
- 李开荣主编 著
- 出版社: 南京市:译林出版社
- ISBN:7805674531
- 出版时间:1996
- 标注页数:1657页
- 文件大小:73MB
- 文件页数:1733页
- 主题词:语文词典 英语
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1.社会中的人 People in Society1
一、人类生活 Human Life1
(一)人类 Mankind1
2.女性 Women5
3.残疾人 Handicapped People7
4.社会角色 Social Roles8
5.社会百态 Social Figures of Different Characters11
6.相貌与身材 Appearance and Stature15
(二)人生阶段 Stages of Life17
1.生 Birth17
(1)生育 Childbearing17
(2)养育 Rearing18
(3)十二生肖 Twelve Animal Signs of the Zodiac20
(4)代表生日月份的鲜花 Birth Flowers20
(5)诞生石 Birth Stones20
2.童年时代 Childhood21
3.青年时代 Youth22
4.老 Maturation and Old Age23
5.死 Death25
6.殡葬 Funeral and Interment29
7.祭祀 Offering Sacrifices32
(三)生活 Life33
1.生活类型 Kinds of Life33
2.生活条件与环境 Living Conditons and Environment35
3.风俗习惯 Customs and Habits36
4.行为举止 Manners,Behaviours and Attitudes37
5.生活细节 Minute Details in Daily Life39
(四)活动 Activity42
1.人类活动 Human Activities and Movements42
2.劳动与生产 Labour and Production44
3.工作与职业 Work and Occupation45
4.抱负与希望 Aspiration and Hope48
5.思想、观点、意见 Thoughts,Ideas,Views and Opinions50
6.经历与机遇 Experience and Opportunity52
7.事业、成就与贡献 Cause, Achievement and Contribution53
8.荣誉与地位 Honour and Position55
9.困难与问题 Difficulties and Problems56
10.错误、失败与危机 Mistake,Failure and Crisis57
11.经验、教训与惩罚 Experience,Lesson and Punishment59
12.人生事务 Affairs and Events in Life60
13.休息与娱乐 Rest and Recreation61
14.节假日 Festivals and Holidays62
(五)精神生活 Spiritual Life65
1.思想感情 Thoughts and Feelings65
2.精神与态度 Spirit and Attitude67
3.品质与资格 Virtne,Quality and Qualification68
4.快乐与幸福 Pleasure,Joy and Happiness69
5.笑 Laughter71
6.怒、气、愤 Anger,Rage,Fury and Indignation73
7.痛苦与忧愁 Sulterings,Worries and Anxieties75
8.哭泣 Crying and Weeping77
(六)家庭生活 Family Life78
1.恋爱 Love78
2.婚姻 Marriage80
(1)结婚 Marriage80
(2)结婚用语 Marriage Terms82
(3)中式婚礼 Traditional Chinese Marriage Ceremony83
(4)西式婚礼 Western Marriage Ceremony84
(6)婚变 Separation and Divorce85
(5)结婚纪念 Wedding Anniversary85
3.家庭 Family87
(1)家庭类型 Kinds of Family87
(2)家庭事务 Family Affairs88
4.家庭成员与社会关系 Family Members and Social Relationships89
(1)祖辈与祖父母 Ancestors and Grandparents89
(2)父母 Father and Mother89
(3)夫妻 Husband and Wife90
(4)子女 Children91
(5)兄弟、姐妹 Brothers and Sisters92
(6)叔、伯、舅、姨、姑等 Uncles,Aunts,etc.94
(7)亲戚与其他 Relations,Relatives and Others95
(8)姓名 Surnames and Personal Names96
(七)社会交往 Social Contact97
1.熟人与朋友 Acquaintances and Friends97
2.宾客与招待 Guests,Visitors and Entertaming98
3.礼节 Courtesies100
(1)礼貌 Courtesy100
(八)社会福利 Social Welfare101
(2)握手、拥抱、接吻 Handshaking,Embracing and Kissing101
1.社会福利机构与人员 Social Welfare Organs,Institutions and Workers101
2.福利与福利事业 Welfare and Welfare Projects102
3.天灾人祸 Natural Disasters and Man-Made Calamitics103
4.救济与慈善捐助 Reiiet and Charitable Donation104
1.园艺 Gardening105
(九)业余生活 Sparetime Life105
2.公园 Park106
3.鸽和其它鸟类饲养 Pigeon Raising and Other Aviculture107
(2)养鸟 Bird Breeding107
(1)养鸽 Pigeon Raising107
4.常见禽鸟 Common Birds108
(1)猛禽 Birds of Prey108
(2)游禽 Swimming Birds108
(3)涉禽 Wading Birds108
(4)鸣禽 Songbirds108
(5)海鸟 Seabirds109
(6)其它禽鸟 Other Birds109
(2)常见花草 Common Flowers and Plants110
5.花卉栽培 Flowers and Plants Growing110
(1)养花 Flower Raising110
6.钓鱼 Angling112
7.桥牌 Game of Bridge113
8.扑克 Playing Cards114
9.象棋 Chinese Chess114
10.麻将 Mahjong115
(1)麻将牌名称 Names of Mahjong Files115
(2)打麻将 Mahjong Playing115
11.放风筝 Kite Flying116
13.狩猎 Hunting117
(1)打猎 Hunting117
12.轮盘赌 Roulette117
(2)猎场和猎人 Gameland and Hunters118
(3)狩猎器材 Hunting Equipments118
(4)猎犬、猎鹰等 Gun Dogs,Falcon,etc.119
(5)猎物 Game119
(6)常见动物 Common Animals120
(1)日、月、星、空 Sky,Star,Sun and Moon122
(2)四季 Four Seasons122
(十)生活常识 Common Knwledge in Daily Life122
1.自然 Nature122
(3)气候 Climate124
(4)天气 Weather125
(5)风 Wind126
(6)云 Cloud126
(7)雷、雨、闪电等 Thunder,Rain,Lightning,etc.127
2.时间 Time128
(1)一般用语 General Terms128
(8)冰、霜 、雪、雾等 Ice,Frost,Snow,Fog,etc.128
(2)日 Day131
(3)上、下午 Moming and Afternoon133
(4)夜晚 Evening and Night133
3.日期 Date135
(1)年 Year135
(2)月 Month135
(3)周、季度及其它 Week,Quarter,etc.136
4.方向与位置 Direction and Position137
5.声音 Sound and Voice141
(1)人发出的声音 Human Voices and Sounds141
(2)动物发出的声音 Animal Sounds142
(3)其它声音 Other Sounds142
1.工业类型 Types of Industries144
(一)工业总类 General144
二、工业 Industry144
(三)肥料 Fertilizer145
2.工厂名称 Names of Factories146
(2)工厂科室 Factory Sections and Offices151
(1)工厂组织 Factory Organizations151
3.工厂机构 Factory Institutions151
(4)工作室 检验室等 Operating Rooms,Laboratories,etc.152
(3)车间 Workshops152
(5)其它 Others153
4.职工 Staff and Workers153
5.工业产权 Industrial Property Right156
(1)发明和革新 Invention and Innovation156
(2)专利 Patent157
(3)商标 Trademark157
1.图书馆种类、部门及人员 Kinds,Departments and Personnel of the Library158
(1)工业材料类型 Types of Industrial Material159
7.工业材料 Industrial Materials159
6.能源革命 Energy Revolution159
(2)陶瓷、玻璃等 Ceramics,Glass,etc.160
(3)石英、晶体等 Quartz,Crystal,etc.161
(4)半导体 Semiconductor161
(5)树脂、胶黏剂等 Resin,Adhesive,etc.161
(6)塑料、纤维等 Plastics,Fibre,etc.161
(7)合金等 Alloy,etc.162
(1)工业废料及污染 Industrial Wastes and Pollution162
