
美国注册护士考试试题解答 英汉对照【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

美国注册护士考试试题解答 英汉对照
  • 刘易斯编著;卫生部护理中心编;胡洁等编译 著
  • 出版社: 北京:学苑出版社
  • ISBN:7800608832
  • 出版时间:1990
  • 标注页数:776页
  • 文件大小:39MB
  • 文件页数:806页
  • 主题词:


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美国注册护士考试试题解答 英汉对照PDF格式电子书版下载


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PART Ⅰ The Nursing Care of Patients With Psychosocial Alterations1

Test 12

The Patient With an Acute Anxiety Reaction2

The Patient With a Behavior Disorder5

The Patient With Agitated Depression8

The Patient With a Depressive Reaction12

Patients Who Are Overweight:Group Therapy15

Patients Who Visit a Crisis Center20

Test 220

The Patient Who Is Dependent on Alcohol24

The Patient With Delirum Tremens27

The Patient Who Attempts Suicide31

The Patient With Chronic Organic Brain Syndrome32

Individual Items36

Test 338

The Patient With an Antisocial Personality38

The Patient With Autism42

The Patient With a Mental Deficiency(Down s Syndrome)45

The Patient With a Terminal Illness(Leukemia)47

The Patient With a Psychophysiological Disorder(Ulcerative Colitis)50

Test 455

The Patient With Test Anxiety:Family Therapy55

The Patient With Depressive Neurosis and Suicidal Ideation59

The Patient With an Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder62

The Patient Addicted to Narcotics64

The Patient Dependent on Barbiturates67

Individual Items70

The Patient With Chronic Undifferentiated Schizophrenia72

Test 572

The Patient With Paranoid Schizophrenia75

The Patient With Catatonic Schizophrenia78

The Patient With Bipolar Disorder,Manic Phase81

Using a Therapeutic Milieu85

Individual Items87

PART Ⅱ The Nursing Care of Maternity Patients and Newborns89

Test 190

The Pregnant Patient and Her Newborn90

The Teenaged Patient With Pregnancy-Associated Hypertensive Disease(preeclampsia/Eclampsia)and Her Newborn99

The Patient Who Uses a Birth Center and Her Newborn106

Test 2106

The Patient With Bleeding During the Last Trimester of Pregnancy and Her Newborn113

The Patient Hvaing Premature Labor118

Test 3121

The Patient Who Delivers Twins121

The Patien Whose Newborn Has Hemolytic Disease122

The Patient in Labor With a Risk Factor and Her Newborn126

The Patient With Diabets Mellitus and Her Newborn128

The Patient Who Uses Heroin and Newborn131

The Patient Who Has a Precipitate Delivery133

Individual Items135

Test 4137

The Physical Assessment of the Newborn137

The Patient Who Delivers a Postterm Infant,Postpartum Care,and Her Infant142

The patient Who Breast-Feeds Her Infant147

Preparation of Formula150

Test 5153

The Patient Who Has a Cesarean Delivery and Her Newborn153

The Patient Who Has an Ectopic Pregnancy156

The Patient With Excessive Vomiting158

The Patient With a Hydatidiform Mole159

Patients Whose Pregnancies Are Terminated160

The Patient With an Incompetent Cervix160

The Patient Who Has Counseling Concerning Contraception and Sexuality163

Individual Items168

PART Ⅲ The Nursing Care of Children170

Test 1171

The Premature Infant171

The Infant With a Cleft Palate and Lip172

The Infant With a Tracheoesophageal Fistula176

The Infant With Diarrhea179

The Infant With Hypothyroidism179

The Infant With AtopiC Dermatitis(Eczema)181

The Child With Sickle-Cell Disease182

The Child With a Fractured Femur and Possible Child Abuse184

The Child With Celiac Disease186

Individual Items187

Test 2188

Toddlers Who Have Surgery188

The Child With Phenylketonuria191

The Child With Gastroenteritis192

The Child With Cystic Fibrosis and Bronchopneum onia196

Well and Ill Children Visiting a Clinic198

Test 3204

The Child With Nephrotic Syndrome204

The Child With Meningitis205

The Child With a Broken Bone207

The Child With Tetralogy of Fallot208

The Child With Burns211

Meetings to Discuss Common Childhood and Adolescent Health Problems215

The Child With Bronchial Asthma221

Test 4221

The Child With Rheumatic Fever222

The Child With Diabetes Mellitus225

The Child With Leukemia228

Children Being Cared For in an Emergency Room232

Screening Children for Musculoskeletal Diaorders235

Individual Item237

Part IV The Nursing Care of Adults With Medical/surgical Disorders238

Test 1239

The Patient With Peptic Ulcers239

The Patient Who Has a Subtotal Gastrectomy241

The Patient Who Has a Colostomy246

The Patient Who Has a Cataract Extraction252

Test 2255

The Patient With Congestive Heart Failure255

The Patient Who Has Open Heart Surgery259

The Patient With an Acute Myocardial Infarction264

Individual Items270

Test 3271

Patients Being Cared for in a Cardiac Care Unit271

The Patient Requiring Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation274

The Patient Who Has an Ileal Conduit279

The Patient Who Has a Nephrectomy283

The Patient With Acute Glomerulonephritis286

Test 4289

The Patient With Acute Renal Failure289

Patients With Various Urological Disorders292

The Patient Who Has a Herniorrhaphy296

The Patient Who Has a Cholecystectomy302

Test 5306

The Patient With Diabetes Mellitus306

The Patient With Hepatitis A312

The Patient Who Has a Thyroidectomy314

A Class on Menstruation and Menopause319

Individual Items321

Test 6323

The Patient Who Has a Hysterectomy323

A Class on Breast Care327

The Patient Who Has a Mastectomy329

The Patient Who Has a Prostatectomy333

Patients With Venereal Diseases339

The Patient With a Head Iniury341

Test 7341

The Patient Who Has a Cerebrovascular Accident(Stroke)348

The Patient Who Has Seizure Attacks352

The Patignt With Migraine Beadaches355

Individual Items356

Test 8357

The Patient With Multiple Sclerosis357

The Patient With Hodgkin’s Disease360

The Patient With Pernicious Anemia362

The Patient With Parkinson’s Disease365

Patients With Pulmonary Tuberculosis367

Patients Cared for in an Emergency Room369

Test 9373

The Patient Who Has a Lobectomy373

The Patient With Pulmonary Emphysema380

The Patient Who Receives Hypthermia Therapy386

Patients With Pain388

Test 10390

The Patient With Pneumonia390

The Patient With Rheumatoid Arthritis and Glaucoma395

The Patient Who Has a Laminectomy399

Individual Items403

Test 11406

The Patient With Fractured Hip406

The Patient With Burns411

Preventing and Correcting Electrolyte Imbalances418

Postreview Comprehensive Tests423

Postreview Comprehensive Test 1424

Postreview Comprehensive Test 2441

Postreview Comprehensive Test 3458
