Classical Security Strengthening111

4.3.1 Nonlinearities111

4.3.2 Characteristics and Markov Ciphers112

4.3.3 Theoretical Differential and Linear Cryptanalysis114

4.3.4 Ad hoc Construction120

4.4 Modern Security Analysis123

4.4.1 Distinguishability Security Model123

4.4.2 The Luby-Rackoff Result125

4.4.3 Decorrelation126

4.5 Exercises132

5 Security Protocols with Conventional Cryptography135

5.1 Password Access Control135

5.1.1 UNIX Passwords136

5.1.2 Basic Access Control in HTTP136

5.1.3 PAP Access Control in PPP137

5.2 Challenge-Response Protocols137

5.2.1 Digest Access Control in HTTP138

5.2.2 CHAP Access Control in PPP140

5.3 One-Time Password140

5.3.1 Lamport Scheme140

5.3.2 S/Key and OTP141

5.4 Key Distribution142

5.4.1 The Needham-Schroeder Authentication Protocol142

5.4.2 Kerberos143

5.4.3 Merkle Puzzles145

5.5 Authentication Chains145

5.5.1 Merkle Tree145

5.5.2 Timestamps and Notary147

5.6 Wireless Communication:Two Case Studies148

5.6.1 The GSM Network148

5.6.2 The Bluetooth Network150

5.7 Exercises153

6 Algorithmic Algebra155

6.1 Basic Group Theory155

6.1.1 Basic Set Theory155

6.1.2 Groups157

6.1.3 Generating a Group,Comparing Groups158

6.1.4 Building New Groups159

6.1.5 Fundamentals on Groups159

6.2 The Ring Zn160

6.2.1 Rings160

6.2.2 Definition of Zn161

6.2.3 Additions,Multiplications,Inversion162

6.2.4 The Multiplicative Group Z*n166

6.2.5 Exponentiation167

6.2.6 Zmn:The Chinese Remainder Theorem167

6.3 The Finite Field Zp169

6.3.1 Basic Properties of Zp169

6.3.2 Quadratic Residues170

6.4 Finite Fields172

6.5 Elliptic Curves over Finite Fields173

6.5.1 Characteristic p > 3173

6.5.2 Characteristic Two176

6.5.3 General Results177

6.6 Exercises178

7 Algorithmic Number Theory181

7.1 Primality181

7.1.1 Fermat Test181

7.1.2 Carmichael Numbers182

7.1.3 Solovay-Strassen Test184

7.1.4 Miller-Rabin Test187

7.1.5 Analysis of the Miller-Rabin Test189

7.1.6 Prime Number Generation189

7.2 Factorization190

7.2.1 Pollard Rho Method190

7.2.2 Pollard p - 1 Method192

7.2.3 The Elliptic Curves Method (ECM)194

7.2.4 Fermat Factorization and Factor Bases196

7.2.5 The Quadratic Sieve197

7.2.6 Factorization Nowadays199

7.2.7 Factorization Tomorrow199

7.3 Computing Orders in Groups201

7.3.1 Finding the Group Exponent201

7.3.2 Computing Element Orders in Groups202

7.4 Discrete Logarithm203

7.4.1 Pollard Rho Method204

7.4.2 Shanks Baby Steps - Giant Steps Algorithm204

7.4.3 Pohlig-Hellman Algorithm205

7.4.4 Factor Base and Index Calculus Algorithm210

7.5 Exercises211

8 Elements of Complexity Theory215

8.1 Formal Computation215

8.1.1 Formal Languages and Regular Expressions215

8.1.2 Finite Automata216

8.1.3 Beyond Finite Automata Capabilities218

8.1.4 Turing Machines218

8.2 Ability Frontiers220

8.2.1 Standard Computational Models220

8.2.2 Beyond Computability220

8.2.3 Decisional Problems and Decidability221

8.3 Complexity Reduction222

8.3.1 Asymptotic Time Complexity222

8.3.2 Complexity Classes P,NP,co-NP223

8.3.3 Intractability224

8.3.4 Oracles and Turing Reduction225

8.4 Exercises226

9 Public-Key Cryptography229

9.1 Diffie-Hellman229

9.1.1 Public-Key Cryptosystems230

9.1.2 The Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement Protocol231

9.2 Experiment with NP-Completeness234

9.2.1 Knapsack Problem235

9.2.2 The Merkle-Hellman Cryptosystem235

9.3 Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA)236

9.3.1 Plain RSA Cryptosystem236

9.3.2 RSA Standards240

9.3.3 Attacks on Broadcast Encryption with Low Exponent241

9.3.4 Attacks on Low Exponent241

9.3.5 Side Channel Attacks241

9.3.6 Bit Security of RSA243

9.3.7 Back to the Encryption Security Assumptions244

9.3.8 RSA-OAEP246

9.4 ElGamal Encryption248

9.5 Exercises250

10 Digital Signature253

10.1 Digital Signature Schemes253

10.2 RSA Signature255

10.2.1 From Public-Key Cryptosystem to Digital Signature255

10.2.2 On the Plain RSA Signature256

10.2.3 ISO/IEC 9796257

10.2.4 Attack on the ISO/IEC 9796 Signature Scheme259

10.2.5 PKCS#1260

10.3 ElGamal Signature Family260

10.3.1 ElGamal Signature260

10.3.2 The Bleichenbacher Attack against the ElGamal Signature262

10.3.3 Schnorr Signature263

10.3.4 The Digital Signature Standard (DSS)264

10.3.5 ECDSA264

10.3.6 Pointcheval-Vaudenay Signature266

10.4 Toward Provable Security for Digital Signatures266

10.4.1 From Interactive Proofs to Signatures266

10.4.2 Security in the Random Oracle Model270

10.5 Exercises274

11 Cryptographic Protocols277

11.1 Zero-Knowledge277

11.1.1 Notion of Zero-Knowledge277

11.1.2 The Basic Fiat-Shamir Protocol278

11.1.3 The Feige-Fiat-Shamir Protocol280

11.2 SecretSharing282

11.2.1 The Shamir Threshold Scheme283

11.2.2 Perfect Secret Sharing Schemes284

11.2.3 Access Structure of Perfect Secret Sharing Schemes285

11.2.4 The Benaloh-Leichter Secret Sharing Scheme286

11.3 Special Purpose Digital Signatures287

11.3.1 Undeniable Signature288

11.3.2 Other Special Purpose Digital Signatures291

11.4 Other Protocols292

11.5 Exercises293

12 From Cryptography to Communication Security295

12.1 Certificates296

12.2 SSH:Secure Shell297

12.2.1 Principles of SSH298

12.2.2 SSH2 Key Exchange and Authentication299

12.3 SSL:Secure Socket Layer300

12.3.1 Handshake301

12.3.2 Cipher Suites302

12.3.3 Record Protocol304

12.3.4 Stream Cipher304

12.3.5 Block Cipher304

12.3.6 Master Key Exchange305

12.3.7 Key Derivation306

12.4 PGP:Pretty Good Privacy307

12.4.1 Security for Individuals308

12.4.2 Public-Key Management310

12.4.3 Security Weaknesses310

12.5 Exercises311

Further Readings313