8.工业废料的综合利用 Multiple Utilization of Industrial Wastes162
(2)三废处理 Three Wastes Treatment163
9.杂项 Miscellanies164
(二)企业管理 Enterprise Management165
1.企业 Enterprises165
(1)企业类型 Kinds of Enterprises165
(2)企业组织形式 Forms of Enterprise Organizations166
2.企业管理原理、组织及领导 Principle,Organization and Leadership of Enterprise Management166
3.计划管理与经营决策 Planning Management and Managerial Decision-Making168
(1)计划与指标 Plans and Indicators168
(2)统计、决策与合同 Statistics,Decision-Making and Contracts169
(2)设计与工艺管理 Design and Process Management170
4.科技管理 Management of Science and Technology170
(1)新技术、新产品开发 Deveiopment of New Technology and New Products170
5.生产管理 Production Management171
(3)科研管理 Management of Scientific Research171
(1)生产过程组织 Organization of Production Process171
(2)质量管理 Quality Control172
(4)物资管理 Materials and Equipment Management173
(3)设备管理 Equipment Management173
(5)能源管理与环境保护 Energy Management and Environmental Protection174
6.劳动人事管理 Labour and Personnel Management174
(1)雇工制度 Employment System174
(2)工资制度 Wage System175
7.劳动保险 Labour Insurance176
8.劳动保护 Labour Protection177
9.市场与销售管理 Market and Sales Management178
(1)市场 Market178
(2)价格 Price178
(3)销售 Sale179
8.亲属 Kin179
10.财务管理 Financial Management179
(1)资金管理 Fund Management179
9.计划生育 Family Planning179
(2)利润管理 Profit Management180
(3)税金 Tax180
(4)成本管理 Cost Management180
(5)经济核算 Economic Calculation180
(6)会计与审计 Accounting and Auditing181
11.系统工程 Systems Engineering181
(三)矿业 Mining Industry182
1.矿业资源 Mining Resources182
2.探矿 Prospecting182
3.矿物 Minerals183
(1)矿物种类 Kinds of Mineral183
(2)金属矿 Metallic Ores184
(3)非金属矿 Non-Metallic Ores185
4.矿山和人员 Mines and Workers186
(1)矿山类型 Types of Mines186
(3)矿山人员 Mining Workers and Staff187
(2)矿山机构与设备 Mine Institutions and Equipment187
(四)煤炭 Coal188
1.煤矿 Colliery188
2.煤系和煤矿开采 Coal Series and Mining188
(1)煤系 Coal Series188
(2)煤矿开采 Mining189
3.井巷工程 Shaft Sinking and Roadway Drivage190
(1)打井 Shaft Sinking190
(2)巷道工程 Roadway Drivage190
4.通风 Ventilation191
5.运输 Haulage191
(3)运输机及索道运输 Conveyor and Ropeway Haulage191
(2)巷道运输 Roadway Haulage191
(1)井筒提升 Shaft Hoisting191
7.矿山机械 Mining Machinery192
6.煤炭加工 Coal Processing192
8.矿山安全 Mine Safety193
(1)发电 Electric Power Generation194
(2)发电站 Power Station194
(五)电力 Power194
1.电力工程 Power Engineering194
(3)发电机及其它发电装置 Generator and Other Electric Generating Devices195
(4)发电技术 Power Generating Technology195
2.水力发电 Hydroelectric Generation196
(1)水力发电工程 Hydraulic Electrogeneration Engineering196
(2)水轮发电机 Hydraulic Generator196
3.火力发电 Thermal Power Generation196
(1)蒸汽发电站 Steam Generating Station196
(2)汽轮机 Steam Turbine197
4.原子能发电站 Atomic Power Station197
(3)燃气轮机发电机组 Gas Turbogenerator197
(3)电器及仪表 Electrical Appliances and Meters198
(2)开关设备 Switchgear198
(1)控制系统 Control System198
5.电力控制 Power Control198
6.变电 Power Transformation199
7.电力输送 Power Transmission199
(2)金属冶炼 Metal Smelting200
(1)金属 Metals200
1.金属和金属冶炼 Metals and Metal Smelting200
(六)冶金 Metallurgy200
(1)选矿 Ore Dressing201
2.炼铁 Iron Smelting201
(2)高炉 Blast Furnace201
(3)铁合金 Ferroalloys202
3.炼钢 Steel Smelting202
(3)轧钢设备 Rolling Equipment203
(2)钢材 Steel Products203
(1)轧钢 Steel Rolling203
4.轧钢和热处理 Rolling and Heat Treatment of Steel203
(4)钢的热处理 Heat Treatment of Steel204
5.钢的种类 Types of Steel204
7.炼焦 Coking205
(1)焦化厂 Coking Plant205
6.合金 Alloying205
(2)煤气加工 Coal Gas Processing206
(2)石油 Oil206
(1)石油的生成 Origin and Accumulation of Petroleum206
1.石油地质 Petroleum Geology206
(七)石油 Petroleum206
8.耐火材料 Refractories206
(2)油田人员 Oil Field Personnel207
2.油田、机构和人员 Oil Fields,Institutions and Personnel207
(1)油田 Oil Field207
(3)石油机构 Oil Instiutions207
3.石油勘探 Petroleum Exploration207
4.石油钻井 Petroleum Drilling208
(1)石油工程 Petroleum Engineering208
5.海上钻井 Offshore Drilling209
(2)钻井设备 Drilling Equipment209
6.采油 Crude Oil Production210
(1)油井 Oil Well210
(2)石油开采 Petroleum Recovering210
7.油、气储存和运输 Storage and Transportation of Oil and Gas210
8.石油精制 Petroleum Refining211
(1)油、气储存 Oil and Gas Storage211
(1)炼油 Oil Refining211
(2)油、气运输 Oil and Gas Transportation211
(2)炼油设备 Refining Equipment212
1.化工机构和化工设备 Chemical Institution and Equipment213
(1)化工机构 Chemical Institutions213
(八)化工 Chemicals213
9.原油产品 Crude Oil Products213
(2)化工设备 Chemical Equipment214
2.化工原料 Chemical Raw Materials215
(1)无机原料 Inorganic Raw Materials215
(2)有机原料 Organic Raw Materials216
3.单元过程 Unit Processes216
5.化工产品 Products of Chemical Industry217
4.单元操作 Unit Operations217
(2)生产技术 Production Technique218
(1)主要原料 Principal Raw Materials218
1.石油化工生产 Petrochemical Production218
(九)石油化工 Petrochemicals218
2.石油化工产品 Petrochemicals219
(1)机械工人 Machine Workers219
1.机械工人与机构 Workers and Institutions of Machinery219
(十)机械 Machinery219
(2)基本石化产品的应用 Use of Primary Petrochemicals219
(1)基本石油化工产品 Primary Petrochemicals219
(1)机械种类 Types and Machinery220
2.机械和设备 Machinery and Equipment220
(2)机械工业机构 Machinery Institutions220
(2)设备类型 Types of Equipment221
3.设计、制图和试验 Designing,Drawing and Testing222
(1)机械设计 Machinery Design222
(2)机械制图 Mechanical Drafting222
(1)铸造工艺 Casting Technology223
4.铸造 Casting223
(3)试验 Test223
(4)铸造机械 Casting Machinery224
(3)熔化设备 Melting Plant224
(2)造型 Moulding224
(2)热处理 Heat Treatment225
(1)锻造工艺与设备 Forging Technology and Equipment225
5.锻造 Forging225
(3)冷处理 Cold Treatment226
(1)机械加工工艺 Machining Technology226
6.机械加工 Machining226
(2)机械制造工艺 Machine-Manufacturing Technology227
(3)公差、变形、腐蚀 Tolerance,Deformation and Corrosion227
7.机械操作和保养 Machinery Operation and Maintenance228
(1)机械操作 Machinery Operation228
(2)机械保养 Machinery Maintenance228
8.机械性能 Mechanical Performance229
(1)机械系统 Mechanical System231
9.机械系统和机械装置 Mechanical Systems and Devices231
(1)零部件 Parts and Spares232
10.机件 Machine Parts232
(2)机械装置 Mechanical Device232
(2)轮、齿轮和凸轮 Wheels,Gears,Cams233
(3)轴与轴承 Shafts and Bearings233
(6)离合器、制动器等 Clutch,Brake,etc.234
(5)手柄、夹具与板(盘) Handle,Fixture and Plate234
(4)气缸与轴颈 Cylinder and Journal234
(2)车床 Lathe235
(1)机床和刀具 Machine Tools and Cutting Tools235
11.机床 Machine Tool235
(7)管道与阀门 Pipe and Valve235
(3)镗床和铣床 Borer and Mill236
(4)钻床和刨床 Drill and Planer236
(5)磨床、插床及其它 Grinder,Slotting Machine and Others237
12.发动机 Engine237
(1)发动机种类 Types of Engines237
(2)部件、功率等 Parts,Output,etc.238
13.电动机 Electric Motor238
(1)电动机种类 Types of Motors238
14.锅炉 Boiler239
15.泵 Pump239
(1)泵的类型 Types of Pumps239
(1)锅炉类型 Types of Boilers239
(2)电动机负载 Load239
(2)锅炉结构与设备 Structure and Equipment of a Boiler239
(2)泵的结构 Pump Structure241
(2)起重机 Cranes241
(1)升降机 Elevators241
16.升降机,起重机及运输机 Elevator,Crane and Conveyer241
(1)压缩机 Compressors242
17.压缩机、压力机及其它机械 Compressor,Press and Others242
(4)绞车与其它 Winches and Others242
(3)运输机 Conveyers242
18.手工具 Hand Tool243
(2)压力机 Presses243
(3)其它 Others243
19.量具和仪表 Measuring Tool and Meter244
(1)量具 Measuring Tools244
(2)工业用仪表 Industrial Devices and Gauges245
1.造船工业机构、人员、设备 Shipbuilding Institutions,Personnel and Equipment246
(十一)造船 Shipbuilding246
3.船的构造 Ship Structure247
2.造船工艺 Technology of Shipbuilding247
(十二)航天工业 Space Industry248
1.空间技术 Space Technology248
2.火箭 Rocket249
3.人造卫星 Satellite251
4.宇宙飞船 Spaceship252
5.航天飞机与太空航行 Space Shuttle and Navigation253
(1)航天飞机 Space Shuttles253
(2)太空航行 Space Navigation254
1.电子工业机构 Electronics Industial Institutions255
(十三)电子 Electronlcs255
2.电子设备 Electronic Equipment255
3.电子技术 Electronic Technology256
5.电视(接收)机 Television Receiver258
4.无线电收音机 Radio Receiver258
6.电子计算机 Electronic Computer259
7.电子数字计算机 Electronic Digital Computer260
8.机器人 Robot261
9.小型化 Miniaturization262
10.自动化 Automation262
(1)工业自动化 Industrial Automation262
(2)自动控制 Automatic Control262
(3)遥控 Remote Control263
(4)射流技术 Jet Technique264
11.雷达 Radar264
(1)激光器 Laser265
12.激光 Laser265
(2)激光技术 Laser Technology266
(十四)建筑 Building Construction267
1.建筑机构和人员 Building Institutions and Personnel267
2.建筑材料 Building Material268
(1)建材种类 Kinds of Building Materials268
(2)黏结材料 Cementing Material268
(3)石、砂、钢筋 Building Stone,Sand and Reinforced Steel269
(5)木材、玻璃等 Timbering,Glass,etc.270
(4)砖瓦 Brick and Tile270
(6)涂料及其它材料 Paints and Others271
3.建筑机械和器具 Building Machinery,Apparatus and Tools272
(1)建筑机械 Builder s Machinery272
(2)建筑器具 Builder s Apparatus and Tools273
(2)测量和设计 Survey and Design275
(1)城市规划和土地开发 City Planning and Landscaping275
4.建筑工程 Construction Project275
(3)施工 Construction276
(4)房屋建设 Housing Construction277
(5)基础工程 Foundation Work278
(6)墙体工程及骨架承重结构 Wall Building and Skeleton Construction278
(8)地板和天花板 Floor and Ceiling279
(9)楼梯、走廊、阳台 Stairway,Coridor,Balcony279
(7)屋面结构 Roof Construction279
(11)窗 Window280
(10)门 Door280
(1)建筑和建筑物 Architecture and Buildings281
(2)建筑物类型 Types of Buildings281
5.建筑物 Buildings281
(3)建筑物各部份 Parts of a Building282
(4)房屋设备 Building Installation283
(5)现代建筑物 Modern Buildings284
(6)中国古典建筑物 Chinese Classical Buildings285
(7)西式建筑物 Western-Style Buildings286
(8)城堡 Castles286
(十五)木材加工 Timber Processing286
1.木材 Timber286
2.制材和加工 Lumber Manufacture and Woodworking287
3.木工机械 Woodworking Machinery288
4.木工工具 Woodworking Tools288
(1)纺织工人 Textile Workers289
1.纺织工人和纺织机构 Textiie Workers and Institutions289
(十六)纺织 Textile289
2.棉纺 Cotton Spnming290
(2)纺织机构 Textile Institutions290
(1)清棉与混棉 Scutching and Mixing290
(2)梳棉 Carding290
(3)粗纺和精纺 Roving and Spinning290
(2)穿综 Healding291
(1)整经与穿经 Warping and Enuy291
3.棉织 Cotton Weaving291
(6)打包 Baling291
(5)络纱 Winding291
(4)气流纺纱 Open-End Spinning291
(3)浆纱 Sizing291
(4)织布 Weaving292
(5)织物 Fabric292
(1)织物的预处理 Pre-Treaunent of Fabric293
(3)织物印花 Fabric Printing293
(2)织物染色 Fabric Dyeing293
4.印染 Printing and Dyeing293
(2)质量检验等 Quality Inspection,etc.294
(1)织物后整理 Alter-Treatment of Fabric294
(4)染料 Dyestuff294
5.织物整理 Fabric Finishing294
6.丝织 Silk295
(1)选茧与缫丝 Cocoon Sorting and Silk Reeling295
(2)丝纺 Silk Spinning295
(3)丝织物 Siik Fabric295
7.麻织 Linen296
8.毛织 Woellens296
(1)毛纺与毛织工艺 Wool Spinning and Weaving296
(2)毛织物 Woollens296
(1)化纤种类 Kinds of Chemical Fibre297
9.针织 Knitting297
10.化纤 Chemical Fibre297
(2)化纤工艺 Chemical Fibre Processing297
(十七)橡胶 Rubber298
1.炼胶 Rubber Processing298
2.橡胶种类 Types of Rubber298
3.橡胶性能 Properties of Rubber299
(十八)塑料 Plastics299
(1)基本拼料 Basic Ingredients299
1.塑料的拼份 Ingredients of Plastics299
2.制造工艺 Manufacturing Technology300
(2)配料 Compounding Ingredients300
3.塑料制件 Plastic Pieces301
5.模具 Moulds302
4.塑料制造用机械及仪表 Plastics Manufacturing Machinery and Instruments302
6.塑料种类 Varieties of Plastics303
7.塑料性能 Properties of Plastics304
1.玻璃制造 Glass-Making305
(十九)玻璃 Glass305
2.玻璃种类 Types of Glass306
1.中国陶瓷 Chinese Ceramics307
(二十)陶瓷 Ceramics307
2.陶瓷工艺 Ceramic Technology308
1.原材料处理 Treatment of Raw Materials309
(二十一)造纸 Paper309
3.陶瓷种类 Types of Ceramics309
2.制纸浆 Pulping310
4.抄纸 Paper Making311
3.打浆和施胶 Beating and Sizing311
5.造纸厂产品 Paper Mill Products312
(二十二)印刷 Printing314
1.印刷术 Art of Printing314
2.印刷的种类 Kinds of Printing314
3.排版 Type Setting315
(1)排字 Composing315
(2)铅字 Type316
(3)铸铅字 Type Casting317
(3)腐蚀制版 Engraving318
(4)照相排版 Phototypesetting318
4.制版 Plate Making318
(1)铅版制作 Stereotype Making318
(2)电铸版和铜锌版制作 Electrotyping and Block-Making318
(4)胶版制作 Offset Platemaking319
(5)照相制版 Photomechanical Reproduction319
(1)印刷工艺 Printing Technology320
5.印刷 Printing320
(6)其它 Others320
(2)印刷机 Printing Press321
(5)油墨与烫金 Ink and Bronzing322
(4)其它印刷机械 Other Printing Machines322
(3)胶印机 Offset Press322
(1)复印工艺 Duplicating Technology323
6.复印 Duplicating323
(1)装订工序 Finishing Process324
(2)复印设备 Duplicating Device324
7.书籍装订 Bookbinding324
(2)装订本书籍 Bound Books325
(3)装订机械 Binding Maehinery326
(2)罐头食品 Canned Food327
(二十三)食品加工 Food Processing327
1.罐头厂 Cannery327
(1)罐头生产 Canned Food Production327
2.乳品厂 Dairy Products Plant328
3.饼干、面包厂 Bakery328
4.糖果厂 Confectionery Manufactory329
(1)糖果制造 Candy Making329
(2)糖果品 Confectionery329
(3)蜜饯制作 Preserving330
(4)冰淇淋、冰棍制作 Ice-Cream and Ice-Sucker Making330
(5)汽水制作 Aerated Water Making330
5.粮油加工 Grain and Edible Oils Processing331
(1)粮食加工与榨油 Grain Processing and Oil Pressing331
(2)粮油加工机械 Grain and Edible Oils Processing Machines331
6.茶叶、咖啡和可可加工 Processing of Tea,Coffee and Cocoa331
(1)茶叶加工 Tea Processing331
(2)清汁 Juice Purification332
(2)咖啡、可可加工 Coffee and Cocoa Processing332
(二十四)制糖 Sugar332
1.制糖工艺 Sugar Refining Technology332
(1)取汁 Juice Extraction332
(1)糖类名称 Names of Sugar333
2.糖类及糖厂副产品 Sugars and By-Products of Sugar Refinery333
(3)煮炼 Boiling until Crystallization333
(2)糖厂副产品 By-Products of Sugar Refinery334
1.卷烟工艺 Cigarette Making Technology334
(二十五)卷烟 Cigarette Making334
2.蒸馏酒生产 Production of Distilled Spirits335
(二十六)酿酒 Brewage335
2.烟草加工机械 Tobacco Processing Machinery335
1.啤酒酿造 Beer Brewing335
(二十七)工艺美术 Arts and Crafts336
3.酿酒机械 Beer Brewing and Wine Making Machinery336
1.象牙雕刻 Ivory Carving336
3.珠宝首饰 Jewelry337
2.其它手工艺 Other Handicrafts337
(一)新闻 News339
1.新闻分类 News Classification339
三、大众传播 Mass Media;Mass Communication339
2.新闻业务 News Service340
3.新闻机构 News Organ341
4.世界主要通讯社 Important News Agencies Throughout the World342
1.广播种类 Kinds of Broadcast344
(二)广播 Broadcast344
2.广播节目 Broadcasting Programme345
3.节目播放 Broadcasting346
5.广播器材 Broadcasting Equipment347
(1)播放器材 Broadcasting Equipment347
4.广播技术 Broadcasting Technique347
(2)录音器材 Recording Equipment348
(3)收音器材 Radios350
(4)唱机 Record Player351
(5)话筒 Microphone352
(6)耳机 Earphone353
6.广播机构及人员 Broadcasting Institutions and Personnel353
7.世界主要广播电台与广播公司 Important Broadcasting Stations and Companies Throughout the World354
(三)电视 Television357
1.电视与电视技术 Television and Teievision Technology357
(1)电视种类 Types of Television357
(2)电视技术 Television Technology357
2.电视节目 Television Programme358
(1)电视播放 Television Broadcasting359
3.电视播放与收看 Television Broadcasting and Reception359
4.电视制作 Television Production360
(2)电视收看 Television Reception360
(1)电视播放设备 Television Broadcasting Equipment361
5.电视器材 Television Equipment361
(3)录像器材 Video Recording Equipment362
(2)电视摄像机 Television Camera362
(4)电视接收器材 Television Receiving Equipment363
6.电视台、电视工作人员及电视组织 Television Station,Teletricians and Telecasting Organization363
7.世界主要电视台、电视公司 Important Television Stations and Corporations Throughout the World365
1.报纸种类 Types of Newspaper366
(四)报纸 Newspaper366
2.报纸出版与发行 Newspaper Publication and Distribution367
(1)报纸出版 Newspaper Publication367
(1)报纸稿件 Newspaper Contribution368
3.稿件与内容 Contribution and Copy368
(2)报纸发行 Newspaper Distribution368
(2)报纸内容 Copy369
4.报社及人员 Newspaper Office and Staff371
(1)中国报纸 Some Chinese Newspapers372
5.中外报纸 Chinese and Non-Chinese Newspapers372
(2)外国报纸 Some Non-Chinese Newspapers373
6.报业组织 Newspaper Organization375
(五)杂志 Magazine375
1.刊物种类 Kinds of Publication375
2.杂志编辑与出版 Magazine Editing and Publication376
3.杂志编撰人员等 Magazine Editors,Contributors,etc.377
4.中外期刊 Chinese and Non-Chinese Periodicals377
(1)中国期刊 Some Chinese Periodicals377
(2)外国期刊 Some Non-Chinese Periodicals379
(六)出版 Publishing379
1.书籍编纂 Book Compiling379
(1)编辑 Editing381
2.编辑与校对 Editing and Proof-Reading381
(2)校对 Proof-Reading382
3.书籍印刷与发行 Book Printing and Distributing383
(1)印刷 Printing383
(2)发行 Distributing384
4.出版物 Pubilcation385
(1)出版物种类 Kinds of Publication385
(2)书籍 Books386
(3)版本 Edition389
(1)出版社、出版公司等 Publishing House,Company,etc.390
5.出版机构与人员 Publishing Agency and Personnel390
(2)出版社各部门 Departments,Sections,etc.391
(3)编辑、出版人员 Publishing and Editing Personnel391
四、水产业 Aquatic Products Industry393
2.捕鱼 Fishing393
1.渔业和渔业资源 Fishery and Fishery Resources393
(一)捕鱼业 Fishery393
3.渔具 Fishing Gear394
4.渔船 Fishing Vessels395
5.鱼的保藏 Preservation of Fish396
(二)水产养殖业 Aquatic Products Farming397
1.鱼类养殖 Fish Farming397
6.渔港和渔民 Fishing Port and Popuiation397
2.珍珠养殖 Pearl Culture399
1.淡水鱼类 Freshwater Fishes400
(三)水产 Aquatic Products400
3.养蚝及其它 Oyster Cultivation and Others400
2.海洋鱼类 Marine Fishes401
3.其它海洋生物 Other Marine Life402
(3)画纸、画布、墨等 Drawing Paper,Canvas,Ink,etc.402
1.文化 Culture403
(一)总类 General403
五、文化艺术 Culture and Art403
(2)艺术流派 Schools of Art404
(1)艺术形式 Forms of Art404
2.艺术 Art404
(3)艺术工作者 Art Workers405
(4)艺术用语 Artistic Terms406
3.文艺 Literature and Art407
(二)语言文字 Spoken and Written Language408
1.语言 Language408
(1)语言类别 Types of Language408
4.文化艺术组织 Cultural and Art Organizations408
(2)世界语言 World Languages410
(3)话语 Speech412
2.文字 Written Language415
(1)文字种类 Kinds of Character415
(4)字体 Forms of a Writen of Printed Character416
(2)字与词 Characters and Words416
(3)字母、音标、数字 Letters,Phonetic Symbols and Numerals416
(5)汉字 Chinese Character417
(6)标点及发音符号 Punctuation and Diacritical Marks419
(7)印刷符号 Typographical Symbols419
(三)文学 Literature420
1.文学种类 Kinds of Literature420
2.文学形式 Literary Forms421
(2)诗歌 Poetry421
(1)散文 Prose421
(3)小说 Fiction423
(4)故事、寓言等 Story,Allegory,etc.424
(1)一般用语 General Terms425
3.文学创作 Literary Creation425
(2)诗歌创作 Poetic Creation427
4.文学家 Literary Men428
(1)文学作品 Literary Works430
5.文学作品与文学奖 Literary Works and Prizes430
(1)文学批评 Literary Criticism431
6.文学理论 Literary Theory431
(2)文学奖 Literary Prizes431
(2)文学研究 Literary Studies433
(四)电影 Film434
1.电影 Movie434
7.文学组织 Literary Organization434
(1)电影种类 Kinds of Film434
(2)影片标题、字幕、角色、镜头等 Film Titles,Captions,Roles,Shots,etc.436
(1)一般用语 General Terms437
2.电影放映 Film Showing437
(1)电影院 Cinema439
3.电影院 Cinema439
(2)电影放映机具 Film Projecting Machines and Tools439
(2)电影院工作人员 Cinema Employees440
4.电影工作者 Film Workers441
(1)一般用语 General Terms442
5.影片制作 Film-Making442
(3)电影布景 Film Set443
(2)电影拍摄 Film-Shooting443
(5)灯光、化装等 Lighting,Making-up,etc.444
(4)电影录音 Film Sound Recording444
(7)影片制作用机械 Film-Making Machines445
(6)影片剪辑、加工与发行 Film Cutting,Processing and Renting445
(8)摄影机零部件 Camera Parts446
6.电影制片厂 Film Studio447
(9)电影胶片与幻灯片 Cinefilm and Film Slide447
(1)电影制片厂、影业公司等 Film Studio,Company,etc.447
(2)电影制片厂设施 Film Studio Facilities448
7.电影节与电影奖 Film Festival and Film Award449
8.其它电影用语 Other Terms on the Movie450
(五)戏剧 Drama450
1.戏剧种类 Kinds of Play450
2.中国剧种 Types of Chinese Drama452
3.戏剧工作者 Theatrical Workers453
4.戏剧编导 Play Writing and Directing454
(1)剧本创作 Playwriting454
(2)剧本 Playbook455
5.戏剧演出 Theatrical Performance456
(4)京剧传统角色 Traditional Roles in Peking Opera456
(3)角色类型 Types of Role456
(1)舞台表演 Scenic Interpretation456
(2)看戏 Theatre Going459
(3)戏剧评论 Dramatic Criticism459
6.服装、道具等 Costume,Property,etc.460
7.剧场 Playhouse461
(1)剧场种类与结构 Theatre Kinds and Structure461
(2)舞台 Stage462
(1)剧团与剧院 Drama Troupes and Theatres463
8.戏剧组织 Theatrical Organization463
(3)剧场工作人员 Theatre Workers463
(2)戏剧协会、学会等 Theatrical Institutes,etc.464
(六)木偶戏、皮影戏 Puppet and Shadow Plays464
1.音乐种类 Kinds of Music465
(七)音乐 Music465
2.歌曲 Songs466
3.音乐工作者 Musicians468
(1)演唱 Singing470
4.演唱与演奏 Singing and Instrumental Performance470
(2)演奏 Instrumental Performance471
5.音乐会、音乐节等 Concert,Musical Festival,etc.472
(1)乐团 Music Ensembles473
(3)情报活动 Intelligence Activities473
6.音乐团体 Music Organization473
(2)音乐学会等 Music Societies,etc.473
(2)中国乐器 Chinese Musical Instruments474
(1)乐器类型 Types of Musical Instrument474
7.乐器 Musical Instrument474
(3)西洋乐器 Western Instruments475
1.军队 Armies479
8.音乐创作 Musical Creation480
9.乐理 Music Theory481
(1)音名、音程、音阶 Musical Alphabets,Intervais and Scales481
(2)音调、音域 Note and Register481
(3)音型、音质、音量 Figure,Quality and Volume482
(4)和弦、和声、音符 Chord,Harmony and Musical Numbers482
(5)节拍、休止等 Time,Rest,etc.483
(6)音乐符号 Musical Marks483
(八)曲艺 Quyi Balladry484
1.曲艺种类 Kinds of Quyi484
1.舞蹈种类 Kinds of Dance485
(九)舞蹈 Dance485
2.唱本、曲艺演员、曲艺组织 Scripts,Quyi Workers and Quyi Orgnizations485
3.外国舞蹈 Non-Chinese Dances486
2.中国民间舞蹈 Chinese Folk Dances486
4.舞蹈演员 Dancers487
5.舞会、舞厅等 Dance,Dancery,etc.487
6.舞曲与舞蹈服装 Dance Music and Dancing Clothes488
7.舞蹈组织 Dancing Organization488
(十)杂技 Acrobaties489
1.杂技种类与杂技团体 Kinds and Organizations of Acrobatics489
2.杂技表演 Acrobatics Performance489
3.杂技演员与用具 Acrobats and Paraphernalia490
(十一)马戏、斗牛 Circus and Bullfight491
1.马戏种类与表演 Kinds of Circus Performance491
2.马戏场与用具 Circus and Paraphernalia491
3.马戏团 Circus Troupe491
1.绘画 Painting492
(十二)美术 Fine Arts492
4.斗年 Bullfight492
(2)西方绘画流派 Schools of Western Painting495
(1)国画派别 Schools of Chinese Painting495
2.画派 Schools of Painting495
3.绘画方法 Painting Method496
(1)国画画法 Traditional Chinese Painting Technique496
2.社会整体结构 Whole Structure of Society497
(2)西画画法 Western Painting Method497
4.颜色 Colour498
5.画具 Painter s Paraphernalia500
(1)画笔Paint Brush500
(2)颜料 Artists Colours501
6.美术工作者 Art Workers503
7.美术展览会 Art Exhibition503
(十三)雕塑 Sculpture504
1.雕刻 Carving504
2.雕塑 Sculpture504
3.雕塑品 Sculptures505
4.雕塑工具与材料 Tools and Materials Used in Sculpture506
(1)雕塑工具 Tools Used in Sculpture506
(2)雕塑材料 Materials Used in Sculpture506
5.雕塑家及其组织 Sculptors and Their Organizations507
(十四)书法 Calligraphy507
1.书法风格 Calligraphic Style507
2.书法用语 Calligraphic Terms508
3.书法家与书法作品 Calligrapher and Calligraphic Works508
(十五)篆刻与剪纸 Seal-Cutting and Paper-Cutting509
1.篆刻 Seal-Cutting509
(十六)工艺美术 Arts and Crafts510
2.剪纸 Paper-Cutting510
2.工艺美术品 Works of Art510
(1)雕塑、雕塑品 Carvings510
1.工艺及手工艺人 Craft and Craftsman510
(2)彩绘与镶嵌 Painting and Mosaics511
(3)绢制品、刺绣品 Silkwork and Embroidery511
(4)编制品 Woven Articles512
(5)其它 Others513
3.照片拍摄 Picture Taking514
(十七)摄影 Photography514
1.摄影种类 Kinds of Photography514
2.照片 Photograph514
4.摄影器材 Photographic Apparatus515
(1)照相机 Camera515
(七)主要国际组织 Some Major International Organizations516
(2)胶片 Film517
(3)相纸、洗印药品及器具 Photographic Printing Papers,Chemicals and Appliance517
(十八)图书馆 Library518
5.摄影工作者及组织 Photographers and Their Organizations518
2.采访部 Acquisition Department519
3.编目部 Cataloguing Department520
4.流通阅览部 Circulation Department522
(1)图书借阅服务 Loan Service522
(2)图书馆阅览室 Library Reading-room522
5.参考咨询部 Reference Department523
6.图书馆机械设备 Library Mechanical Equipment524
(1)复制设备 Reproducing Equipment524
(2)打字机 Typewriter525
(十九)文物 Cultural Relic525
1.古物与考古 Antiquities and Archaeology525
2.博物馆 Museum525
(2)出土文物 Unearthed Relics526
3.中国历史文物 Chinese Historical Relics526
(1)古墓 Ancient Tomb526
(一)外交机构、人员 Diplomatic Establishments and Personnel530
六、外交 Diplomacy530
1.中国外交机关与外事部门 Chinese Diplomatic Establishments,Departments,etc.530
3.政府外交官员与外交人员 Govemmental Officials in Charge of Diplomatic Affairs and Other Diplomatic Personnel531
2.外交代表机构 Diplomatic Missions and Facilities531
1.外交与外交关系 Diplomacy and Diplomatic Relations533
(二)外交事务 Foreign Affairs533
4.其它 Other Diplomatic Terms533
2.国际往来 International Contacts534
(1)访问 Visits535
3.访问、接见、宴会 Visits,Interviews and Banquets535
(3)宴会 Banquets536
(2)接见 Interviews536
4.会谈、声明、照会、抗议Talks,Statements,Notes and Protests537
5.外交政策 Diplomatic Policies538
6.交涉与谈判 Representation and Negotiation539
7.主权、外交特权、侨民事务 Sovereignty,Privileges and Affairs Concerning Nationals Living Abroad541
(1)主权、外交特权等 Sovereignty,Privileges,etc.541
(2)侨民事务 Affairs Concerning Nationals Living Abroad542
8.国际调停 Intemational Mediation542
9.外交文书 Diplomatic Correspondence544
(1)护照 Pasport544
(2)签证 Visa544
(3)其它外交文件 Other Diplomatic Documents544
(4)外交函电 Diplomatic Letters and Telegrams545
10.涉外法规 Laws and Regulations on Matters Concerning Foreign Missions and Nationals546
(三)国际事务 International Affairs546
1.国际形势 International Situation546
2.民族民主革命运动 National-Democratic Revolutionary Movement547
3.国际援助 International Support548
1.会议类型 Types of Conference549
(四)国际会议 International Conference549
2.会议执行、工作机构 Governing and Working Bodies550
4.会议文件 Documents of a Conference551
3.会议筹备工作 Preparation of a Conference551
5.与会者与主持者 Conferees and Officers552
6.会务 Conferencc Affairs553
7.辩论与投票 Debates and Voting554
1.国际契约种类 Kinds of International Instruments556
(五)国际契约 International Instruments556
2.国际契约用语 Common Terms of International Document557
2.联合国大会 U.N.General Assembly559
1.联合国机构、人员与事务 U.N.Bodies,Personnel and Affairs559
(六)联合国 The United Nations559
4.联合国其它机构 Other U.N.Bodies560
3.联合国专门机构 U.N.Specialized Agencies560
2.会议 Conferences561
1.组织 Organizations561
3.共同体 Communities561
5.基金会 Foundations562
4.联盟 Associations562
6.联合会、理事会 Confederations and Councils562
7.银行 Banks562
七、交通运输 Transport and Communications563
(一)公路交通运输 Road Transport563
1.公路交通运输业 Road Transport Service563
(1)公路交通运输系统 Road Transport System563
(3)汽车总站 Central Bus Station564
(2)公路交通运输业务 Road Transport Service564
(4)公共汽车交通 Bus Service565
(5)电车交通 Tramcar Service566
(6)货车运输 Trucking566
(1)道路类型 Types of Road567
2.道路 Road567
(3)道路结构和养护 Road Structure and Maintenance568
(2)道路设置 Road Laying568
(5)公路铺建 Road Construction569
(4)高速公路 Expressway569
(6)筑路机械 Road-Making Machinery570
3.桥梁 Bridge570
(1)桥梁类型 Types of Bridge570
(1)运输车辆 Transport Vehicles571
(2)桥梁结构 Bridge Structure571
(3)桥梁建造 Bridge Building571
4.机动车辆 Motor Vehicles571
(2)载客车辆 Passenger Vehicles572
(3)汽车 Motorcar573
(4)汽车驾驶 Driving574
(5)汽车维修 Car Maintenance and Repair575
(6)摩托车 Motorcycle576
(7)机器脚踏车 Autobike576
5.非机动运载工具 Non-Motor Vehicles576
(1)畜力车 Animal-Driven Cart576
(2)手推车等 Hand-Cart,etc.577
(3)自行车 Bicycie577
(1)交通标志和信号 Traffic Signs and Signals578
6.交通管理 Traffic Control578
(3)交通事故 Traffic Accident579
(2)交通安全 Traffic Safety579
5.商业经营 Buiness Operation579
1.铁路系统 Railway System580
(二)铁路交通运输 Railway Transport580
(1)客动业务 Passenger Service581
2.铁路客运 Railway Passenger Service581
(2)火车站 Railway Station583
(3)乘火车旅行 Travelling by Train584
(2)货运列车 Goods Trains586
3.铁路货运 Railway Freight Service586
(1)货动业务 Cargo Service586
(1)机车种类 Types of Locomotive587
(2)机车结构 Locomotive Structure587
(3)蒸汽机车 Steam Locomotive587
4.机车 Locomotive587
(4)内燃机车 Diesel Locomotive588
(5)电力机车 Electric Locomotive588
(1)调度系统 Dispatching System589
(2)信号系统 Signal System589
(3)铁路警标 Railway Warning Signs589
(4)铁路事故 Railway Accident589
5.铁路交通管理 Railway Traffic Control589
6.铁路建设 Railway Construction590
(2)铁路定线 Railway Location590
(1)铁路和铁路线 Railway and Railway Lines590
(3)轨道铺设 Track Laying591
7.登山铁路 Mountain Railway592
(三)航运 Shipping593
(2)港口结构 Harbour Accommodation593
(1)港口种类 Kinds of Port593
1.港口 Port593
(4)港口工作人员 Harbour Personnel594
(3)港口其它设施 Other Installations in Dock Area594
(5)世界港口 World Ports595
(1)机动船舶 Powered Vessels599
2.船舶 Vessels599
(2)非机动船 Non-Powered Vessels600
(3)客货船 Passenger and Cargo Ship600
(1)船员 Crew603
3.航海 Navigation603
(2)航行 Voyage604
(3)海上旅行 Sea Travel605
(4)航海器具 Navigation Appliance605
4.海难救助 Salvage606
5.国际通话信号旗 International Code Flags606
6.船运业务 Shipping Business606
(1)货物运输 Cargo Transport606
(2)装卸机具 Loading and Unloading Gear607
(3)集装箱运输 Containerized Traffic608
(4)货物标志 Cargo Marks608
7.内河交通 Inland Water Traffic609
(5)货物残损 Cargo Damage609
(四)民航 Clvil Aviation610
1.民航机构 Civil Aviation Organizations610
2.飞机场 Airfield612
(1)机场种类 Kinds of Airfield612
(2)民航机场 Civil Airport613
3.民航飞机 Civil Aircrafts614
(1)民航飞机类型 Types of Civil Aircraft614
(3)世界机场 Some World Airports614
(3)民航直升机 Civil Helicopter615
(2)机型、性能等 Types,Characteristics,etc.615
(4)民用轻航空器 Civil Aerostats616
4.民航客运 Civil Air Passenger Service616
(1)航空客运业务 Air Passenger-Carrying Service616
(4)航空旅行 Air Travel617
(3)客机设备 Airliner Accommodation617
(2)客机 Passenger Plane617
(2)民航运输机 Civil Transport Planes618
(1)民航货运业务 Civil Freight Service618
5.民航货运 Civil Freight Service618
(3)民航运输机设备 Freighter Accommodation618
(1)飞行 Flying619
6.航空 Aviation619
(2)飞行人员 Flight Crew621
(3)飞行用品 Flight Necessities622
2.宗教信仰 Religious Belief623
1.世界宗教 World Religions623
(一)总类 General623
八、宗教 Religion623
3.宗教界 Religious Conscience624
4.罗马教廷 Roman Curia625
5.宗教学校与人员等 Religious Schools,Personne,etc.625
6.宗教组织 Religious Organizations626
(二)佛教 Buddhism627
1.佛教宗派 Schools of Buddhism627
2.经、律、论 Sutras,Disciplines and Treatises627
(1)经 Scriptures627
(2)律 Disciplines628
(3)论 Treatises628
3.佛教术语 Buddhist Terms629
4.佛事 Buddhist Ceremonies633
5.佛教神鬼等 Buddhist Gods,Ghosts,etc.634
6.佛门弟子 Followers of Buddhism635
(1)寺庙结构与设备 Structure and Equipment of the Buddhist Temple636
7.佛寺 Buddhist Monastery636
1.基督教界 Christendom637
(三)基督教 Christianity637
(2)著名佛寺、佛山 Famous Buddhist Temples and Mountains637
2.基督教教义 Christian Doctrine638
3.守护神 Tutelary Saints639
(1)一般用语 General Terms640
(2)旧约全书 The Old Testament640
4.圣经 Bible640
(4)《圣经》中记载的人物、地点与事件 Personages,Places and Events Recorded in the Bible640
(3)新约全书 The New Testament640
5.圣职 Holy Orders644
6.教徒、信仰者等 Believers,Followers,etc.644
8.宗教仪式 Religious Services645
7.服装及其它用品 Costume and Other Articles645
(1)布道、弥撒、祈祷等 Preaching,Mass,Prayer,etc.645
(3)朝圣、洗礼等 Pilgrimage,Baptism,etc.646
(2)圣餐式、礼拜等 Communion,Religious Service,etc.646
(4)基督教婚礼 Christian Wedding647
(5)基督教葬礼 Christian Funeral647
(6)基督教十字架 Christian Crosses647
9.宗教节日 Feast Days647
10.教堂 Church648
(1)教堂 Churches648
(2)教堂结构 Church Structure648
(3)教堂用具及圣器 Utensils and Sacrificial Vessels649
11.修道院 Monastery649
(1)修道院 Monasteries649
(1)伊斯兰教教义 Islamism650
(2)伊斯兰教经典 Islamic Scriptures650
(四)伊斯兰教 Islamism650
2.伊斯兰教教义与经典 Islamic Doctrines and Scriptures650
1.伊斯兰教教派 Islamic Denominations650
(2)修道院长、修女等 Abbe,Nun,etc.650
3.伊斯兰教教徒及服装等 Moslem,Costurne,etc.651
4.伊斯兰教仪式 Islamic Ritual651
5.伊斯兰教教历与节日 Moslem Calendar and Holidays651
(1)伊斯兰教教历 Moslem Lunar Calendar651
(2)伊斯兰教节日 Muslem Holidays651
6.伊斯兰教寺院 Masjid651
2.道场与道观 Taoist Rites and Temples652
(五)道教 Taoism652
1.道教教义与教理等 Taoist Doctrines,Principles,etc.652
3.道教神仙等 Taoist Gods,etc.653
(六)犹太教、喇嘛教 Judaism and Lamaism653
1.犹太教 Judaism653
(1)一般用语 General Terms653
1.神话 Mythology654
2.喇嘛教 Lamaism654
(七)中国神话与传说 Chinese Mythology and Folklore654
(2)犹太历与犹太教节日 Jewish Calendar and Holidays654
2.民间传说 Folklore655
(八)迷信 Superstition655
1.一般用语 General Terms655
2.算命 Fortune-Telling656
3.观相术 Physiognomy656
4.手相术 Palmistry657
5.占卦 Divination658
8.巫术 Diabolism659
7.占梦 Divination by Interpreting Dream659
6.签卜 Sortilege659
9.祭祀活动 Offering Sacrifices660
九、林业 Forestry661
(一)森林和森林资源 Forest and Forest Resources661
1.森林 Forest661
2.森林资源 Forest Resources662
3.常见树木名称 Names of Some Common Trees664
(二)森林经营管理 Forest Management666
1.林场和林业人员 Forest Farm and Workers666
(1)林场 Forest Farm666
(2)林业机构与人员 Forest Institutions and Workers667
2.造林 Forestation667
(1)森林试验 Forest Experiment670
3.森林试验与森林气象学 Forest Experiment and Meteorology670
(1)森林火灾 Forest Fire671
5.森林灾害 Forest Disasters,Tree Diseases and Pests671
4.修枝和除草 Pruning and Weeding671
(2)森林气象学 Forest Meteorology671
(2)树木病害 Tree Diseases672
(4)其它森林灾害 Other Forest Disasters673
(3)森林虫害 Damage by Forest Insects673
6.林木采伐、采运作业 Forest Tree Felling and Logging673
7.木材 Wood675
(1)宪法 Constitution676
(2)刑法 Criminal Law676
十、法律 Law676
(一)法 Law676
1.实体法 Material Law676
(3)民法 Civil Law676
(4)经济法 Law of Economy676
(5)其它 Others677
2.程序法 Adjective Law679
3.国际法 International Law679
(二)司法机关与人员 Judicial Organs and Offlcials679
1.审判机关 Judicial Apparatus679
(1)法院 Court of Justice679
(2)法庭 Court681
2.检察机关 Investigating and Prosecuting Apparatus681
(1)公安组织 Organization of Public Safety682
3.公安机关 Department of Public Security682
(2)监狱 Prison683
(1)审判人员 Judiciary684
4.司法人员 Legal Staff684
(3)公安人员 Public Security Personnel685
(2)检察人员 Procuratorial Personnel685
1.一般用语 General Terms686
(三)法律事务 Legal Affairs686
(1)治安 Peace and Security688
2.警务 Public Functions of Police688
(2)消防 Fire-Fighting690
(3)警察设备 Police Equipments and Tools690
(2)公证 Notarization691
(1)律师 Lawyer691
3.律师和公证 Lawyer and Noterization691
3.行政机关 Administrative Organ692
2.权力机关 Organ of Authority692
1.国体与政体 Form of State and Regime692
(四)宪法 Constitution692
(1)公民权利 Civil Right693
6.公民权利与义务 Civil Right and Obligation693
5.经济制度 Economic System693
4.民主、民族等 Democracy,Nationality,etc.693
1.民事 Civil694
(五)民法 Civil Law694
(2)公民义务 Civil Duty694
(2)民事责任 Civil Liability695
2.民事权利与责任 Civil Right and Liability695
(1)民事权利 Civil Right695
3.人与法人 Person and Corporation695
(1)人 Person695
(2)法人 Juridical Person696
4.能力与行为 Capacity and Action696
(1)能力 Capacity696
(2)行为 Action696
5.财产或物 Property or Chattel697
(1)物 Chattel697
(2)财产 Property697
6.债 Arrearage697
7.损害赔偿 Damages698
(六)诉讼法 Procedural Law698
1.刑事诉讼 Criminal Procedure698
2.民事诉讼 Civil Procedure698
3.案件 Legal Case699
4.侦查 Investigation700
5.证据 Evidence701
6.证人 Witness702
7.供词 Confession702
9.拘留 Detention703
8.鉴定 Verification703
10.逮捕 Arrest704
11.审判 Trial704
12.法庭辩论 Debate in Court706
13.判决 Judgement706
(1)反革命罪 Offence of Counterrevolution708
(2)与国家工作人员职务有关的罪 Crime About Officials and Staffs708
(七)刑法 Criminal Law708
14.监禁 Imprisonment708
1.罪 Crime708
(3)奸淫罪 Carnal Intercourse709
(4)杀人罪 Crime of Manslaughter709
(5)盗窃、诈骗罪 Crime of Larceny and Swindle709
(6)其它刑事犯罪 Other Criminal Offences709
(2)普通刑事犯 Common Criminal710
(1)重罪犯 Felon710
2.罪犯 Prisoner710
(3)嫌疑犯 Suspected Criminal711
3.刑罚 Punishment711
(1)主刑 Principal Penalty711
(2)附加刑 Supplementary Punishment711
(3)刑具 Instruments of Torture712
(3)伤害 Injury712
(2)杀人 Killing712
(1)刑事行为 Criminal Act712
4.刑法一般用语 Terms about Criminal Law712
(4)淫乱 Promscuity713
(5)犯罪 Commission of a Crime713
(6)暴力与团伙 Violence and Gang713
(7)释放 Release714
(八)行政法 Administrative Law714
(九)劳动法 Labour Law716
(十)婚姻法 Marriage Law717
1.婚姻 Marriage717
2.结婚 Conjugation718
3.离婚 Divorce718
4.家庭 Family718
5.夫妻 Conjoints718
6.父母 Parents719
7.子女 Child719
2.遗产 Legacy720
(十一)继承法 Inheritance Law720
1.遗嘱 Wiil720
3.继承 Succession721
4.继承人 Heir721
5.遗赠与赠与 Legatum and Gift721
(十三)版权法 Copyright722
(十四)商标法 Trademark Law722
2.专利权 Patent Right722
1.专利 Patent722
(十二)专利法 Patent Law722
3.其它 Others723
2.保险范围 Insurance Coverage723
(十五)保险法 Insurance Law723
1.保险类别 Branches of Insurance723
1.税种 Categories of Tax724
(十六)税法 Tax Law724
4.其它 Others725
3.关税 Customs Duty725
2.税率 Tax Rate725
1.经济合同 Economic Contract726
(十七)合同法 Contract Law726
2.契约与契据 Bond and Deed727
3.合同用语 Contract Terms727
4.仲裁 Arbitration728
(十八)商业法 Business Law728
1.商业 Business728
2.商品 Merchandise728
3.商品价格 Price of Commodity729
4.市场 Market729
(1)商品贸易 Commercial Trade729
(2)商业交易 Commercial Transaction730
(3)经营管理 Business Management730
6.商人和商店 Dealers and Shop731
3.其它 Others731
(十九)国际贸易法 International Trade Law731
1.出口 Export731
2.进口 Import731
1.国际契约 International Treaty and Convention732
(二十)国际法 International Law732
(1)国家 State733
2.国际关系 International Relations733
(3)主权 Sovereign Right734
(2)政府 Government734
(4)外交 Diplomacy735
4.国籍法 Nationality Law736
3.侨民法 Alien Act736
5.战争法 Law of War737
6.中立法 Neutrality Law738
7.海洋法 Maritime Law738
1.兵役 Military Service740
(一)国防事务 National Defence Affairs740
十一、军事 Military Affairs740
2.民防、军工、军备等 Civil Defence,Military Industry,Armament,etc.741
(2)情报机构与人员 Intelligence Agencies and Personnel742
(1)情报种类 Kinds of Intelligence742
3.情报 Intelligence742
(2)军用仓库、兵站、补给线等 Military Depot,Service Station,Supply Line,etc.745
(1)军事基地、根据地等 Military Base,Base Area,etc.745
4.军事设施 Military Installation745
(4)军事学校、医院、法庭 Military School,Hospital and Court746
(3)军营、军用机场、军港、靶场等 Military Camp,Airfield,Port,Shooting Range,etc.746
5.核试验 Nuclear Test748
2.部队 Military Units749
(二)武装力量 Armed Forces749
4.军队建制 Military Organization751
3.兵种 Arms751
5.军事机关 Military Establishment753
(1)武斗部队领导人 Leaders of Armed Forces754
6.军事人员 Military Personnel754
(2)军官 Officers755
(3)士兵 Enlisted Men and Women756
(4)枪炮手、军士和空、地勤人员 Gunners,Sergeants,Aircraft and Ground Crews757
(5)军队技术人员 Army Technicians757
(6)其他 Others757
7.外国军衔 Ranks in Foreign Armed Forces758
(1)英军军衔 Ranks in British Armed Forces758
(2)美军军衔 Ranks in U.S.Armed Forces759<
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